MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion DUO ROCK QUEENS OF YOU TUBE


    Posted by Walter Music on 28/07/2021 at 14:11

    I think I introduced myself but if I didn’t I am Walt and have played guitar since I was 11. I have gone through you tube and there is no one that has influenced me in such a way that the Twins have. They are very humble, but I would like to vote them in as the Duo Rock Queens of you tube. They write their own great songs, they do covers of bands. They epitomize what real rock groups would like to do. They do it their way. They are great musicians, song writers, producers and they have the most angelic voices I have come upon in a long time. They give me chills. I believe they deserve this and it’s about time!!!! I just love what they do!! So Club members, tell me what you think and put the word out what you know is true!!! Thanks!!! Walt Music

    Jacki Hopper replied 3 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Tom Fones

    28/07/2021 at 14:14

    Let’s say princesses.

    Let’s hope that they can keep it fresh and alive for a long time.


    • Walter Music

      29/07/2021 at 00:58

      Hi Thomas,

      We are losing older people day by day who listen as I do.

      Only to Classic Rock so if all of us can get the word out, more will listen. I will stick to Queens because I truly believe in them!!!! Thanks

  • Bill Isenberg

    28/07/2021 at 16:47

    They have my vote Walter! No other can compare to me, they are simply the best hands down from singing , to playing , to just there lovely attitude and humor, they have it all in my book.

    • Walter Music

      29/07/2021 at 01:07

      Hi Bill,

      Thanks for responding. You are right they their attitudes are so down to earth and they do make me laugh a lot! But, most of all they so so damn good!!! They don’t miss a beat and their doing it with just the 2 of them.

      Thanks again!

  • Walter Music

    29/07/2021 at 01:11

    Don’t get me wrong Thomas I will take Princesses too!!!!

    Thanks again

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    29/07/2021 at 02:29

    Queens, princesses, it doesn’t matter how we describe them. I think I once refered to them as ‘Rockergirl Royalty Mona and Guitar Goddess Lisa’. I don’t recall exactly which video or song I had just seen or heard when I said that, but it fits so many! Even disregarding their insane artistic talents, they and their folks are magnificent humans. I believe they treat their fellow human beings the way God intended us all to.

    • Walter Music

      29/07/2021 at 02:40

      Well said Jeffrey!!! They are truly a gift to all of us. I can’t go a day without listening to them and I have never listened to anyone like that! I’m amazed and it’s not just them, but their family, the Club, the people who I see on here every day. There is just something I can’t explain.


  • Tom Fones

    29/07/2021 at 03:38

    Princesses in life.

    Queens in music.


  • Jung Roe

    29/07/2021 at 04:47

    Well said Walter, I agree.

  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    29/07/2021 at 11:37

    Absolutely, Walter, and everyone else, too! I can’t recall a day in recent memory without MLT music in some form. If I forget to get the surprise juke box fired up each morning, I get a subtle reminder from my 84-year-old Mom! Dad is 91 with dementia, but also joins in the Ohlwine chapter of MLT fandom.

  • Bill Isenberg

    03/08/2021 at 18:37

    Me as well I can not go a day without listening to the Mona Lisa Twins. They have it all together from just wonderful ladies to good business minds and the talent is second to none in my book. What better role model for my little Maddie, she loves Mona And Lisa and love how they handle themselves on video’s and the love and spirit of the music. The live album in my number 1 listen to and you can feel how much they raise the bar and have fun and again only 4 people on that live album, shows you the talent they have period. I can’t wait to see the video of Lazy Sunday and Kansas City and Revolution!

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/08/2021 at 19:23

    Yeppers, I call them ” Gals”…lol.. as most members are male on here…lol… so ” Queens, Princesses, Goddesses” references , for me, doesn’t feel right for me to refer to them as…lol .. Although , I do like the ” Goddesses ” reference, if I were male, I’d of probably chosen that …lol…???? But that’s just me …

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