• Dreams

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 19/02/2020 at 09:34

    Dear Mona, Lisa and Rudolf,

    Yesterday, Let It Be, Satisfaction, #9 Dream, Purple Haze and Every Breath You Take, have in common that they came to their writers in dreams.

    While you’d never give a dream away, has any song arrived that way?

    I’m always intrigued by dreams, coincidences and synchronicities.

    Thank you,


    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 6 months ago 9 Members · 23 Replies
  • 23 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/02/2020 at 09:35

    Hi Tomás!

    Dreaming fascinates me so much. It is such a mysterious and intriguing part of the human experience. Wouldn’t it be lovely to just wake up with the next “Yesterday” floating around in your head?

    The best I could do so far was wake up to a note on my phone that read “Klammhatsche” … Apparently that’s the name of an eel-like animal I dreamed about. I dimly remember waking up in the early hours of the morning and typing that word into my phone so that later on I could check if I was making up words or if a “Klammhatsche” is an actual thing. Turns out I am discovering brand new animals in my dream adventures 🙂

    Unfortunately, no chart toppers as of yet …

  • Howard

    19/02/2020 at 13:24

    Mona, that is so funny. By the way, I think I’ve just discovered an excellent potential name for your next originals album – “Kraftwerk Orange”. Can’t say it came to me in a dream, just heard it in a repeat episode of “The Mighty Boosh’.

    R.E.M ”It’s the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)”, is another one that came through a dream.

    Good question Tomás. Have you ever had music or lyrics come to you in a dream?

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/02/2020 at 14:51

    You know, while on topic of dreams, I dream all sorts of ways, things, places, people… Once in a blue moon, I’d dream of my old house I grew up in, a mysterious letter would come from someone somewheres, and the content of letter, I can never quite figure out, almost in code type format…. I’ve had late loved ones come to me in dreams, dreamt of being places never been to, Astral flown to UK/Ireland, that was exhausting susting, wokeup feeling literally jetlagged wiped, I’ve had realistic nightmares, etc…. I’ve tried to write down dream stuff but don’t always remember to. Yes, my my dreams are quite unusual, unique, definitely of the Jacki kind… They are indeed intriguing/fascinating… Good Q Tomas and Mona ‘s reply was fascinating, which has me wondering the reasoning as to why that particular creature invaded her mind in dreams, what was its purpose for it’ s visit to Mona… Stay tuned, perhaps Mona will have a sequel… ?

  • Howard

    19/02/2020 at 15:11

    Now Jacki, we are kindred spirits. I too dream often but have trouble remembering them once I awake. A long time ago I had bad nightmares regularly too. That was hell! I have also experienced the pleasure of Astral traveling, but not for some time. Sometimes I wish my dreams could be recorded as they’d make fantastic movies.

    As for Mona, I’m sure she could weave a Klammhatsche into a song if she really wanted to! Imagine what the video would be like. I wonder if Lisa has similar strange dreams too?

  • Jung Roe

    20/02/2020 at 20:14

    For many years I dreamt about going to class to write an exam, but, I couldnt find my locker to get my books and pens.  So I’m running down the hallways looking for my locker.   I’d wake up in a sweat just to remember I havent been to school for over 20 years!  I wonder if that could make for a song?

  • David Herrick

    20/02/2020 at 20:35

    Jung, you just reminded me of this classic movie scene:



  • Tomás F. Calvo

    20/02/2020 at 20:52


    If Tomorrow I wake up with the next Yesterday, it may feel like pearls to swine. Dream dwelling songs would go much farther and be better represented if they chose to wake your way rather than my way.

    I’m sure a Klammhatsche is a creature any Starman would know. Klamm/feuchtkalt – hatsche/hatschen sounds to me like an alien eel/fish-like creature that has trouble getting around. Well, Nothing is in vain.

    Thank you!


  • John Behle

    20/02/2020 at 22:42

    I heard a famous scientist describe how he always had a notepad, pen and flashlight by his bed because he would have insights in dreams and wake up to write them.  The heart surgeon that pioneered the heart/lung machine and other advancements told how some breakthrough surgical insights and procedures came in dreams and he would wake and write them down.  I’ve heard of others that ponder a question or problem just before bedtime to stimulate the mind to work on answers.  Our sub-conscious is amazing.

  • Jung Roe

    21/02/2020 at 07:31

    That was hilarious David, thanks for the chuckle!  I guess that is not such an uncommon  dream, they even made a movie scene out of it already!  🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/02/2020 at 15:44

    My dreams are varied,vivid, weird, scary, calming, etc, sometimes environmental  mind conscious… I recycle dreams in that storyline/plot are same but different people in them… I should write down after I dream, I rarely do because I’m half asleep to think about writing at time, brain not ready to decipher… Lol… Or if it was a bad /unsettling one, I rather not recall…. But I will say this, and I believe in it for it has occurred to me, my late parents, Grandma Rea, others do come to me in dreams, very much so from time to time…. I dream in colour/B&W… Dreamt of places never been but then see later on… Dreams are indeed magical and mysterious…They are open to all kinds of interesting interpretation, reflective on person’s own journey…

  • Jung Roe

    21/02/2020 at 16:00

    One really vivid dream I had last year was meeting my mom at the top of the stairs near the train station I get off everyday.  In the dream she was meeting me for lunch and I remember saying to her it was a long time and how happy I was to see her.  A little later I came across Paul MCartney interview where he talks about the dream inspiration with his mom around Let It Be.  It really resonated with me.  I created a youtube slideshow of my mom with Let It Be playing in the background and shared it with my brothers and sisters that really moved them.

    I sometimes walk up those stairs remembering that dream and feeling a little emotional and a closeness to my mom.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    25/02/2020 at 05:47

    [postquote quote=84750][/postquote]
    Jacki! Exactly like it is for me. Except that my Grandma is not called Rea. Other than that, spot on!

    My grandmother and grandfather (Poppy and Tommy) come to me in my hours of darkness. Really have. It’s been several years now, I guess that’s a good thing.

  • Paul Steinmayer

    25/02/2020 at 11:46

    I occasionally have dreams involving those that have passed… but usually, my dreams are of odd things, sometimes involving work, sometimes involving situations I’m dealing with.  When I was little, I had a reoccurring nightmare that usually scare the bejeebers out of me.  I rarely have scary dreams anymore.

    I will tell you about one very vivid dream that I had shortly after my mother passed:  The weather was bad and we had severe weather watches over night.  When that happens, I usually leave the television on so the warning would wake me up.  I was dreaming about my mother and in the dream, she turned to me and very clearly said right into my ear “Paul, wake up… there’s a tornado coming!”  I didn’t just imagine it, I literally HEARD it!  The moment my eyes opened, a tornado warning popped up on the television!!!  It was my mother warning me to get up and seek shelter.  I’ll never forget it as long as I live…

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/02/2020 at 13:30

    Hi Tomas: Just wanted to clarify something as I believe  you misunderstood/confused by  my meaning… I had 2 sets of Grandparents, Grandma/Grandpa Hopper and the other being Grandma/Grandpa Rea, Rea being the last name, it was not her actual name, my apologies to have confused you on my meaning conveyed. As a side note, I lost both Grandpas the same year, Grandma Hopper almost exactly to the date a year later, and so, I became quite close and grew up with Grandma Rea until she passed a few wks after her 89th birthday, she’s the one who sometimes appears in my dreams, the other Grandparents, not really or never have, at least not that I can recall..  The same goes with aunt’s on mom’s side (Mom’s older sisters) , they appear in my dreams now and then but not uncles (Mom’s older brothers)… Dreams are an interesting/fascinating, complex  ongoing mystery, etc. I hope I clarifued/conveyed myself better in this explanation for you Tomas, again my apologies for the confusion.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    25/02/2020 at 23:34

    I’m sorry Jacki. I thought I was being funny, but I don’t think it came across. Just saying that I’ve had similar experiences.


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