• Clothes To You

    Posted by David Herrick on 09/08/2019 at 14:00

    “Clothes To You”

    (a song parody, to the tune of “Close To You”)


    Did you know I was going to give a collection of clothes to you?

    The condition’s okay, but the pattern’s no longer in style.

    Here’s the pile,

    ‘Cause you don’t go out often enough that you need to look fly.

    You’d look better in this sweater.  I won’t lie.


    I’ve been dieting, losing some weight, so I’m bringing more clothes to you.

    They’re so baggy, I had to go shopping to get a new size.


    I’m not saying that you have been eating more poorly than I.

    It’s a matter of who’s fatter.  I won’t lie.


    Tell me, why does this make you scream so at my closet,

    When I never brought up a single thing to cause it?

    It’s a fact:  you could use every item I’ve packed.


    Now I’ll briefly be lending another big bundle of clothes to you.

    They have stains from tomato sauce, curry, and blueberry pie.

    Though I try,

    I just can’t get them out, and I thought you’d know what to apply.

    I hate cleaning; it’s demeaning.  I won’t lie.


    Tell me, why does this make you scream so at my closet,

    When I never brought up a single thing to cause it?

    It’s a fact:  you could use every item I’ve packed.


    As the time’s getting later, your fury grows greater,

    So maybe it’s time to give up.

    But I don’t understand why you won’t let me hand

    A completely befitting selection of clothes to you.


    Tell me, why does this make you scream so at my closet,

    When I never brought up a single thing to cause it?

    It’s a fact:  you could use every item I’ve packed.

    You could also use lessons in tact.


    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    09/08/2019 at 14:14

    Too Frikkin funny… I think is my fave of all your MLT parodies you’ve created up to this one… You had me laughing while reading-singing it… Please keep them coming, I wish I could come up with something equal to that…. I enjoyed quite… Thankyou!

    • David Herrick

      09/08/2019 at 23:10

      Thanks, Jacki.  I’m really looking forward to their next album, partly because it’s getting hard to come up with rhyming titles to use as seeds of inspiration.  A few weeks ago I tried to write “I Want A Tissue”, but it got really gross, so I wiped my nose with it, wadded it up, and threw it out.


  • Howard

    09/08/2019 at 15:10

    Wow! “Weird Al” Yankovic is back!

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/08/2019 at 23:43

    Though it’s not a parody but rather poetically, a salute to David for his awesome MLT Parodies:

    ” When One Conjures Up True”

    Tis not easy or do

    To take a song

    Create a funny view

    But yet David has

    Not since Weird Al can I recall

    Someone to maintain that gift

    At all

    Very comedic

    And giving one’s bladder a workout  clear

    It’s  trying to make it to the loo on time

    I fear

    The lines you create

    From the songs you choose to pick

    How it all comes along

    It does click

    Thankyou David and keep on

    You’ve got a talent that is strong

    Not always easy or to do

    But you’re one of a rare few

    When One Conjures Up True…

    ©JackiHopper2019 ~

    • David Herrick

      10/08/2019 at 02:20

      I’m very flattered, Jacki!  It’s so impressive that you can seemingly effortlessly write all these poems.

      I think of writing a parody as being similar to changing the color scheme on a paint-by-the-numbers activity:  more analytic than creative.  But if you give me a blank canvas, my mind will be equally blank.

      Between your poems and your artwork, you always display a great ability to generate something fascinating from scratch.


  • Howard

    10/08/2019 at 09:29

    Yes, awesome Jacki. Don’t know where these come from. Your head must be full of wonderful thoughts and poetry. Very inspiring.

    And David, very funny. As I read your ‘alternate’ lyrics I can’t help thinking, now why didn’t I think of that. My mind must be quite dull and needs the awakening it gets in this club!

    • David Herrick

      10/08/2019 at 13:40

      Well, Howard, you have acquired an enviable degree of expertise about the history of music and the people involved, so your mind is anything but dull.

      I think it’s great that we’re all learning about each other and what we can each contribute to create a resource of information and entertainment to supplement the joy we get from the music of MLT.


  • Howard

    10/08/2019 at 15:14

    Thanks for that David. I think it is the MonaLisa Twins’ wonderful, positive vision that inspires us all with their sheer joy of, and passion for music (and the Beatles in particular), plus their own unique creations, art, and videos. They have managed to bring us all together here in this best of all clubs to share our own experiences and offer our own unique contributions.

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/08/2019 at 21:23

    I Groovy concur on all of what both David and Howard have stated… Indeed Creativity Forwards, whatever your gift may be…

  • Jung Roe

    10/08/2019 at 23:19

    Wow, I concur with everything said here by David, Jacki and Howard.  Just love everyone’s creativity, knowledge and passion here!

    Listened to your parody David with MLTs Close To You in the background, and it just came alive even more!

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