• Both Earbuds Now

    Posted by Johnnypee Parker on 02/07/2020 at 04:56

    These recordings sound so clean.  My earbuds are falling in love with Both Sides Now…pun? left, right?  both sides? Two earbuds?

    Too much dad-splaining?

    Mona’s harmonica, sorry, blues harp floats through this like a warm breeze.  It fades in so smoothly, followed by those beautiful harmonies, prompting my latest sixty-four dollar question ..Mona? Lisa?

    A classic performance by classic artists like this really takes my breath away.  Your harmonies are so sweet.  I am still working on distinguishing which one of you is singing in a few spots, but that’s just a perfect excuse to listen One More Time.

    Now I have purposely put off listening to this one in my car.  I have a one hour easy commute to work, That means complete control of the Stereo for about two hours a day.  Orange has been a big part of my commute lately.  Thank you, for that.

    I tried to wait for the sessions CD to come in the mail, like back in the day.  Nerd alert.  Remember when the weekend FM radio show would premiere a new release and we would attempt to make a quality cassette recording of it?  Hiss?  We got Dolby.  Holy TDK Batman.  Now we have these high quality recordings that live in a cloud?

    Then Jung reminded me about the jukebox and I was off to the races.  But I am saving Both Sides Now for the CD premiere in the car.  My fortress of solitude, at least for an hour.

    Anyway, in the car I am prone to sing along at the top of my lungs, as if no one is watching, wait, no that’s dancing,…as if no one is listening.  Ya, so maybe somebody saw me once or twice.  Embarrassed, but I figure that gave them something to write home about.

    So picture this guy driving down the highway in a Honda Civic, windows wide open, singing along with MLT, tears pouring down my face like a blubbering man-child.  If I get pulled over, I will explain to the police officer how clouds got in my way.  Then just simply pair his earbuds to my phone and they will be the one crying.   Imagine

    This CD is awesome!

    Life is groovy


    Johnnypee Parker replied 4 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    02/07/2020 at 16:51

    Guilty of doing so in low on a bus…lol…head bopping, toe tapping…except I use headphones, you know old school stuff as them darned earbuds are annoying and deemed useless for my wee ears as they don’t fit properly, even a kid sized version of earbuds, not my cup of tea either, nope, I’m an old school Headphone Gal? through and through….yes, I’m Anti- Earbuds and proud of it…lol

  • Jung Roe

    02/07/2020 at 19:21

    JP, yeah I had the album playing in the car the other day through the bluetooth in my phone, and it was the greatest feeling!  Both Sides Now is so touching mainly because of Lisa’s incredible singing, I always loved Joni Mitchell’s vocals on that song, but Lisa eclipses Joni!  Good placement of this song with “Imagine” right after it, flows perfectly, two sublime tracks together.

    The image of you singing MLT while driving along with the windows rolled down sounds absolutely “groovy”!

    And as the Beatles would say, the CD is “super” awesome!

  • Johnnypee Parker

    02/07/2020 at 23:55


    Pumpkin has noticed a new arrival.  I think she wants me to open it, so she can play with the box.  The anticipation is killing me, I hope it lasts.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    03/07/2020 at 01:19

    Who wants to go for a ride?


  • Jung Roe

    03/07/2020 at 07:02

    thumbup That’s awesome JP!  There is nothing as wonderful as finding MLT merch waiting for you.  Looks like adorable Pumpkin’s knows it’s something good inside.

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/07/2020 at 15:25

    Good pix there JP, and now you’re really MLTBuzzLuvGrooving…am happy for you, Pumpkin approved too, he/she has MEOWvelous and PURRfect music taste???‍♀️?‍????

  • Howard

    05/07/2020 at 14:46

    Well done JP. My copy has still to arrive, but that hasn’t stopped me listening via the jukebox and Bluetooth when riding my motor bike or push bike. My cat will also be excited with anticipation at what’s in my latest parcel when it arrives. The last one contained surprises for him. This one is for me!

  • Jung Roe

    05/07/2020 at 17:36

    JP, just to add to what you said about Mona’s harmonica, it harmonizes so wonderfully in the background with the guitar.  Gives an awesome effect and adds to the beauty of the song.  The harmonica provides a 3rd voice in the song.  Its these kinds of creative arrangements that make MLT covers standout so much and how they make it all their own.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    07/07/2020 at 01:46

    So today was a workday.  Both Sides Now on both legs of my commute, wait, that’s a little bit of a stretch.  I did listen to Imagine and Count On Me, and…Traffic and Weather.

    That harmonica just fades in and out so seamlessly it snuck up on me a couple of  times and whispered,”Big boys don’t cry, big boys don’t cry”  Nice one, Mona.

    Those angel like harmonies have the same affect on me.  They have such a gentle approach,”To say I love you right out loud.”  That’s the line that really gets me.  Yes, the lyrics to this are very emotional, but the melody itself has a very powerful affect on me.  This is definitely one of those songs.

    The mix on this piece is right on, and did I mention those beautiful voices?

    The Wagner Family has so much to be proud of, with this one near the top of the list.  The whole CD came out very well.  The song list flows along like gentle ride.  No flowing tears, but I did miss two turns on the way home.  Clouds got in my way.

    Ok, I’ll try to stop gushing over this, but did I mention how beautiful Lisa and Mona’s voices are?




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