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  • Bohemian Rhapsody movie

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 04/11/2018 at 20:35

    Just came back from the Bohemian Rhapsody movie. Hope this won’t be seen as an intrusion from the usual Twins, Beatles, 60’s posts but since Queen is obviously a legendary band- bigger in Europe than in the US- I thought it would be okay.

    I thought the movie was fantastic and I thought the lead role was incredible! Although the movie got many things wrong, especially in terms of timing, I thought it captured the spirit of Freddie Mercury better than anything I could have imagined.

    Queen’s music sounded fresh and authentic and although I don’t especially love any of Queen’s album’s- their best singles rival anybody’s. They may have been one of the last bands to successfully fight for artistic freedom. I think in a few important ways the MonaLisa Twins are playing to the same sense of we’ll do things the way of our artistic vision and won’t allow ourselves to be controlled by anybody.

    Best rock film I’ve ever seen or ever expect to see!

    Howard replied 5 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Howard

    05/11/2018 at 00:31

    Hi Tim. Are you picking another fight! I for one don’t think this is the appropriate site for movie reviews, unless it is for when MLT produce their ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ and hope it doesn’t end up being a plea for ‘Help’.

    I haven’t been to the movies for ages, partly owing to much bigger and better TV screens and the plethora of streaming services like ‘Netflix’, ‘Stan’ and others, and more coming on board all the time. Much easier to stay at home and watch movies in the comfort of your own home.

    The reviews for ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ have been quite good, especially for the lead role as you indicate, although one did suggest that Freddie’s overbite was slightly over accentuated. I agree with what you have written here and will endeavour to make an effort to go and see it.

    As I said, not really the place for a movie review but I think you just get away with it with this one. Nicely done Tim!

  • Timothy Connelly

    05/11/2018 at 01:41

    Hey Howard,

    I thought the post was fine. I just asked for clarification on this from the MLT team. You should go over to Support and Suggestions and look at my post. and make sure I framed the question properly and fairly. I’ll abide by their decision either way…

    One thing I want to mention is I don’t know what you’re talking about in saying that I’m picking a fight. I think intelligent, open people can disagree in a friendly, respectful manner and I’ve never written anything here contrary to that. I find complete agreement a little boring- I enjoy the spice of discussion and debate.

    I loved the Halloween beheading. It could easily offend somebody or at the least, make somebody uncomfortable. But it was thoughtful, incredibly well executed and spicy in the same way another band placed butchered baby’s on the Yesterday and Today album.

  • Howard

    05/11/2018 at 12:07

    I did see ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ today. Epic movie with an Oscar winning performance from the lead actor in my humble opinion. A brilliant show at the end to finish a sad story on a positive note. Freddy was more than just a singing, songwriting musician, he was a true performer. Like Mona and Lisa, he had a real passion for his music.

    And to really make my day, I got home to find that my MLT order had finally arrived. By the way, I wasn’t really serious about you picking a fight!

  • Timothy Connelly

    07/11/2018 at 02:05

    Of course I can’t wait for an entire 30 minute, 60 minute or better yet, 2 hour MLT TV or movie project. I honestly believe if they ever get a lot of exposure this little community will turn into Time Square on New Year’s Day.

  • Howard

    07/11/2018 at 04:16

    I must say I agree with all the comments here and have in fact seen all the movies mentioned. ‘Across the Universe’ was in particular a real revelation for me the first time I saw it as it brought back such fond memories as well as introducing a whole new generation to the Beatles’ music.

    I also made a point of going back and purchasing all MLTs CDs, even though I probably won’t listen to them very much as it is easier and more convenient to listen to their music via my iPhone/iPad and through a Bluetooth connection. I believe they are essential items in any MLT aficianado’s record library. I even have the vinyl version which will probably only come out at MLT parties and other special occasions. I believe this record, kept in good condition, will one day be a collector’s item!

    I have Tim to thank for encouraging me to get out to the movies for a change to see ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, a movie I fully intended to catch up with, but like so many before, it would have probably finished its run before I got around to it!

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