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  • Howard

    24/07/2020 at 08:25

    Another good find there David. I remember “Bubblegum” music well. I was in High School at the time and remember 1968 in particular being a big year for “Bubblegum” music. Now here’s a thought. What particular Bubblegum song would be a suitable option for the MLT?





  • Jung Roe

    25/07/2020 at 05:13

    I saw some kids eating blue bubblegum ice cream, so out of curiosity I had to try it.  I liked it and has become my second favorite ice cream flavor lately after toffee/caramel and just straight vanilla bean.

    I guess if you are a band, and your hit singles have titles like “Sugar Sugar”, “Yummy Yummy Yummy”, “Chewy Chewy”, “Goody Goody Gum Drops”, “Jelly Jungle”, you deserve to be labeled a bubblegum band!  🙂  Seeing the Banana Splits elevated to belonging in a sub genre is nice to see.  Some of the groups being mentioned here like the Partridge Family, Brady Kids, Hardy Boys, Archies, Josie and the Pussy Cats etc brings me back to my very early teens when I got into following Teen Beat and Tiger Beat magazines for a while.  Shaun Cassidy and Leif Garret were all the music rave.  My favorite was Kristy McNichol and Jimmy McNichol who had an album out too, although short lived, I bought their 45.   Tatum O Neil and Brook Shields were the big female teen heart throbs.  Bubblegum was sweet indeed.

  • David Herrick

    25/07/2020 at 06:00

    Many of my earliest musical memories come from the Saturday morning kids’ shows of the early 70’s, when bubblegum had pretty much run its course among mainstream listeners and was repurposed for the only audience that had never heard it.  I was happy to see a plug in this video for the Bugaloos, whom I adored when I was six years old.  Had the lunchbox (seen at 13:21) and everything.

    At some point when I was getting into 60’s music in the 80’s, the Mamas & Papas’ sound rekindled my memory of the Bugaloos, and that’s when I realized that I was a child of the 60’s after all.  My hippiedom had just been dormant for about 15 years.


  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 06:46

    Ah, Banana Splits…I did mention of these folks on another thread or reply  elsewheres on here… Yes, Bugs Bunny & Road Runner show, Merrie Melodies,  Our Gang/Little Rascals….yep, childhood Saturday mornings and Sunday nights was eating supper in living room as a family, with our tv  dinner tables set up, watching Bugs Bunny, then onto Wonderful World of Walt Disney… I did watch, Sesame Street, Flinstones, Jetsons, Friendly Giant, Mr Dressup, and some other stuff, oh yes…Wait Til Your Father Gets home cartoon….etc

    I also watched The Monkees, Partridge Family, On The Buses, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, Waltons, Jeffersons, Good Times…and etc. The 80s had some good stuff too…. I liked watching 60s reruns of Beverly Hill Billies, Green Acres, Gilligans Island, Leave it to Beaver, Gidget, Addams Family, Munsters…etc…yes, I’m a TV junkie….lol?

  • David Herrick

    25/07/2020 at 07:00

    Jacki, you’re the first person I’ve ever encountered who remembers Wait Till Your Father Gets Home!  The first time I saw Family Guy, it seemed to me to be artistically ripped off from WTYFGH.


  • Jung Roe

    25/07/2020 at 07:26

    Jacki, David, after hearing this again after some 50 years, I have to say the Banana Splits tune was quite catchy actually.  Tra La la la, one banana, two banana, 3 banana 4…..


  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 14:02

    Hey David, I didn’t  really think of that point , but now that I have, I’m going to agree, Family Guy is a cheapened rip off of WTYFGH…I always loved WTYFGH from the getgo…lol…what else do we seem to share in TV likes/dislikes…lol…I find this interesting, intriguing, tad funny….. TV Twins….lol???

  • David Herrick

    25/07/2020 at 17:40

    Jacki, I suspect we watched a lot of the same shows, although I’m not familiar with a few that you mentioned.  (Canadian only, perhaps?)  Of course, before cable we had no choice but to watch the same shows!

    I viewed all the new American sitcoms that I could during prime time in the 70’s.  And the programming in the late afternoons was mostly reruns of sitcoms from the 60’s, so I got to enjoy those too.

    I don’t know if this was universal at the time, but where I lived it was very rare to see anything on TV that dated from the black-and-white era.  I can think of several sitcoms that went to color in the middle of their run (Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, Gilligan’s Island), and I never saw any of the B/W episodes until many years later.  Maybe it was because color TV had only been around for a few years, so black-and-white shows seemed very behind the times.


  • David Herrick

    25/07/2020 at 17:50

    Jung, if I had been a couple of years older, I would have been right there by you in spirit watching the Banana Splits.  Very groovy song, and that show kicked off a long run of Krofft Brothers productions that I just ate up.

    This is probably the rockingest Saturday morning theme song from my memory vault:

    Hey, I just thought of something:  a red-haired guitar player and a blonde drummer.  Hmmm…


  • Thomas Randall

    25/07/2020 at 19:54

    60’s and 70’s TV were my favorites! Still are! I had so many crushes growing up as a kid, Caroline Ellis “Joy” from the Bugaloos, Dawn Wells from Gilligan’s Island, Ellie May from the Beverly Hillbillies, Barbara Eden, Mary Tyler Moore, the list goes on and on! LOL! Great comedy back then and great crime dramas like the Rockford Files, Mannix, etc. variety shows too!  I miss those days of TV.

  • David Herrick

    25/07/2020 at 20:15

    I know what you’re talking about, Thomas.  I was a little too young to interpret my “Joy” reaction as a crush, but I thought that if my mom broke down and I had to get a new one, she would certainly be my first choice.

    I posted this once before, but since we’re so Joyful at the moment…


  • Jung Roe

    25/07/2020 at 21:06

    [postquote quote=98917][/postquote]
    Thomas, oh I loved Rockford Files.  Living in a trailer on the beach next to a Taco stand would be the dream life I thought back then.  It’s still quite appealing.  I recall a telephone answering machine back in those days was pretty high tech.  There were some great TV shows I enjoyed from the 60s and 70s.

  • Jung Roe

    25/07/2020 at 22:14

    David, I’ve never seen the Bugaloos before.  It looks like they did some great music.  I can see why you liked them a lot.  On I remember my little sister really got into was the Mickey Mouse Club with Annette Funicello.  For a few years when she was about 5 or so Mickey Mouse Club was played a lot in the house.  When we went down to California and visited Disneyland my parents bought my sister the official Mickey Mouse ears.  Those ears and my sister were inseparable.

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 22:35

    Yep, Rockford Files, Streets of San Fransico, Kojak, Hawaii Five-O,Mid Squad, Maude, All in the Family,  3s Company, Good Times, Jeffersons, Welcome Back Kotter, Taxi, Barney Miller, …I could go on and on…..I guess I long for Quality tv shows of yesteryear …lol

    As for Disco music, I only liked it mostly for dancing , as I enjoy getting up to boogie and groove,  especially at family weddings,  where Wee Jax would be one of the first ones up on dance floor, mind you good Rock n roll classics worked just as well…if I liked the song, sound, my feet were off the ground…

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/07/2020 at 22:37

    And Cass Elliot released a solo album called BubbleGum & Lemonade or something along that line, (can’t quite think exact title off hand)

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