• Blues Harp

    Posted by Angelo on 01/12/2019 at 22:22

    Hello Mona,
    It’s been a long time now since we heard you play the harmonica. It was nice though. Which model of Hohner did you use then? The simple “blues harp”, the classic “marine band” or the “marine band deluxe”?

    Thank you and regards.



    Angelo replied 4 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    01/12/2019 at 22:23

    Hi Angelo!

    I usually use regular Hohner “Blues Harp MS”s for most common keys, I think it’s also what I used for the Starman recording. There are a couple of Marine Bands and Pro Harps in my collection but the regular ones with the wooden core sound perfect in my opinion so I tend to stick to those.

    I have been playing a bit more on them recently and have been messing around with new sounds, so I’m thinking about playing one in an upcoming Duo Session early next year. 🙂

    Have a groovy evening,

  • Jacki Hopper

    02/12/2019 at 02:21

    Good Q Angelo and woohoo Mona, hope you do… I’d enjoy seeing you play more harmonica too, a few years ago I bought a cheap basic harmonica to have to dabble on…. Not the greatest I am but I like harmonicas…. I’ll keep plugging at it… Lol

  • Jung Roe

    02/12/2019 at 02:43

    Love your awesome harmonica playing Mona, like in Best Years of Our Lives, Won’t You Listen now,  Please Please Me…etc.  Would love to see your collection there some time.  🙂

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 05:50

    That’s great news Mona! I do look forward to your Duo Sessions and it is really nice to know little surprises like this are in the pipeline. It must be hard playing the blues harp and getting that gorgeous smile of yours to shine through at the same time.

  • Angelo

    02/12/2019 at 17:35

    If anyone remembers other song titles in which Mona plays the harmonica, do not hesitate, please make a list.

  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 18:26

    Mona plays the harmonica on a BBC Manchester show with Becky Want.

    On Donovan’s “Catch The Wind”, very briefly from around the 2.24 minute mark.


  • Stephen Krogh

    02/12/2019 at 18:31

    I would love to see/hear you play more harp Mona! How about for one of your Duo Sessions coming up for the Advent calendar? When I was a kid I would sneak into my Dad’s room and try to play his Hohner Chromonica. As I grew older I bought one for myself. After Dad passed away many years ago I grabbed his. Here is a pic.Chromonica 1


  • Howard

    02/12/2019 at 18:38

    You can expect one early in the new year Stephen, as per Mona’s previous advice:
    “I have been playing a bit more on them recently and have been messing around with new sounds, so I’m thinking about playing one in an upcoming Duo Session early next year. ?”

    That must be a nice piece you have there. Do you still play it?

  • Stephen Krogh

    02/12/2019 at 18:51

    Hi Howard. No, this is my Dad’s old Hohner. It still plays great even though I know he had it many years before I was born in 1951. And yes, I do pick it up every now and then but only when I get inspired – like when listening to Mona & Lisa! By the way, I really enjoy all your incredible contributions to this site. Thanks, please keep it up! and wish you a wonderful Christmas time.

    Chromonica 2

  • Jacki Hopper

    02/12/2019 at 19:19

    I have a video of me trying to play along with MLT….I’m no consumate musician by no means, , or claim to be, but damn it all… I gave it my all, I tried…. Lol

  • Darryl Boyd

    03/12/2019 at 00:29

    It’s a pity you don’t drink Jacki.

    As the old saying goes, “the more you drink, the better you sound” 🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/12/2019 at 01:43

    Lol… Darryl…. I think it is best that I don’t… Probably be worse off than I’d be sober…. Just not into drinking anything alcoholic, my choice.

  • Angelo

    03/12/2019 at 11:08

    Thanks Howard, that’s exactly what I needed. I think it’s the easiest piece to play on the harmonica and nice song to. I’ll make it my next song to work on.  Any other Mona’s harp song reference?

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