• Driving

    Posted by Rick Ross on 04/11/2018 at 13:24

    Hi Mona and Lisa,

    I’ve noticed in a few Videos and clips that Lisa is always driving. Is this because that’s the way it was at the time, or because Mona doesn’t like to drive. Maybe Older sister won’t let her (haha). I know some people have issues driving in traffic. Not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings at all.

    I’ve never seen Mona behind the wheel and am curious.

    Dave Duckshoot replied 5 years, 10 months ago 10 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    05/11/2018 at 06:57

    I thought in a picture a few months ago on Instagram it looked like a yellow Fiat belonged to Mona and a red Renault was Lisa’s, but I will keep quiet and wait for Mona or Lisa to reply.

  • Howard

    05/11/2018 at 14:35

    Yep, I saw those two vehicles too Jung, and I believe the yellow one had the number plate MONA and the red one LISA!

  • Jung Roe

    06/11/2018 at 07:09

    Howard, I would say Mona and Lisa also have good taste in cars.  Now when their driving skills reach a certain point, I would recommend them these, as we don’t want them showing up late to their sold out performances.  I think Lisa might be ready, as she’s been seen jumping out of airplanes and driving fancy MGs.  smiley tongue

    Red and Yellow porshes


  • Howard

    06/11/2018 at 09:47

    I wondered which twin that was jumping out of the plane. Who on earth allowed her to take part in such a risky activity. Such wrecklessness should never be allowed again! I can’t imagine Mona doing something like that! Jung, I think you and me may need to monitor Lisa’s activities in future. She is half of a very valuable asset that needs to be protected at all costs!

    • Rudolf Wagner

      07/11/2018 at 19:29

      Oh, no worries, we were both that wreckless haha. I think in the video you can only see me but Mona was just behind me. We went skydiving for our 18th Birthday. Turns out, jumping out of planes can be a lot of fun as long as there are parachutes involved. We told you that we will do almost anything to get good video footage! 😉

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      07/11/2018 at 20:02

      They truly are ‘the girls from the no more worries company’.  😉

    • Michael Triba

      18/11/2018 at 16:57

      Ha ha Lisa; Tom’s youngest son Charlie (and my youngest nephew at 21) is a regular skydiver.  When he was younger he used to skateboard a lot and do tricks with them.  But that got too lame and tame for him.  Nonetheless, his mama says prayers for him each time and has even skydived herself now.

      Tom and me?  Yeah, right!  We would have heart failure before we ever hit the dirt; yikes!

  • Rudolf Wagner

    07/11/2018 at 22:31

    We both drive and enjoy it. I just happen to take more photos of Lisa behind the wheel it seems 🙂

    And the yellow and red car we posted on instagram a while ago weren’t ours, though that would be pretty cool! We just spotted them parked in front of a park one day and had to take a picture!

  • Rick Ross

    07/11/2018 at 23:57

    Thanks Ladies!

    You can see Mona’s jumping partner in the video of you all parachuting. Lisa looked scared to death when they jumped from the plane.

    I remember the pictures of you all in front of the cars. No wonder you took pictures. The cars looked just like you. (Haha)

    Great to know you drive Mona. When big Sis “lets you” Haha Then again it is fun being Chauffeured around. Haha

  • Thomas Randall

    08/11/2018 at 00:06

    Skydiving I would never do! Jump out of a perfectly good plane? NO THANKS! When I saw that video of one of you girls doing it I nearly fainted!

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/11/2018 at 02:24

    Ok…Somewheres  along the way …I missed seeing this skydiving adventure….where can I freakout while watching this gem !?…Thankyou ????…PS…I’ll try not to toss my cookies watching….

  • Jung Roe

    08/11/2018 at 03:45

    Hi Jacki.  It is in the “Two of Us” video.

  • Jung Roe

    08/11/2018 at 04:03

    Well Mona and Lisa, you both know how to have a rocking good time on a birthday.  I always worry I might forget to pull the parachute cord, or pull the wrong cord in all the excitement.  smiley tongue.

    And you both looked so cool standing next to those yellow and red cars, even if they weren’t yours.   Nice shot!!

  • Howard

    08/11/2018 at 04:17

    How could you miss this one Jacki. It is in the video where that bully Mona makes her sister cry! Lovely video. Enjoy!


  • Jacki Hopper

    08/11/2018 at 05:11

    Ah yes.. now I recall…I have seen that video awhile ago….just had forgotten about skydiving part ..my eyes were probably closed  while watching that part…I was thinking it was a separate thing and I somehow missed it…Well that was my DUH moment…Thankyou Howard & Jung for providing link to refresh my memory…now…time to go get some shuteye..Gnite EH ????????????????☮️????????????❤️✌️

  • Howard

    10/11/2018 at 01:45

    Around the 2:35 mark Jacki!


  • Dave Duckshoot

    26/11/2018 at 03:38

    I can’t tell the difference between the twins when they were young, but I love their happiness shining through at every stage of their life — what a wonderful family. I wonder how they cope with driving on the left as well. It can be pretty scary.

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