• Christmas Program

    Posted by Will Beard on 12/09/2023 at 00:25

    In December my band has been invited to play at a community centers Christmas event, along with a school group and a community choir. I anticipate they will do some traditional songs and we will do some pop songs focusing on family (Lean On Me), home (Sweet Home Allabama), and I am hoping to have the band learn “All I Want Christmas To Be” by our favorite twin sisters.

    Chris Weber replied 1 year ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Dave Johnston

    12/09/2023 at 01:04

    Hope you can perform it. It’s a great song and the video of the kids growing up is priceless. One of my favorites of their originals.

    • Will Beard

      12/09/2023 at 01:46

      We will do our best, may have to adjust to our vocals and such, our youngest member is 60. But the message in the song is so well stated by the Ladies,, have to share it

  • Phil Whitley

    12/09/2023 at 01:11

    Looking at your profile, it’s a shame you aren’t in Alabama with me. We have basically the same taste in music and I know most of the songs you mentioned for your show. I would love to play guitar🎸 in a band again. I thought I would take a challenge and learn a Dire Straits (Mark Knopfler) song “Sultans of Swing”. I find it fun to play.🎸
    Hope you have a great concert🎹 at the Christmas event!🎶👍

    • Will Beard

      12/09/2023 at 01:43

      I am glad my comment struck a chord so to speak. Yes we are some distance apart but can still exchange ideas here. How and why I formed my band – – The Inclusion Jam Project – – lung cancer surgery Feb 2013, Christmas shopping with wife in November I mentioned some friends were telling me to bite the bullet and learn keyboard so Christmas Day 2013 I had my first music lesson. In 2016 I was invited to join a veterans jam group. 2017 talking to a young lady I realized there was no way for minors (teens etc) to jam with grown ups legally so I formed the Project, we play only all ages venues for free, bring extra instruments for walk-ons. You dont have to be on level as the Twins to share and enjoy. I find music from the 60’2 is still drawing crowds. and so what if there is a sour note or 2, like Willie says in “On The Road Again” – — the life I love is making music with my friends. go for it

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/09/2023 at 02:00

    Awesome ….. go for it…I hope it will be a crowd pleaser… Kudos on doing this 🤘🏻✌️😊

  • Chris Weber

    12/09/2023 at 20:00

    I like it. Spread the love.

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