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  • Club 27 – Peter William Ham

    Posted by Howard on 17/10/2018 at 17:29

    Hi Mona and Lisa

    Just love your ‘Club 27’ from the Orange album. Not sure if you are aware of another famous and tragic member of Club 27. Pete Ham was the lead vocalist, songwriter and guitarist of the group ‘Badfinger’. Tragically, he committed suicide in 1975 at the age of 27 by hanging himself. This was a direct result of corrupt and fraudulent management that left him financially broke and depressed after his band left Apple in 1973 and signed with an American manager who ripped them off.

    Badfinger had four consecutive worldwide hits from 1970 to 1972: “Come and Get It” (written and produced by Paul McCartney, 1970), “No Matter What” (1970), “Day After Day” (produced by George Harrison, 1971), and “Baby Blue” (produced by Todd Rundgren, 1972). Their song “Without You” (1970) has been recorded many times, including a US number-one hit for Harry Nilsson, and decades later, a UK number-one for Mariah Carey.

    After the break up of the Beatles, their fans were devastated and Badfinger were soon presented as the new Beatles. I believe their hit ‘Baby Blue’ (written by Pete Ham) is tailor made for you with its two part harmonies and Beatlesque guitar riff. If you haven’t already heard them, I strongly recommend you check them out. This would be perfect as a studio cover with Mona on the drums and I also think your live band could do an awesome version.

    By the way, Badfinger were the first band signed to the Beatles’ then new Apple records.



    Timothy Connelly replied 5 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    17/10/2018 at 17:37

    I remember this song away back when…never knew who sang it…did not either of this  tragic end for Pete…

  • Rudolf Wagner

    18/10/2018 at 01:42

    Love some of Badfinger’s music! We first became aware of them when watching the movie “The Magic Christian” (with John Cleese, Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr). During the “Money scene” we heard this song “Come and Get It” and thought it sounded an awful lot like a Beatles song! Only later did we find out that Paul McCartney actually wrote it! 🙂

    If we ever gave one of their songs a go, I’d probably pick something off their Debut Album but thanks for introducing me to “Baby Blue”. Great harmonies, like on so many of their tracks!
    Pete Ham – such a tragic loss, thanks for reminding us of his story

  • Howard

    18/10/2018 at 17:47

    By the way, there’s a sad footnote to their story. Tom Evans, their bass player, vocalist and song writer, also committed suicide in 1983. He never got over the loss of fellow band member and song writing collaborator, Pete Ham.

  • Michael Rife

    18/10/2018 at 23:25


    Badfinger figured prominently in my musical journey in the 1970s.  I was in a garage band during the late 1960s to early 1970s.  I played the drums.  We covered BadFinger…especially Day After Day and No Matter What.  Our lead guitarist was having a hard time figuring the lead slide to the song.  I had a guitar at home and was playing it for no particular reason and figured out the slide part.  I showed it to him the next day.  Then we covered it a few times at places.  For No Matter What our lead singer was having a hard time “finding” his voice for it.  I told him to sing it just like the Beatles would (What could be easier??  j/k).  Then during practice I showed him.  Then they moved me from drums to rhythm guitar because I could not sing over the drums well.  And from that time on I have mainly played rhythm guitar and sang a little.  I still go back and play drums just for fun.  But, it was heartbreaking what they did to BadFinger.  I believe they could have been even bigger had they continued.  Also, it is funny how things happen during practice or just goofing off with a guitar can change things.  Mike.

  • Steve

    19/10/2018 at 02:16

    Unfortunately there is another member of Club 27.  Alan “Blind Owl” Wilson co-founder and leader of Canned Heat.  It’s amazing how many artists never made it past 27.  One of my favorite Badfinger songs was actually the flip side of No Matter What, I think, and that was Carry on til Tomorrow.  That’s a great song in my opinion.

  • Saba Arif

    19/10/2018 at 19:28

    Badfinger’s story is one of the most devastating and heartbreaking ones in rock history. It’s so tragic how bad management destroyed what could have been one of the greatest bands of the 70s. They had so many great songs. Day After Day, Baby Blue, No Matter What, Without You, Name of the Game, Maybe Tomorrow! All so memorable!

  • Timothy Connelly

    19/10/2018 at 19:46

    Just thought I’d mention that Tom Evans, who co-wrote Without You with Pete Ham, also committed suicide. They also played acoustic guitar beside George at the Concert for Bangla Desh. As you’ve all said, beyond sad.

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