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  • Jacki Hopper

    31/05/2020 at 18:15

    Agreed…June is an eventful Month with Team MLT, fab song, and Thomas Randall, great photo you shared?

  • Jung Roe

    31/05/2020 at 20:33

    Those are very special lyrics Thomas, thanks for sharing.  Such wonderful penmanship too!

    It’s the last day of May here and I’m so looking forward to June to come.  June would be a great fitting Duo Session indeed.

  • Howard

    21/07/2020 at 08:13

    We had the brilliant performance of “Lola” included in the Duo Sessions. This is another lovely Ray Davies song that Mona and Lisa could do well.

    The Kinks – ”Days”

  • David Culp

    22/07/2020 at 21:06

    I’d love to hear the MLT cover of Deep Purple, a song made famous by brother/sister act Nino Tempo and April Stevens.  The harmonies are wonderful and the song was a hit.


  • David Herrick

    22/07/2020 at 23:40

    Hey, I suggested Deep Purple too a while back!  Great Davids think alike.


  • Jung Roe

    23/07/2020 at 09:23

    Being a lover of instrumental works like piano and violin recitals, when I saw Lisa’s Samba Pa Ti guitar instrumental cover, I was blown over.  Never really appreciated Santana until I heard Lisa’s interpretation of Samba Pa Ti.  Mona and Lisa has shown us they are one of the finest female vocalists on the planet, and Lisa’s instrumentation on Samba Pa Ti proved she is one of the finest guitarists too, and at 13!  In honor of MLT cover of Samba Pa Ti, another MLT guitar instrumental cover of a Carlos Santana piece I think would be awesome, or something similar from Eric Clapton or Pink Floyd maybe.


  • Jung Roe

    24/07/2020 at 03:36

    Yup David and David, Deep Purple has some very nice harmonues, would be well suited for an MLT cover too.  I didn’t know Mary Tyler Moore sang too and her real name was April Stevens.

  • David Herrick

    24/07/2020 at 04:15

    I’d love to know if those unusual harmonies are associated with one of those weird musical modes.  I’m not good at separating the parts by just listening, so I’d need a transcription of the notes before I could even get started working that out.

    Jung, you reminded me of one of my favorite MTM show moments:


  • Jung Roe

    24/07/2020 at 05:49

    David.  It sounds like maybe goes from a bright major key (Lydian or Ionian) and shifts down a little darker to Mixolydian or Dorian about half way through.  🙂

    I remember that MTM clip.  Ed Asner was great with Mary Tyler Moore, some really hilarious comedy moments.  I also liked the goofy couple, Ted and Georgette!  Well it looks like by the time of the Mary Tyler Moore show, it was just warbling she was doing.  🙂

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