• Chester, today

    Posted by Keith Bennett on 09/12/2023 at 14:39

    Today, I brought a coachload of teachers to Chester, on one of my final private hire trips as a coach driver before I start my new job in January. While the sun was shining, I decided to go for a walk and see if I could find some of the locations for the ‘Any Other Day’ video. I found three. So here I am, sitting over a toastie and a latte in the Roodee Cafe (how appropriate), using their wifi to post this… I didn’t sit down at the pigeon feeding spot; it was still wet from the rain and the pigeons had been rather busy on the hallowed stone… And it seems that certain triple flute locations are universally seen as romantic.<div>



    Keith Bennett replied 9 months, 2 weeks ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Dave Johnston

    09/12/2023 at 18:08

    Such a great song and the video location was perfect. Hope to visit those sites next Spring or Fall. Thx for the post.

    • Keith Bennett

      10/12/2023 at 08:37

      The three I found are all within a couple of hundred yards, near the cathedral. A walk along the city walls should find them for you. The pigeon-feeding area’s against the wall, across from the cathedral, the ‘Any other you’ walk towards the camera was away from there with the cathedral to the right. Keep going and you’ll reach the ornate Eastgate with the clock tower, overlooking ‘Three-Flute Corner’…

  • Roger Penn

    09/12/2023 at 19:14

    One day people will look back on some of these places the way they do now at hallowed Beatles sites. People will be making pilgrimages to sit on a bench and take selfies (if those still exist) where Mona and Lisa sat.

  • Jung Roe

    10/12/2023 at 01:21

    Great photos Keith of places now made famous for me by Any Other Day. Chester sounds like a really beautiful place.

    • Keith Bennett

      10/12/2023 at 08:27

      It certainly is. I think my coachload of teachers were more interested in the shopping, but its mixture of Roman, Medieval and Victorian architecture makes it a fascinating place to wander around. Even the modern buildings sort of fit in. And now, of course, we have certain video to make parts of the town even more special.

  • Tim Arnold

    10/12/2023 at 02:18

    Nice pictures Keith, made iconic by the Any Other Day video. Beautiful place to have a wedding, all they are missing is a flute player.

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