• Blonde vs Red-Head!

    Posted by Howard on 17/08/2019 at 08:28

    “blonde one, red-haired one”. Which one are you?

    “Dying one’s hair blonde or red was very popular among ancient Roman women, which clearly suggests that it was considered exotic and “different”, and also that it didn’t exist naturally in most women (and, consequently, most men, too).

    Some of those blonde or ginger women in Roman frescoes probably had dyed hair, but it’s certain that a minority of Romans were naturally blonde or red-haired, because we have several ancient records stressing those features in Romans of that era. There were also Roman names that basically meant blonde one, red-haired one. However, there is a view that the very fact that those names and specific mentions of blondness red-hairedness exist point to the probability that those traits were not too frequent among the ancient Romans.”

    Michael Rife replied 5 years ago 5 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    17/08/2019 at 20:00

    I’m an ebony haired one Howard, but I think Mona and Lisa both look fantastic with their respective hair colors.  Perhaps in the Roman days there was the lure of rarity with blond and red colored hair that made it exotic and different.  I remember in my younger days, I use to perm my hair for many years for a wave, and I did it because I just liked the way it looked on me.  I suspect young people today dye their hair for similar reasons like just liking how it makes them look, and also maybe a form of self expression of independence and freedom from the status quo.  Just my 2 cents on that.

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/08/2019 at 22:04

    Lol… Reminds of the times in my 20s/30s when I once had purple ish highlights done (bad experience – never again), as well as having temporary hair colours varying from dark auburn Purpley to plum purple to mahogany…. I was allergic/sensitive to the products… So in my 40s I began to become Grey in areas and now 50 and continue… To colour/highlight option down the line, up in the air.

    Am also allergic to many organic/natural ingredients so using natural plant based stuff not an option, or stuff with nut oil extract, sunflower oil, etc. I can’t even use any Ivory/Dove products as I get allergic reaction… So perhaps I’ll age my hair as it is… Au nature… Greying style… Lol

    To colour is a personal preference for whatever reasons, For some it looks great while for others… Not… To each one’s own but Mona does the blonde fab as Lisa does her fire red-orange too

  • David Herrick

    18/08/2019 at 04:15

    I know Mona and Lisa don’t watch much TV, but given that my daughter is the same age, I can’t help but wonder whether their choices of hair color were influenced by The Powerpuff Girls.


  • Howard

    18/08/2019 at 07:48

    I think you might be onto something here David. I had never heard of “The Powerpuff Girls” until you mentioned them and it all seems to match now. I did a quick google search and could just imagine Mona and Lisa watching this show as 5/6/7 year olds and being inspired by them.

    Does this mean we can call Mona “Bubbles” and Lisa “Blossom”?

    For those of you who like me were not aware of these girls, following is a brief synopsis of who they are.

    “The Powerpuff Girls Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup were created by Professor Utonium in an attempt to create the “perfect little girl” using a mixture of “sugar, spice, and everything nice”. However, he accidentally spilled a mysterious substance called “Chemical X” into the mixture, creating three girls and granting all three superpowers including flight, super strength, superhuman speed, near invulnerability, x-ray vision, superhuman senses, red heat vision, energy projection, invisibility, and control over lightning and fire. In the original pilot, the accidental substance was a can of “Whoopass”, which was replaced by “Chemical X” in the aired version.

    The show centres on Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three kindergarten-aged girls with superpowers. The girls all live in the fictional city of Townsville, USA with their father and creator, a scientist named Professor Utonium, and are frequently called upon by the city’s mayor to help fight nearby criminals and other enemies using their powers.

    Episodes often contain hidden references to older pop culture (especially noticeable in the episode “Meet the Beat Alls”,  which is a homage to the Beatles). The cartoon always tries to keep different ideas within each episode with some small tributes and parodies thrown in.”

    The Powerpuff Girls: Bubbles (left), Blossom (middle), and Buttercup (right)


    Blossom is the self-proclaimed leader of the Powerpuff Girls. Her personality ingredient is “everything nice” and she as long orange hair with a red bow. She is often seen as the most level-headed, and composed member of the group and also strong and determined.

    Bubbles is the “softest and sweetest” of the three. Her personality ingredient is “sugar”, and she has blonde hair. Bubbles is seen as kind and very sweet but she is also capable of extreme rage and can fight monsters just as well as her sisters can. Her best friend is a stuffed octopus doll she calls “Octi”, and she also loves animals.

    • David Herrick

      18/08/2019 at 14:45

      Yes, Howard, that’s how I see it.  It leaves us with the question of who their Buttercup is, though.  By default I suppose it would have to be Michaela, but Buttercup is a feisty tomboy with a short fuse, so it may not be a good temperamental match.

      By the way, a few years ago I discovered the city of Townsville on a map of Australia, and I immediately notified my daughter.  I imagine if they established a modest Powerpuff Girls museum there, it would be an effective tourist trap for young Americans.


  • Howard

    18/08/2019 at 16:51

    We think alike David. I too had Michaela in mind for “Buttercup” until I realised her personality wouldn’t suit.

    As for Townsville, it is a city in the north of my state. I was sent there to work for a month in January 1971, in the height of the cyclone season, which hits this tropical region of my state every year.

    Sure enough, we were hit by a cyclone during my time there and the rain depression that followed caused a flood that reached up to the entrance to the hotel I was staying at.

    I live in Brisbane, my state Capitol which is near our southern border.

    • David Herrick

      18/08/2019 at 17:50

      Well, I suppose MLT will just have to get by on “sugar and everything nice”, and leave the spice to The Spice Girls.

      I have yet to travel abroad, but I’ve been fascinated with Australia since I was in high school.  It’s always seemed to me like a parallel-universe version of the United States, with some of the key details changed.  I even read a book on Australian history a couple of years ago, largely to be able to appreciate the lyrics of Bruce Woodley’s song “I Am Australian”.

      One of the most interesting things to me is that the timing of the British colonization was connected to the American revolutionary war:  once the U.S. had gained their independence, England needed to find a new place to exile their prisoners.


  • Howard

    18/08/2019 at 18:30

    There’s bit of a secret history behind the establishment of a penal colony in Australia, which I have referred to in another Topic. All to do with the search for a source of hemp for the British Navy. Hemp was considered to be the “oil” of the 18th century as it was required for the making of rope for sailing ships.

    As the English didn’t want their main enemy of the time (France), know what they were really doing in the southern Pacific, the penal colony was a cover.

    Do you realise Mona and Lisa spent six months in Adelaide, South Australia, on a student exchange in 2009?

    • David Herrick

      18/08/2019 at 19:10

      Interesting!  I hadn’t read about that, but if it had been in the book, it wouldn’t properly be termed “secret” history.  Glad to be in on the secret now.

      I did hear about MLT’s time in Adelaide.  Coincidentally, based on what I’ve read about the various Australian cities, Adelaide would be my first choice if I could only visit one.  If I had tons of money, I’d ride the Ghan from there to Darwin so that I could experience all the different biomes.


  • Howard

    20/08/2019 at 17:15

    Yes, David, it was a “secret” history for most of us until revealed in a book around twenty years ago. The book was based on the work of an acquaintance of mine who had researched the subject for his thesis.

    As for the twins, I think your suggestion is quite plausible. I have found some more evidence to support your theory. The following photo was taken when Mona and Lisa were around 10/11 years old. They addressed the colour of their hair in another Topic: Mona – “It all started off quite innocently when we went to the hairdresser one afternoon after school and were allowed to get a coloured streak in our hair.” “On a whim, I went with blond and Lisa chose orange.”

    I have a feeling this “whim” may have had some inspiration behind it.


    • David Herrick

      20/08/2019 at 19:30

      Yes, I remember reading that thread, and that story from Mona is where I first got the idea.

      So were the British successful in their quest for hemp?


  • Howard

    20/08/2019 at 21:55

    Not in Australia, but rather India.

  • Michael Rife

    31/08/2019 at 14:43

    My own hair color is much lighter than when I wore a younger man’s clothes (to paraphrase a song).  I have very dark brown hair when I was the twin’s age…..now it is gray or white in some places….also not as much of it.  Oh well.

    In terms of blond vs. red.  I tend to look at past relationships and had a contentious one with red and was never really in relationships much with blond.  Mostly brunettes……probably TMI here.  So, I would have to say neither blond or red.  Mike.

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