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  • Cause I'll have MLT on my mind

    Posted by Jung Roe on 05/06/2023 at 05:47

    Uggh! Another new week, Monday morning. I’m so glad though, because I have MLT on my mind!

    Do the five day grind once more

    I know of nothin’ else that bugs me

    More than workin’ for the rich man

    Hey! I’ll change that scene one day

    Today I might be mad, tomorrow I’ll be glad

    ‘Cause I’ll have MLT on my mind

    Jung Roe replied 1 year, 3 months ago 7 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Tim Arnold

    05/06/2023 at 23:49

    Jung, I always have MLT on my mind now, or on the PC or on the car stereo, Lol. Friday On My Mind is a great tune and fitting for The Twins considering their connection with Australia. I always liked the song since I first heard it years ago but never knew much about The Easybeats until YouTube came around. George Young and Harry Vanda were the co-founders, songwriters and guitar players for the band. George Young was the older brother of Angus and Malcolm Young who formed AC/DC in the 70’s. George and Harry produced AC/DC’s early albums and George played bass for them on occasion. Here’s a clip of George and Harry with a post Easybeats venture called Flash and the Pan “Hey, St. Peter”. I know you’re an AC/DC fan so you may recognize George’s outfit in this video.

    • Jung Roe

      06/06/2023 at 15:23

      Thanks Tim for sharing that video. I can really see the “cut from the same cloth” feel seeing George Young compared to his two younger siblings. I never knew the family link to AC/DC existed in the Easy Beats until MLT mentioned it when they posted their Cavern Club video of Friday on my Mind. There is that lead in guitar sound in Friday on my Mind that has an uncanny resemblance to Angus Young’s guitar part in Thunderstruck. It’s interesting in an interview Angus talked about how Chuck Berry was one of his guitar influences. The Beach Boys always mentioned Chuck Berry too as a great influence, and yet AC/DC and the Beach Boys are so miles apart in style. I like all of AC/DC music, by my preference is their early Bon Scott days stuff like TNT, It’s A Long Way To the Top, Ride On…. Their early days guitar sounds are so unique and irresistible.

    • Tim Arnold

      06/06/2023 at 17:14

      Jung, I too like the Bon Scott era of AC/DC. Hard to believe that Bon died before John Lennon. By the time I really got into AC/DC Bon was already gone. I like Brian Johnson too but it’s almost like two different bands. One thing that really impresses me about The Twins is how much they know about these older bands, and not just their music. When I watch the Friday On My Mind video and see Lisa doing the head bob like Easybeats singer Stevie Wright, I can only smile. This girl has done her homework and is paying tribute to Stevie. I think MLT maybe is somewhere in between The Beach Boys and AC/DC.

    • David Herrick

      06/06/2023 at 20:55

      Lisa also did the “Melanie sway” in Look What They’ve Done to My Song.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    06/06/2023 at 01:26

    That’s great, Tim. These old pre-MTV clips are great. So going forward, we have a new chicken and egg argument. Who was the school boy first George or Angus?

    We survived another Monday,


    • Tim Arnold

      06/06/2023 at 17:26

      Hi JP, when I first seen that video I did a double take. This was made in 77 and I believe AC/DC started around 73. It was probably just a joke or tribute but who knows. George looks a lot like Angus and they all had a sense of humor.

  • Fred van der Wees

    07/06/2023 at 13:11

    It seems I also have the MonaLisa Twins a lot on my mind and I am also talking a lot about them. The result is that I had “Mona Lisa” socks for my birthday (the Leonardo Mona Lisa).

    • Jung Roe

      07/06/2023 at 15:02

      Hi Fred

      It’s great, having MonaLisa Twins on your mind and feeling their music in your heart and soul will color your world every time. Those Mona Lisa socks sounds cool, I want one too. 👍😊

      I recall Mona and Lisa received a pair for their birthday too, or was it Christmas.

      The next time I find myself in San Francisco I will try to find that Mona Lisa Bar they showed in the San Francisco video and have a pint.

  • Tim Johnston

    13/06/2023 at 17:26

    Jung, since I retired, I spend one to two hours a day visiting and revisiting MLT videos . Usually in the morning.

    Then Friday comes….it’s like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one.

    And Timmy is a happy boy!

    • Jung Roe

      17/06/2023 at 09:15

      Hi Tim

      That sounds awesome indulging in MLT every morning.

      Tomorrow I will be on the high seas heading up to Alaska again, and I plan to spend some quality hours with my headphones and blissing out to MLT music while watching the waves roll by. Back in 2017 when I first discovered MLT, I was on the very same cruise and couldn’t stop listening to their 2017 Concert Album, love every song they did, and that’s when I first discovered ALONE, wow!!!! It was a little later I learned it was their own original. I just assumed everything I was hearing was a cover of great songs, but one of those gems were their own creation, better than most of the original rock classics on the album.

      Will be offline for a while, no WiFi, but that’s alright, I have MLT music loaded on my phone, all 11 albums!

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 16:53

    I never knew about the relationship of George, Angus and Malcom. Whizzed right over my head. But I never knew until a short while ago that Malcom passed 5 years ago either. Another “whoosh”.
    Yes there are some obvious similarities when you look closely at the playing styles. I still firmly believe that Malcom was the better guitarist though. Back when AC/DC first became popular, I wouldn’t have crossed the street to see them. Now there’s talk of a resurgence/reunion(?) and even without Malcom, I think I’d go check it out if the chance presented itself. Since I now longer play piano and took up the guitar some years back, my horizons have broadened. I really enjoy more styles and genres of music than I ever did before.

    • Jung Roe

      17/06/2023 at 09:19

      Hi Daryl

      Over the years, I’ve kept my friends on their toes with my changing music taste, from Beach Boys to AC/DC to Beethoven. Yeah, I find AC/DC guitar sounds so unique when I really got into them in my early 20s. When I hear AC/DC in the background now, I zone out. Their music certainly helped express a lot of crazy emotions for me growing up. Glad they were there.

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