MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Cruising along in MLT style these days – poem

  • Cruising along in MLT style these days – poem

    Posted by Jung Roe on 19/11/2019 at 04:46

    Mustang countryside

    (this isn’t my wheels, I wish…)

    Cruising along in MLT style these days
    Behind the wheel means extra joy these days

    Cause out comes the tunes
    To brighten up the vroom!

    A little Sweet Lorraine
    Or Nothing Is In Vain

    Over the hills and through the wide open country
    Out of those speakers, come such delightful harmony

    And now as the holidays near
    We have MLT “Christmas” cheer

    All I Want Christmas To Be
    Is everything you need to Be…



    Was cruising along “MLT Style” through the wide open countryside today, and came across this quaint little coffee place, called the Little Beetle.  Loved the name. Stopped in, and to my delight they had “Sticky Toffee Pudding” (Lisa’s fave dessert).  That was the little icing on the cake today!

    Little Beetle 1

    Sticky Toffee Pudding Nov 18 2019

    Little Beetle 2

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    19/11/2019 at 04:54

    Nice poetical one Jung… Luv the Purple House  ?

  • Jung Roe

    19/11/2019 at 04:59

    Thanks Jacki. Your creativity inspired me to try another poem.  🙂

  • Angelo

    19/11/2019 at 11:05

    Hi Jung, hi Jacki,
    It’s a beautiful poem that you made us there. You could set it to music and make it a good song. It kind of reminds me of Sheryl Crow’s “Like Steve Mcqueen”. Now I would like to say that I am a true fan of Steve McQueen but in this century of global warming it might be time to stop glorifying the car and the aimless cruising . Do not take it badly, or as a personal attack but on a public forum we have responsibilities. Besides listening to music while driving when a V8 runs under the hood is not ideal for the quality of listening.
    I really prefer this


    • Jacki Hopper

      20/11/2019 at 14:32

      Wow Angelo… That’s a dream setup you have there… MLT surround sight and sound… Groovy MLTBuzzWorthy indeed✌️

  • Howard

    19/11/2019 at 23:55

    I’m with you on this point Angelo. Much prefer cruising on my push bike these days and have plans to upgrade to an electric push bike soon.

    Now that is one awesome set up for viewing the MonaLisa Twins in action. What a sound system! I just returned home from a month away and waiting for me, along with much other mail and my MLT Xmas albums, was my new Bluetooth headphones I’ve been waiting six months for. Awesome controls at the tap of the right earcup for volume, play/pause, previous/next and also answering the phone and last number redial.

    Just perfect for listening to the new MLT Xmas album or their downloads when on the move.

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/11/2019 at 00:38

    I never got my driver’s license… I’d be a nervous wreck, and most importantly… I like to gawk  at things and have get distracted easily and shirt attention span… Lol… So it’s taking the city transit bus or LRT or walking for me unless I get a ride from friends and family… Lol

  • Jung Roe

    20/11/2019 at 03:42

    Thanks Angelo, that’s a nice complement coming from a musician as yourself.  An impressive setup you have there.  You know how to give MLT music the kind of attention it deserves.

    Not to worry, we will all be driving electric vehicles soon enough.  You never heard the sound system in my last Mustang.  I don’t think I can ever (nor do I want to) get that road trip thing out of my system, although my cruising is always with a destination and purpose in mind.  Ford just announced an all electric 2021 Mustang, the Mustang Mach-E, and it’s an SUV!

    The free spirit lives!

    Wild mustang horse 1

  • Angelo

    20/11/2019 at 11:32

    I understand you very well Jung. In fact, a few years ago, I was really close to buying this:


    Although I spend 95% of my time cycling…
    I just wanted to raise the ecological debate for other readers.


  • Angelo

    20/11/2019 at 11:38

    By the way, it’s not my home theater (mine is more modest). It’s just an example of a good way to listen to artists when we do not have the chance to see them live on stage. The little Scottish terrier is also there to hide the notice board of the show room and… to please Mona.

    Mona & scottish-T (2)

  • Angelo

    20/11/2019 at 12:12


    you’re on the wright track from the start ” So it’s taking the city transit bus or LRT or walking for me unless I get a ride from friends and family… Lol” with whise guys like you wewon’t have all the problems we are facing.


    definitly you must purchase  “an electric push e-bike “. I’ve got one and its fantastic. I know your a motor bike rider. I’m to, you kno that but it’s a a completely different pleasure riding an e-bike, here is a list of 10 good reason to buy you one:

    And congratulations on acquiring your headphone. You’re quite right it’s also when you have neighbors to listen to music and with bluetooth, what a luxury. In fact, I discovered this recently. Because if I have indeed, a home theater, I use it to watch Star Wars .. but shame on me, I listened to the MLTs on my lap top (because of youtube) and I did not hear what for example can speak Tomàs (“As a bass player it’s always humbling to see a player nail the subtleties, it’s what I love the most, especially that little flair towards the end of the song. where to complete my collection of goodies MLTs I bought a good helmet (made in Austria bitte!);

    and then, it was as if a myopic put on his glasses. The ears open and we discover a musical universe unsuspected until then.

  • Jung Roe

    21/11/2019 at 09:40

    Hi Angelo.  That would have been quite the stang to get.  It looks like the same green 67 fastback Steve McQueen used in that famous car chase in Bullit.  BTW I respect your ecological concerns and agree we all need to be mindful of protecting our fragile global home.  I thought that was a doll, but upon a closer zoom in, I see it is the most wonderful and adorable Scottish Terrier I’ve ever seen.  What’s his or her name.  That Terrier MLT had in their That’s Life video was so cute too.


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