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  • Christmas, Shipping, and other stuff

    Posted by Roger Penn on 22/09/2021 at 09:21

    Hi all!

    I started digging around on the site for answers and all I did was create more questions!

    First of all, I wanted to search the forums for the answer instead of posting what I’m sure has been beaten to death before, but even though the forum guidelines ask us to search first, I can find no way of searching the forums. Am I blind, stupid, or what am I missing?

    So…on to the real reason for the post. I know it’s still early, but Christmas approaches… I don’t want to ship stuff too early, but the post is open right now, and the way COVID has been going, there are no guarantees it wont’ be shut down again in a month, so I’m thinking I should do it now while I still can, yes? Thoughts? (If any team MLT sees this: is it inconvenient to get stuff too early and have to store it somewhere until Christmas and then remember that you got it?)

    Also, for those that shipped stuff last year with COVID in full swing, did you experience any issues? Didi it take longer than usual? For anyone that has shipped from the USA, how long does it typically take to get there? I know stuff they send to me usually arrives in about 2 weeks, but that doesn’t guarantee reciprocal results.

    Thanks in advance to anyone that can help. I know it’s too early to start thinking about Christmas already, but better safe than sorry!

    Roger Penn replied 2 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • David Herrick

    22/09/2021 at 16:40

    Hi, Roger.

    In the upper right corner of the forum page there’s a box labelled “search forums” where you can enter key words and look for matches.

    • Roger Penn

      22/09/2021 at 17:14

      Well, I figured out the problem. That search box wasn’t there for me. Because somehow I got logged into instead of the production server, and it’s not there on that one! Meanwhile you all are thinking I must be blind. LOL! Now I’m logged in correctly, the search box is right there where it should be.

    • Roger Penn

      28/09/2021 at 01:36

      Thank you Jung! I was starting to think maybe everyone had sent everything last year by bike courier! Yikes. It sounds like I’d better just go ahead and ship it now and keep my fingers crossed! And if I buy anything else, I’ll order it from and have it shipped directly to them!

  • Jung Roe

    27/09/2021 at 23:56

    Hi Roger. I don’t know if you found your answer or not.

    But here was my experience with the post during Christmas last year.

    I sent a parcel to MLT from Canada in late November 2020, and it did not arrive in the UK until early February missing Christmas, taking over 2 months. Air mail between Canada and the UK shut down most of December due to Covid. In the other direction, an MLT calendar sent in early January from the UK to Canada took about a month, so it varied quite widely during the Covid mail delays. I guess it’s anyone’s guess what it will be like this Christmas, hopefully it won’t be as bad. I’d plan for 6 weeks to stay on the safe side. Hope that helps. As the FEMA directors always say, hope for the best, and plan for the worst.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    28/09/2021 at 14:57

    Hi Roger,

    We saw your question here. First off, a big thank you for wanting to send us something for Christmas! We consider ourselves very lucky ducks!

    Knowing how long some parcels have taken during the height of last year’s holiday chaos, you’re definitely safer off sending it sooner than later. We don’t mind holding on to the parcel for a bit but maybe leave a little note like “don’t open till Christmas” on the outside of the package so we don’t accidentally have a sneak peek 😉

    And we’re sorry that you somehow ended up on a test page, it’s something that shouldn’t have happened. We have a few test pages to fix bugs, test out new features etc. so we can only imagine the confusion of suddenly ending up in a slightly different version of our homepage where half the functions are disabled. We are looking into it right now to make sure this won’t happen again!

    Thanks again and have a groovy day.

    • Roger Penn

      28/09/2021 at 17:08

      Thanks Lisa! I’ll go ahead and get stuff going and make sure it’s obviously Christmas-wrapped! I know your Dad’s looking into some of the web site issues as well, and a quick crawl of the site links will tell if there’s anything amiss, but before anyone goes too crazy, I often use my browser’s auto-complete, and I suspect that it may have just filled in a very old URL and I didn’t notice.

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/09/2021 at 16:31

    Hi Roger, like Jung, I live in Canada but at the opposite end towards the East Coast ( in the province of Ontario), and because of the Covid situation, I too experienced delays from both directions regarding parcels, etc. …that is sending outside Canada and stuff coming from UK, etc.

    A Canada Post outlet worker had told me at the time that all International Parcels being sent outside or coming to Canada were held in ” quarantine” for so many number of days before they were /are released to be delivered.

    • Roger Penn

      28/09/2021 at 17:12

      Thanks Jacki! Good to know. I seem to remember that the UK actually stopped all international deliveries for a time last year, and I sure hope that doesn’t happen again! Like I mentioned, there’s always the option of buying online from a local retailer in the UK and having it shipped domestically 😀 You’d just have to make sure to let MLT know it’s coming and from where and whom or it might wind up being a mystery gift that gets opened in November. lol

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