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  • Do you use a bass amp?

    Posted by Darryl Boyd on 23/10/2020 at 15:09

    Hi guys.

    So my band broke up a few months ago, primarily due to a lack of gigs at the moment, so for fun and just for something different I bought myself a short scale bass and a practice amp and have been having immense fun playing bass along to youTube clips.

    Co-incidentally an old band mate called me the other day to ask if I wanted his old bass that has been collecting dust for the last 20 years or so, and now I have 2 basses!!!

    I know you have the Hofner and I think also a Ricky bass, but do you use a bass amp or just go straight into the desk when you practice and record bass?.

    I have tried playing finger style, but I actually like the sound of a pick better. Sounds more like the fat, low end strings on a piano when using a pick I reckon. And luckily it makes the transition from guitar a lot easier!. I can manage with my fingers OK if I stay on the same string, but when it comes to jumping around the strings it gets messy.

    Anyway, take care and stay groovy :). I’m off to rattle the floorboards!

    Darryl Boyd replied 3 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    23/10/2020 at 15:09

    Hi Darryl,

    First off, we’re sorry to hear that your band broke up! I hope that you might play and perform together once playing and performing together will be a thing again 🙂

    But great that you’re keeping yourself busy with the bass. Short scale basses are the best. The Hofner is short scale and they are so nice and easy to just pick up and play. Or rather, pick up, plug in and play! Dad plays through whatever is at hand like his Little Mark Tube or even a little Fender 12” monitor whenever we jam together, though he does practice without it being plugged in, too. Not when he plays the Rickenbacker (it’s too quiet) but the Hofner has enough body to be audible without being plugged in.

    But yes, whenever we play together or when we record he nearly always uses the Little Mark Tube with a Warwick 15″ bass cabinet.

    Hope the floorboards have become loose by now 🙂 Keep them rattling and stay groovy!

  • Darryl Boyd

    24/10/2020 at 23:20

    Thanks for the reply Lisa.

    I’m getting better with the bass as my fingers and hand get stronger. It takes a lot more effort to press down those thick strings as you would well know.

    It’s funny switching back to guitar, it seems effortless after playing the bass for a while 🙂

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