MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Degree of difficulty

  • Rudolf Wagner

    24/09/2021 at 14:30

    The hardest originals to get right live are probably “I Wanna Kiss You” and “Nothing Is In Vain”, both off our debut album. Especially “I Wanna Kiss You” might come as a surprise but they are both quite tricky to get across on stage.

    As for covers, things like Drive My Car or Day Tripper took a bit longer to practise. Playing a different guitar riff to the melody you’re singing ties your brain into a knot at first, but once the muscle memory takes over it gets easier 🙂

  • Tim Johnston

    24/09/2021 at 16:07

    Even though you make them all look so easy, I believe you Lisa. Peace and love…

  • Jung Roe

    28/09/2021 at 05:15

    Hi Lisa, when you describe some of the intricacies with doing songs that you and Mona knock off on the videos and live performances with such ease, grace and perfection, I envision those beautiful ducks on a calm pond swimming around with such natural grace, but under the water we don’t see the legs moving so furiously to enable the calm, smooth perfection on the surface. Just makes me appreciate the hard work and dedication you and Mona put into your music and art. We all witness an absolutely superb and joyful 3 or 4 minute song or video, but we don’t see all the hard work and practice that happens behind the scenes that goes into making them all so wonderful and perfect. I am so grateful for all the wonderful music, videos, and content you all work so tirelessly to bring us every week. Thank you! ????????

    BTW, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a live performance of your “I Wanna Kiss You” anywhere. That would be great to see if there are any clips anywhere.

  • Bill Isenberg

    29/09/2021 at 16:47

    I Agree Jung great points on how we love the music Mona and Lisa do and the perfection they have. I Also agree they make it look so easy on the video’s and the live album, and I know I brought this up in the past but 4 people on that album, 2 guitars, one bass and one drummer and my goodness it sounds so awesome to me. Oh yea and two wonderful voices.

  • Walter Music

    30/09/2021 at 19:16

    I agree with you all, they give all of us so much when their singing and playing, but with everything else they have to do to get ready for a video or a recording, I don’t see how they do it. Practicing a song takes hours and hours or days with the riffs or Licks that have to be right on in order to put it out and every song has a different lick which can scramble the mind. Mona/Lisa are just so good and I really respect what they do!!

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