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  • Brand new axe just home

    Posted by Daryl Jones on 28/01/2023 at 06:32

    It’s NGD (new guitar day)! Just brought home my new Seagull S6 Coastline e-acoustic. For those of you not familiar with Seagull guitars, they are made in Canada out of home grown wood harvested mostly in Quebec. Seagull is a part if the Godin family and are amazing instruments. I pretty much swear by these guitars (acoustic anyway), they are for me, as good or better than a comparably priced Gibson or Taylor.

    The setup right from the factory is spot on, nothing required and ready for anything with little break-in other than just getting the feel of a new machine the first time. Action and fret relief is very light and they play smooth as butter. Compared to my Yamaha FGX that it replaces, it’s bright but the lows are deep and full with pit being boomy. I haven’t plugged it in yet but the electronics are the same as my S12 Concert so I expect a very pleasant boost in the output. My S12 is spectacular through the acoustic channel on my Katana 50.

    Any of you guitar buffs, if you ever get the chance, drop by your local guitar store and take one of these Canadian masterpieces for a spin. You’ll be glad you did. This is my 3rd Seagull and I’m sorry I ever drifted away from them. It won’t happen again.

    Daryl Jones replied 1 year, 7 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    28/01/2023 at 11:27

    Hi Daryl!

    Congrats on your new Seagull S6! That sounds great these are made right here in Canada. We have a few big music instrument stores here in Vancouver, Tom Lee being one of the big ones, and I love checking out the instruments, guitars, ukelele’s, pianos etc… There is something so beautiful, graceful and elegant about music instruments I love. I remember when I started my piano lessons on a Casio electronic keyboard, and then one day I saved up and finally pulled the trigger on a beautiful shiny black acoustic upright Baldwin piano. I loved everything about it, the beautiful keys, and often had the panels off just to admire all the wood work, the sound board, pedals, hammers etc… My piano playing certainly took off after I got that. I can certainly feel the passion you are feeling for your new guitar. I have an awesome MLT guitar strap that is in need of a guitar one day, maybe should go look at a Canadian Seagull! 😉

    Here is some beautiful acoustic guitar playing on a Seagull.

    • Daryl Jones

      28/01/2023 at 14:40

      That is the exact (although newer) model that I foolishly gave to my nephew 15 (?) years ago. Still kicking myself for letting it go. Satin semi-gloss finish on a cedar top and has great resonance and sustain for a mid entry level acoustic guitar. I’ve played Art & Lutherie, Larivee, and actual
      Godins (all the same family) and I actually like the Seagulls best. Sort of like my PRS electrics, they “fit” me perfectly.
      Any of the Taylor acoustics and Gibsons I’ve tried don’t feel the same unless I’m into the $2500-$3000 and higher (Cnd) range and I can’t justify that. And there are plenty of Godin products that reach too far into the more stratospheric price range for my tastes.
      I have played some Strats, and they are nice, but they don’t feel comfortable like my two PRS machines do. And even the Mexican models are far pricier than I like. The American Strats are just far too much for a non-gigging noodler like myself. I love the sound of Les Pauls, but they are heavy and I don’t like the necks and the headstock angles on them.
      I also love the sound of the ES335 and many of the Gretsch hollowbody style guitars, but again, just too big an heavy for my liking. I give Lisa all the credit in the world for wrangling that Gretsch she plays! Of course I can only surmise (never have and likely never will get to stand beside her) that being a lady she’s far smaller than I. And I’m not a huge guy but I’m no lightweight, small dude either. But they are just too much/big machine for me. But y’know, never say never…Don’t even get me started on full tube amplifiers, pedals, loopers, recording/mixing consoles…

      I’ll never stop “gassing” for another guitar, but I’m pretty well set up now for instruments. Well, then again, there is a new model PRS (SE DGT) that would really be the bee’s knees…🤔

  • Daryl Jones

    30/01/2023 at 16:34

    New guitar is settled in and fits well with the family. Had a short session with a buddy yesterday afternoon and it sounded pretty good with the two of us jamming a bit. Something about fresh glue and wood aromas that stirs the juices some.

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/01/2023 at 23:52

    Cool Daryl… Congrats…Whereabouts was Guitar made at ?!

    Here’s a picture of me from a few yrs back, trying to play a banjo which I borrowed from the public library music instrument program that certain branches offer here in my neck of woods….The one branch that offers is close by to me ……

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
  • Daryl Jones

    31/01/2023 at 20:37

    Jacki, Seagull guitars are made in Quebec, mostly hand crafted from Canadian grown and harvested woods. Hardware is all Godin, and the electronics are Godin spec supplied by Fishman. Simon & Patrick, Larivee, Art & Lutherie as we as the actual Godin Brand guitars themselves are all part of the same family. This is my 3rd Seagull in the last 20 years. Banjo intrigues me, but finger picking isn’t my Forte at all…I need to work harder at that. I find my technique (lack?) Just doesn’t bring out the necessary tonal voicing required to sound good. The Twins could certainly take me to school on that…

    • Christopher

      01/02/2023 at 00:34

      I have a Minstrel 12-string, which was purchased in 1990. I believe that Minstrel is part of the Segull family, at least at the time. Hand-made in Quebec as well, it has a really nice sound. Have to get it out!

    • Daryl Jones

      01/02/2023 at 04:45

      The only other brand I can think of in the Godin group is Norman. But I have never even seen one.

      Your Minstrel was part of the Godin/Seagull line, made on the Seagull factory. I do believe they are no longer produced though.

    • Jacki Hopper

      01/02/2023 at 03:14

      Thanks for your feedback on origins of where Guitar was made/manufactured from…. as for banjo… I couldn’t play it if ya paid me.. I was just fooling around on UT…pretending to pick style ….lol… I just can’t play any stringed family of instruments …I’m better off with fooling around on percussion stuff, like tambourine, dabble on harmonica, piano, triangle, Singing is more my kind of successful thing I can somewhat master ….lol …but I enjoy Air -Guitaring/Drumming/Piano/Harmonica because I do better at pretending than the real deal … 🤘🏻🙃

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
    • Daryl Jones

      01/02/2023 at 04:54

      Jacki, never “fret” the small stuff (pun intended). It’s all in what works for you. There are very few professional or adept musicians in this world in comparison to the amount of wannabes. I count myself in the category of “professional wannabe”.

      I play golf too, but don’t consider what I do on the course as actually golfing. It’s more an exercise in temperance to see if my martial arts training has taken me to a level of zen enlightenment. Given my Celtic heritage I have more studying to do in that regard…

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