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  • Covers that the Twins do better than the original

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 15/10/2018 at 03:14

    I wanted to ask everybody to name 3 covers that the Twins do better than the original:
    The Last Time has never been a particular favorite of mine by the Stones. I love the Twins version. This Boy was never a favorite of mine by the Beatles. I love the Twins version. I love God Only Knows by the Beach Boys. The Twins version is one of my 5 favorite songs of all time by anybody. And while I’ve always enjoyed I’ll Follow the Sun, I prefer the Twins version to the Beatles version. I especially love the slower tempo. I would include California Dreamin’ and San Francisco but I’m getting close to my limit of 3 songs. And yes, Der Kommissar and World Without Love- have I reached 3 yet? (:

    Steve replied 5 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    15/10/2018 at 03:23

    San Francisco
    God Only Knows (this from a former Beach Boys fanatic)
    While My Guitar Gently Weeps
    Friday on my mind
    …and the list would go on and on.

    • Daniel Smith

      18/10/2018 at 20:45

      I like their versions of Friday on My Mind and Bus Stop better than the originals, but all of their covers are good.

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/10/2018 at 03:43

    While most of the MLT covers …I do agree sound better than originals….some for me….well in my opinion…EQUAL the originals….” California Dreamin” being one ….” While My Guitar….etc ” and a few others….Again …this reflects only MY OPINION but for others….to each their own….It’s about personal preferences….so in essence.. Yes …MLT COVERS both EQUAL/FARE BETTER their ORIGINAL counterparts????☮️

  • Howard

    15/10/2018 at 03:47

    Well done again Tim. I do share some of your picks like ‘I’ll Follow the Sun’, ‘Californian Dreamin’ and ‘San Francisco’ and although I was never particularly a fan of the Eagles’ ‘Hotel California’, I certainly love the Twins version. Unlike you though, the Stones ‘The Last Time’ is a favourite of mine and I find it difficult to go past their version. However, I do love the Twins cover which I think is the best live version I’ve heard of this anywhere, including by the Stones.

    I’m also a fan of the Hollies and ‘Bus Stop’ has always been my favourite of all their great songs. I never thought it would be bettered but I believe the Twins have done just that and I’m sure Graham Gouldman is also just as pleased with their rendition of this great song. And such a brilliant video to match.

    I’m also similarly conflicted with their covers of the Beatles ‘You’re Going to Lose That Girl’ and ‘If I Fell’ as these have always been two of my favourite early Beatles numbers and I never expected anyone else do them justice. Well Mona and Lisa, I certainly believe you have.

    I must also agree with you regarding ‘Der Kommissar’ and ‘World Without Love’ which is accompanied by a lovely video. I just wish there was a video of ‘Der Kommissar’!

  • Jung Roe

    15/10/2018 at 05:07

    I think “Aufstehn” is another one the young MLT hit out of the ball park with their version. Would love to see a 10 years later all grown up MLT live performance of Aufstehn and their latest original Club 27.

  • Christopher Wendel

    15/10/2018 at 14:09

    My Top 3 choices ( better than orig)
    I’ll Be Back
    God Only Knows
    This Boy

    (After those)
    While My Guitar Gently Weeps
    Friday On My Mind
    Knocking On Heavens Door ( because they’re so cute!)

  • Steve

    19/10/2018 at 01:53

    Hotel California

    California Dreaming

    I’ll Be Back

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