• busking

    Posted by Michael Thompson on 29/03/2021 at 22:16

    After looking at your recent gigs and busking post I was curious if you remember what songs you did while busking and how was it received? I know it was a long time ago so if you don’t remember it’s ok.

    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    29/03/2021 at 22:17

    Mmmh … let me think. We definitely tended to play more upbeat, louder and more well known songs. “Punchy” tunes by the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel and contemporary stuff always worked best. Well-known songs with lots of harmonies always caught people’s attention.
    Especially when we were playing without amplification (in most cases) intricate finger-picking stuff or quiet ballads pretty much got lost in the noise of the street. Some examples: Mrs. Robinson (Simon & Garfunkel), Help (Beatles), I’m Yours (Jason Mraz), These Boots Are Made For Walking (Nancy Sinatra), …

    Busking is a great way of learning what’s effective and what makes songs stand out. In our experience, it is less ideal for working on subtle techniques and complicated details, at least not on busy roads.

    Those experiences have taught us a lot plus it was a fun way of earning some extra pocket money 😉

  • Michael Thompson

    30/03/2021 at 14:11

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply. You ladies always give such clear and concise answers. very impressive.

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    31/03/2021 at 03:43

    I tip my hat to you, Michael! That was a great question!

  • Jung Roe

    01/04/2021 at 05:38

    Great question Michael. Would have loved to see a busking performance of one of those songs like “I’m Yours” Jason Mraz.

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