MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Did The Seventies Really Happen?


  • Howard

    06/01/2020 at 04:37

    Is it time for another comeback perhaps? I hope not!


  • Jung Roe

    06/01/2020 at 04:43

    Hi Jacki.  Perhaps my statement KC and the Sunshine Band were uncool was insensitive for people as yourself who are big fans, so my apologies to you for that.  I too liked and enjoyed them back then.  They were indeed one of the greats of disco.  What I meant to say and should have expressed more clearly was my observation that the whole disco scene seem to have gone from a cool to an uncool stigma in a relatively short time and should not have cited a particular band.  KC were one of the biggest and best, so that’s why they came to mind I guess.

  • Howard

    08/08/2020 at 15:51

    For all those budding guitar nerds out there, and I know there are many in MLT Clubland!

    Now I’m sure you can do just as well as this dude.

    The 1970s – A Timeline of Guitar Riffs

    • Michael Rife

      08/08/2020 at 22:05

      Hi Howard from the first nerd to respond.  First, I could not touch what he is doing on the guitar.  He is a lot better than I am.  Second, there are two obvious songs missing from his list but I kinda understand why.  Hotel California is missing but that is because Eagles do not allow their music to be recorded by others and posted on YouTube or most anywhere else, as I understand it.  So, I am guessing the guy above left it out because he did not want to face the wrath of Henley.  The second maybe obvious miss is Stairway to Heaven.  But, there were already so many LZ riffs in the video, but to miss their most famous one might be questionable.  I think I have an idea why it was left off.  I am not sure it is like this globally but in many guitar stores in the US, i.e., Guitar Center, if someone comes in and hooks up a guitar to an amp and starts playing Stairway, the staff and other customers yell out, “Stop It!!!”  It’s because most every guitar player knows at least the first few bars of Stairway.  And the people in Guitar Center are sick of hearing it… are the customers.  Not sure that is the real reason but could have been a factor.  Also, in Guitar Stores the staff and other customers tend to yell out to stop someone from playing “Smoke on the Water”.

      Also, concerning the 1970s there were some really strange fads going on then. I really liked all the videos you found from the 1970s….so, thank you for putting them up here.  I tended to avoid the fads back then……..never had a leisure suit, a pet rock, never went to a disco…..always had on blue jeans and a t-shirt in summer and in the winter the shirt would have been a flannel shirt.  Till next time.  Mike.

  • Thomas Randall

    08/08/2020 at 23:18

    ” I tended to avoid the fads back then……..never had a leisure suit, a pet rock, never went to a disco…..always had on blue jeans and a t-shirt in summer and in the winter the shirt would have been a flannel shirt. Till next time. ”

    Hi Mike,

    You sound like me! Good for you! I never followed the fads, trends, etc. I never cared what was “Cool” or “hip”. When the rock clubs all turned to discos that was the end of my nights out unless a major band I liked was playing our civic center or the one rock club that stayed true to itself.

    To this day I have never been in a Starbucks. I’ve never owned an SUV.

    “I am, I’m me” as the song says!



  • Michael Rife

    09/08/2020 at 00:18

    Hi Tom;

    Your style sounds good to me, too.  I just could not see wearing polyester…..also I though AMC did really make cars.  My musical roots were the Beatles (of course), folk/folk-rock, and just a little country-rock.  I could not wear a leisure suit and play music like that.  I have been to Starbucks a couple of times but no more……and I have owned an SUV…SUVs are a little easier to have with kids, snow, and general mountain driving.  Also, it makes it easier for me to load musical gear in there (my guitar(s) and gear bag and my wife’s violin/viola).  Other than that it sounds like we would get along well.  Where are you located??  I live in a suburb of Boston……thus, the need for an SUV.  Mike.


  • Thomas Randall

    09/08/2020 at 00:32

    [postquote quote=99840][/postquote]

    I’m in the Mid-Hudson valley of N.Y., about halfway between NYC and Albany. Poughkeepsie.

    Back in my drumming days (the 70’s to mid 80’s) I could have used an SUV, I stuffed a huge drum set into a green 65 Buick Regal! 22″ bass drum, 8 concert toms, a snare, 18″ floor tom and umpteen cymbals. What a PITA loading and unloading those!

    My roots are of course Beatles and all 60’s and 70’s rock for the most part with some 50’s thrown in on the side. I was a jeans and t-shirt guy as well, nothing ever fancy. I never liked dressing up, I just never felt comfortable. Seeing me in a suit is as rare as hen’s teeth!



  • Michael Rife

    09/08/2020 at 00:40

    Hi Tom;

    It sounds like we are not too terribly far away…..but it sounds like it would be a 3 to 4 hour drive or more, though.  I know what you mean about the drums back then.  In the late ’60s/early ’70s I played drums exclusively.  To transport the drums I had to make it fit in a Chevy Nova…..really cute sometimes.  Mike

  • Bill Isenberg

    09/05/2021 at 00:41

    Sorry to jump in so late here, but yes the 70’s did happen. For me like I mentioned before from 1970 to 73 i feel it was a spill over from the 60’s. i love this era of music in that period 70 to 74. So much good songs from those 4 years is awesome. From Elton John’s Song for you , Gorden Lightfoots If you could read my mind, Carpenters, Helen Readdy, Roberta Flack ( First time ever I saw your face 1972) such a lovely song that I can llisten to everyday. Carly Simon, etc….but 1975 was the push for Disco and those songs got shelved from 70 to 74.

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