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  • Jung Roe

    14/08/2022 at 08:06

    David, your bringing up of Rubber Soul brings another Beatlemania fond memory from high school. I had a friend who was a real Beatles fan, and one day we were hanging out at his place and he showed me his Beatles vinyl album collection, actually it was his dad’s I think. I am pretty sure the album he put on was Rubber Soul, as I remember his two favourite songs from the album was Michelle, and Girl. It was the first time I really listened to Girl, and we started to sing along, such an elegant song with a classical/baroque ring to it, and I remember the part in the song where it sounds like John and Paul are inhaling as they sing “girl”. I found it so sensual too like they are inhaling the beautiful scent of the “girl” you are crazy about. Such is the magic of the Beatles. It became one of my favourite Beatles songs.

  • Jung Roe

    14/08/2022 at 08:16

    And here are some very interesting fun facts about “Girl” and the album Rubber Soul.

  • Thomas Randall

    15/08/2022 at 23:50

    For me it was the mid to late 60’s as a kid. The Beatles seemed to be everywhere. Radio, TV, newspapers. There was no escaping them. Although later in the early 70’s most of us were into harder rock. Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Kiss, Grand Funk Railroad, Zeppelin for example. So that’s what we mostly played as budding musicians.

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/08/2022 at 16:58

    Well, I know that somewheres else on here, I’ve answered or at least replied before but for the sake of Jung’s topic, here, I’ll repeat, more or less what I had said elsewhere on here… Aside from hearing them on the radio at night or and I think my late Mom might have had a few in her record collection, I was introduced to Beatles, primarily in part Thanks to my 2nd oldest brother’s Grade 5 teacher who was a Beatles fan and I recall going to a concert at the public school where her class ( which my 2nd oldest brother was in ), I was in Grade 2 respectively , and it was either a nightime concert where I was with Mom, or it was daytime, whichever it was, they performed -sung a whole whackload of Beatles songs….obviously it made an impact/impression on me, to still be able to recall that ….????????

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