• Duo Sessions

    Posted by Jung Roe on 23/11/2020 at 06:26

    The Duo Sessions section is so nice with a video for every song on the Duo Session album, and growing!  And not to mention the early videos and recordings too, 23 total!  It’s always so enjoyable to jump into the Duo Session section of the Club and indulge in so much beautiful music, and it’s come a long way since the early days here.  Such a wonderful gem.

    The Live at the Cavern Club section is growing nicely too, and when all 28 videos of the album is eventually filled in, that will be another rich wonderful musical gem here at the Club.  Well it is already, but it just keeps getting better.  🙂   With all the activity at the forum, and all the weekly features like What’s On The Table, Q&As, numerous slide shows, Jukebox, Early Access, VLOGs, Behind the Scenes, Radio Interviews etc…and everything you do, the Club is continuously growing and evolving so wonderfully.

    It’s “Getting Better” every week!  Kudos Team MLT, and thank you so much for creating this little piece of musical heaven.  It is a wonderful rich beautiful place to be! ????



    Refugio Arellano replied 3 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Bill Isenberg

    25/11/2020 at 01:29

    Well put Jung,

    This club has been a part of my life this past year, And I am glad to have met you and Jacki and so many others that we all share a common ground of the love of music and to share on this journey of the Mona Lisa Twins. And the team of MLT is a hard working team, I hope that on Thanksgiving which is just a day away, I pray that all of us have a wonderful time with family and friends and the Mona Lisa Twins get a chance to relax and rest. They have been very busy in 2020.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    25/11/2020 at 03:59

    I agree guys.  There is so much offered here, and I don’t think I have seen everything yet?   The videos are outstanding.  Go look up some old MTV videos.  Most were just  Hollywood over-produced ego trips.  What we thought was new and kool now looks old and cheesy.

    The MLT videos are of a much higher quality.  Sure, technology is more advanced, but take Nothing Is In Vain for example.  This amazing video was created at home for the most part by a small team.  Gotta say, the making of videos are the koolest.  I would recommend watching the making of before the finished product. I wonder how they decided Mona would get swallowed by the fish.  The team has really shown a lot of innovation through the years.  The drones add a whole new angle to these productions.  I can not wait to see what they come up with next.

    The Duo Session videos are amazing, too.  They remind me the old MTV Unplugged shows, but better.  This team keeps raising the bar.

    Back in the day, I had to search high and low to find info on a band’s biography.   Here it is all wrapped up in a very user-friendly website.

    Super Groovy to say the least.  Have I told you?  These chicks rock!


  • Bill Isenberg

    29/11/2020 at 16:26


    Well put, these ladies rock! In a male dominants business, they can rock with the best of them in my book. Heck just listen to Johnny B Good, Revolution, The Last Time, White Room, Club 27….etc…They are pro’s and all the video’s are high quality.  I just wish this Covid can come to an end and they can come to the USA for a tour. Would love to see them live in Concert.


  • Jung Roe

    01/12/2020 at 07:06

    Right on JP and Bill!  MLT music is second to none and the Club is the best place to be on the planet.  Now we have the fabulous Advent Calendar to look forward to.  It Keeps on Getting Better!

  • Michael Thompson

    01/12/2020 at 16:40

    I’m with you Jung, JP and Bill! The girls rock, the production values rock and the club rocks! I would dearly love to see the twins live here in the states! Down with Covid! Up with MLT! Let’s start a chant like they did at Woodstock!

  • Jung Roe

    02/12/2020 at 05:45

    Down with Covid! Up with MLT!

    Hey Mike, I am chanting along with you!!!


  • Refugio Arellano

    03/12/2020 at 01:56

    Good afternoon everyone, I join the song…

    Down with Covid! Up with MLT!

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