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  • Angelo

    16/11/2019 at 16:45

    I’m sorry Jung but I do know nothing about e-guitars. Though I found that:

    The Beatles : Rock Band (kind of guitar Hero game)

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/11/2019 at 18:46

    An update to my craft show visit of guitar like vendors Sightings… The one vendor was handmade wooden 3-4string dulcimers while the other one was handmade wooden mandolin type  instrument.

  • Angelo

    16/11/2019 at 20:17

    “A nice rectangular portable compact size that has no knobs or frets… You fingerpick he told me…”

    A dulcimer, yes I’ve learned a new word. checked on youtube. Remind me this one:gaffophone

    French readers will understand…

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/11/2019 at 20:36

    OK… Found photo/visual references to what I saw at craft show yesterday, first up being the classical Traveler Guitar that my vendor friend’s hubby was playing while wearing earphones, (my friend does the selling aspect… Lol… He takes over when she goes for washroom/food break. They sell also outside in Byward Market here during Summer months.

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/11/2019 at 20:38

    Now… For the one vendor I saw of guitar /

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/11/2019 at 20:39

    And lastly from craft show, this

  • Angelo

    17/11/2019 at 08:24

    All wright Jacki, now I get it. You said: ” I thought that was cool and interesting….” Your quite wright about traveler guitars. It’s useful.

    For me, this is the real thing for traveler guitar.

    “Revolutionary Steinberger Design

    There was nothing like Ned Steinberger’s guitars and basses when they were first introduced in 1979. Today, with their lightweight and headless design, Steinberger guitars are still bold, modern instruments that offer players both a smooth tonal response and rock solid intonation at any position on the neck while giving soloists a more pronounced single note attack not available from typical guitar designs.”

    I had one of those always on my  side for 15 years when traveling around Europe. Mine was all black as the original but here is a picture with the Black and white color especially for Mona.


  • Jacki Hopper

    18/11/2019 at 00:33

    Hi Angelo… Glad you now understood what I was trying to post with photos to help make what I was trying to say what I saw at the craft show more clearer to be better understood… I’m a visual learner, myself.

    To add  to this reply, I know another friend who uses his Traveler Electric Guitar quite a bit… I’ll find a photo of what he has and share it here so you can see what I’m referring to.


    This is sort of what my friend has in this style of Traveler Guitar… I don’t know the exact model style but it is similar to the one in this photo

  • Jung Roe

    18/11/2019 at 04:35

    Jacki, Angelo.  Here is a little more info on that Jammy digital guitar, and just general info on what these latest digital guitars can do.   Sounds like a pretty useful music tool for tuning and composing on the go.


  • Angelo

    18/11/2019 at 11:02

    Indeed it is a mix of the Line 6 Variax (modeling guitar) and the Steinberger (traveler guitar). Interesting. Not my kind of thing but for composers on the move, why not. If McCartney had not had a guitar on hand after waking up and having rehearsed “Yesterday”, we might not have been able to enjoy his beautiful song. It seems, in John Lennon’s opinion in 1971, that it’s the only thing McCartney really did. “The only thing you did; Yesterday” How Do You Sleep? (John Lennon song) Einstein said something like, “you always have to have a notebook at your fingertips, because the day you get an idea, you must not forget it because you do not have many ideas in the life”. In this vein, yes the Jammy can be an option.
    Well, I’m kidding!

  • Jung Roe

    18/11/2019 at 19:52

    Einstein said something like, “you always have to have a notebook at your fingertips, because the day you get an idea, you must not forget it because you do not have many ideas in the life”.

    I like that.  I carry a small notebook on me all the time too, but unfortunately the ideas I get are quite menial and plebeian in comparison, LOL.  But I guess when that inspiration comes, it’s good to be prepared.

  • Jacki Hopper

    18/11/2019 at 23:23

    I carry a small notebook… Lol… But I more often than not try to jot down poetry spur moments on my phone on a notebook app or scraps of paper floating about in my purse /knapsack…. But have on many occasions, unfortunately lost many a great poems due to… Lack of having nothing with me to write on (back in the pre smartphone/cell phone days)…. Library computer time limit ran out just as I was about to save…., etc…. I don’t always think to save my poems, as I’m focused on getting them written out while the poems still fresh in my mind…. Lol… But now I do carry a wee notebook?

  • Angelo

    05/01/2020 at 09:38

    The “Holy Grail” for me, the two Matons finally together.


  • Howard

    05/01/2020 at 13:07

    Really nice to see those two Matons of yours together Angelo.

  • Angelo

    05/01/2020 at 15:12

    Thanks to MLTS I discovered these Australian guitars of the Maton brand and because of this I discovered Tommy Emmanuel and I now have work for the next 20 years …

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