MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Do you have a favorite Beatles Album?

  • Timothy Connelly

    25/11/2018 at 05:14


    Just thought I would mention that the Rubber Soul that Brian listened to was very different than the British version you just got. It had 2 songs that were on the British Help! album and it didn’t have Drive My Car, Nowhere Man, If I Needed Someone and What Goes On.
    The North American version by Capital was also mixed differently- the songs had more of a folk-rock feel to them. Instead of Opening with the fast paced Drive My Car it opened with I’ve Just Seen a Face.

    Although I love the British version, I’ll always prefer the US version.

  • Jung Roe

    25/11/2018 at 06:29

    Tim.  That is interesting about the US version.  I guess I will need to look out for that one if there are any around.  Thanks for the insight.

  • Howard

    25/11/2018 at 06:51

    I think you’ve got more bang for your buck with the British version Jung. Fourteen new songs as opposed to only ten with the Capitol release. This follows the fourteen songs on ‘Help’ and the fourteen to come with ‘Revolver’ the following year.

    Did you get the vinyl or CD versions. I think the lead guitar on ‘Norwegian Wood’ you refer to is probably George Harrison’s debut on the sitar.

    I love Rubber Soul but prefer Revolver. Can’t wait for the twins to do a cover of “And Your Bird Can Sing”. I keep repeating this in the hope that one day it will happen!

  • Jung Roe

    25/11/2018 at 09:01

    Howard.  I have the CD versions of these two albums, but have been scouring the thrift and used record stores for an original vinyl of these.

    Heard “And Your Bird Can Sing” and it has great guitar sounds and catchy singing.  An MLT cover of this I’m imagining would be pretty awesome with Lisa’s guitar work all over it.

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