• Jung Roe

    25/02/2020 at 23:59

    [postquote quote=86751][/postquote]
    Paul, I think our moms are always close by, even though we dont see them.. ?

  • Jacki Hopper

    26/02/2020 at 01:58

    No worries Tomas.., all is good, all cleared up.. I guess we all have our own senses of humour…. Not everyone will tune in.. Lol… That’s ok, I have have warped, twisted, dry, dark, zany, etc sense of humour…. It is interesting how each can perceive things differently from each other from how it was intended for but not always turning out as it was meant to.

  • Howard

    26/02/2020 at 02:05

    “I have have warped, twisted, dry, dark, zany, etc sense of humour….”

    [postquote quote=86830][/postquote]

    Jacki Hopper, I can’t believe that!

  • Jacki Hopper

    26/02/2020 at 03:54

    Oh but Howard… I do, don’t let my angelic exterior fool you… Lol… Ask my family… They can vouch for my sense of humour, ask my friends, etc…. Indeed I have a broad range of sense of humour, even if it’s obscene, off the wall, etc, I will find something funny about it… If it makes me laugh right off, it’s funny…. Regardless… I love to laugh, cackle, it’s in my nature to do so… Gotta Laugh in life…

    Ok… Just not quite sure how you all are using this Quote Feature…. I’d love to try but not sure how….I use android phone/tablet mostly….

  • Michael Rife

    14/03/2020 at 17:57

    Hi all;

    It reminds me of something that happened to me recently.  I have composed on guitar 20 or so melodies or chordal arrangements……whether these compositions are good or not is different question.  Also, for some reason I just cannot do lyrics.  But, one night as I was drifting off to sleep I came up with complete lyrics to the tune of what others call “Mike’s Song”.  What I remember of these lyrics was they were not that bad and the verses actually rhymed.  I thought about getting up and writing the words down, but in my half asleep state I figured I would remember them in the morning.  Well, you know what happened……..I could not remember the lyrics in the morning.  Oh well…….  Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/03/2020 at 02:14

    Hi Mike… I can relate… Lost many a good poem opportunies because #1… Didn’t have anything nearby handy to write down and by the time I could, Poem lost in memory…

    #2… Public Library Computer acts up and/or time limit is up just as I go to post a Poem I just conjured up in spur of moment, no time /or forgot to save/print off with flash drive stick or print it off at library from library computer… Again, Poem Lost..

    #3… Like you experienced when dreaming…. Same thing happened to me..

    **Moral learned is** … Keep a Frikkin notepad near you at all times, even if half asleep, write/scrawl what bits n pieces you can recall, even it makes no real sense at the time… Lol… That’s what I’ve come to learn… I also keep a wee notebook in my knapsack /purse…. ???️

  • Michael Rife

    16/03/2020 at 00:46

    Hi Jacki;

    I’m not sure if it is a left brain/right brain thing or not……my ability to write melodies but not lyrics…  But, it seems like if I ever do come up with lyrics, it is when I am drifting off to sleep and my brain activity is slowing down……Now some who know me well would say that my brain activity is always in slow motion, but that’s another issue altogether.  Anyway………I have always been fascinated by how the brain works when listening to or playing music.  Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/03/2020 at 02:33

    Hi Mike… Not sure either…. But I do know/have read upon as it fascinates me as well, how the one side controls the creative/artistic/visionary, etc aspects while the other side focuses on the physical, etc attributes, I can never remember which side goes for which… Lol…

    I’ve always been and even in school testing for possible learning issues (which I did end up having, though probably name/can easily diagnose /recognize nowadays but not back in the day eons ago), tended to be inclined Creatively, vision learner, etc, rather than logic, mathematics, science, etc inclined, and pretty much still am that way now…. Lol….

    It’s quite intriguing /fascinating how one’s brain functions and all the facets of it… ??

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