MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Close To You – A really wonderful ballad

  • Close To You – A really wonderful ballad

    Posted by Jung Roe on 31/12/2018 at 07:54

    Close To You if I recall is one written by Lisa quite a while ago, possibly from a real life experience, I don’t know, but is one of their sweetest songs, perhaps eclipsed by their other awesome ballads on Orange, “Still A Friend of Mine”, and “Count on Me”, but nevertheless awesome in it’s own right, and one I can’t stop listening to.  The guitar lead in and playing through-out are just beautiful and and I love the wonderful singing and lyrics that tell a beautiful love story so many I think can relate to growing up.  It’s a beautifully innocent love song.

    What do you think of this little gem?

  • 6 Replies
  • Howard

    01/01/2019 at 02:25

    Well I think you’ve covered it pretty well Jung.
    Along with the beautiful guitar lead in, the dulcet tones of the bass sets the mood for this lovely, dreamy ballad about love found and perhaps lost. Almost bitter/sweet, but with a maturity and understanding that ‘nothing ever lasts forever’!

    This beautiful, easy listening number is an example of the maturing song writing ability of the Twins. So many great songs on one album must have placed enormous pressure on the MLT while writing their new album. The anticipation of their many fans is probably cumulative from their first album and we now expect something brilliant with each release. Will the next release be their ‘Sergeant Peppers’ moment?

  • Michael Rife

    17/01/2019 at 01:03

    Yep, Close to You is one of my favorites of theirs, too…..along with Still A Friend and Count on Me, In It For Love, Sweet Loraine.  I think I’m pretty much listing all the songs on Orange… Mike.

  • Howard

    17/01/2019 at 02:50

    I think you have pretty well covered all my favourite originals there Mike. I’d have to include ‘Wide, Wide Land’ and ‘Won’t You Listen Now’ from their first album though. And then there is ‘June’ and ‘I Don’t Know Birds’ too, of course!

    • Michael Rife

      17/01/2019 at 07:47

      Hi Howard;

      I was pretty much sticking with the songs on Orange…..but if I include the first one, then I agree with your choices and a few more.  There are not many songs I don’t like on either LP. Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/01/2019 at 04:26

    A gem indeed… I love it and in agreement with you all of your commentaries on this song????????????????❤️

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    18/01/2019 at 15:13
    • I love all of their songs, but this one is special. It takes me back to Highschool. ☺

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