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  • drummers and Guitarist (new question)

    Posted by Rick Ross on 05/07/2021 at 02:39

    Hello Ladies,

    Mona and Lisa, this question has been asked before, but this one has a Twist.

    Mona, are there any Female Drummers that inspire you? And Lisa are there any Female Guitarists that inspire you?

    I know its thought of as a male dominated industry in so many ways, but there are several women that are making a huge name for their shelves. Such as the both of you.(you all are INCREDIBLE) So I’m curious if there are any Women Drummers ???? and Guitarists???? that inspire you.

    Thanks for your time and wishing continued success and all the best

    Rick Ross

    Jacki Hopper replied 3 years, 1 month ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/07/2021 at 02:40

    Hi Rick!

    There are some great female musicians out there! Viola Smith is the first female drummer that comes to mind! Especially for the times it was so cool to see a lady like her behind the kit. If you’ve never heard of her, check her out, she’s quite something.

    Besides her I’d say Karen Carpenter (The Carpenters) and Moe Tucker (Velvet Underground) are both very interesting to look up and study. If perhaps not a direct inspiration for our own music they are definitely inspiring and I always love seeing other women on the drums.


    • Rick Ross

      22/07/2021 at 02:10

      Hi Mona,

      I certainly remember Karen Carpenter. She was the first woman on drums I ever saw. I hated they took her off drums and put her out front.

      I Will certainly look up Viola and Moe. Thanks for the suggestions.

      Thanks for your time.


  • Thomas Randall

    24/07/2021 at 22:50

    Karen Carpenter was one of my first crushes as a young kid. What a voice and when I saw she played drums too I was hooked on her for life! SO very talented! Greatest female vocalist of all time IMHO.

  • Bill Isenberg

    03/08/2021 at 18:31

    Karen Carpenter was a very good and technical drummer, if you get a chance look her up on U Tube and check out her drum solos’….wow

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/08/2021 at 01:13

    Okaydokey, I’m the Weirdo here…. I always knew Karen first as a singer before I knew she was a drummer…lol… Growing up as a kid in the 70s, I always saw her on tv singing , didn’t know/realuze then at the time, she was a drummer, I only knew her to sing, so to be fair, that is why I say this, call me Weirdo or Late To The Party…. when I was kid, I didn’t always see/hear things that I’ve since then have done so to know about now that of which I wasn’t aware 9f back then at the time…

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