• Posted by Tim Johnston on 01/08/2023 at 16:57

    I am always excited when I get to flip to a new month on my MLT calendar. I did not cheat when I got it and look ahead, so each month it is a brand new photo to me!

    I hope they continue the series and offer a new one in 2024.

    I like the spiral wound feature on this years, it works really well.

    Phil Whitley replied 1 year, 1 month ago 6 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Phil Whitley

    01/08/2023 at 17:08

    Where can I get a calendar? I looked everywhere I could think of on the MLT Club site for one.

    • Jacki Hopper

      04/08/2023 at 03:47

      Hi Phil…Usually around November , they have calendars to pre-order in merchandise /shop…They sell out fast …. hope that helps with your Calendar inquiry

    • Phil Whitley

      04/08/2023 at 17:03

      Thanks for letting me know!

  • Tim Johnston

    01/08/2023 at 18:20

    I’m not sure they might have sold out by now.

  • Tim Arnold

    01/08/2023 at 20:27

    Hi Tim, I think I did cheat and look at the pictures when I first got the calendar but with my memory I forget things I did 5 minutes ago. The strange thing about the calendar is it starts with Monday as the first day of the week which is strange for me. Do the rest of the U.S. members think this is strange or confusing? I didn’t know Euro calendars were that way. It took me a while to get used to it.

    • Jacki Hopper

      04/08/2023 at 03:50

      It’s the European way of dates, calendar setup, I think… while in North America ( Canada/USA ) it’s different, and perhaps elsewhere in the world its different again ….

  • Tim Johnston

    01/08/2023 at 21:23

    I have a memory like that too nowadays.

    I took me awhile to figure out the day/date thing too. Since I am retired, I never know what the date is. I would sit down to pay bills or make appointments using the calendar and always be wrong! Finally I realized it started on Mondays. It doesn’t take much to confuse me anymore. Thank God there is always a beautiful smile or two at he top of the page.

  • David Herrick

    02/08/2023 at 04:15

    I can’t mentally process the Monday-to-Sunday week either, especially when all my other calendars are Sunday-to-Saturday, so I display the MLT calendar just for the pretty pictures. I thought about snipping off the Sunday column for each month and taping it to the other side, but that would turn the next month’s photo into a Picasso painting.

    Do you think it would be out of line to suggest that future calendars be printed in both formats?

  • Tim Johnston

    02/08/2023 at 18:24

    I think this is how it is done in Europe.

    I’m just happy they put out a calendar, I can live with it as is.

  • Jürgen

    02/08/2023 at 20:32

    Hi all together,

    are your (US) calendars always from sunday to saturday? That’s funny, I didn’t know that. That would really bother me. No, no, a good calendar always starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. This is the course of the week. I totally agree with Mona and Lisa 😃

    But seriously, do you know why that is different?

    • David Herrick

      02/08/2023 at 20:45

      Juergen, I’ve been in the U.S. all my life, and until joining this club I never saw or even heard of a calendar whose week didn’t begin with Sunday. I can also cite several American songs that name all the days of the week, and they all start with Sunday. So yes, I’d say it’s a universal practice in the U.S.

      I do recall, when learning the days of the week in French class in high school, that the teacher (a European native) always started with Monday, but I figured that was just a quirk of hers.

      Oddly enough, this topic actually came up on the discussion boards a couple of years ago. I looked up the history, and if I recall correctly the difference stems from a religious disagreement hundreds of years ago about whether the Sabbath should be considered the first day or the last day of the week.

    • Jürgen

      02/08/2023 at 21:35

      Hello David,

      thank you for your quick response. That wasn’t a quirk from your French teacher. We all do that here. In the meantime I looked it up (open questions make me very antsy). Due to the difference of opinion between the individual religious communities that you described, the UN agreed in 1978 that the week begins on Monday. There’s even a separate standard for this: The ISO-8601 standard defines Monday as the first day of the week, well… . On the other hand: Some calendars are so beautiful to look at that you forget the time when you look at it. Who needs Mondays or Sundays then? 😀

    • David Herrick

      02/08/2023 at 21:50

      Well, okay, but now the U.N. has taken on the responsibility for re-writing the Happy Days theme song:


    • Jürgen

      02/08/2023 at 22:07

      I will forward it, David. But I’m not really convinced yet:


    • David Herrick

      02/08/2023 at 22:55

      Well played, Juergen! But if this proxy war is to be fought via children’s educational shows circa 1970, behold the compelling certitude of Mr. Rogers:


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