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  • Early Access to the CD Downloads?

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 21/10/2018 at 03:17

    I wanted to very selfishly suggest that the Club Members who have already purchased the pre-orders be given access a week early to the downloads. Besides this being the kind of thing to make all of us very happy and to add one more reason why Club Membership is the grooviest thing ever, it would give you access to dozens of early reviews of the CDs. I know you have good reasons for everything you do so I perfectly understand if this simply doesn’t work for some reason. But hey- I thought I would ask!

    Timothy Connelly replied 5 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 03:30

    I’d be okay with that idea if we could be sure that members wouldn’t release early to the public, as I believe happened with the ‘I’ll Follow the Sun’ video.

    That spoils all the excitement and build up for public releases for MLT!

  • Richard McGlenn

    22/10/2018 at 00:21

    Nope. nope, nope. Too much of a chance that some “excited” fan will pre-release the music and hurt sales. Patience is golden and helps sales. I commissioned the MLTs to do a cover song for me 2 years ago and it will finally be released on BAM 2 and except for my family and Team MLT no one has heard that song for the past 18 months when they finished it. We both agreed that it would never see the light of day till they were ready to release it in a future project which has now arrived. If fans are serious about keeping this wonderful music coming you’ve got to also respect the fact that it needs to be allowed to be monetized as best as possible by the Wagner’s so they can afford to make a living on their music.


  • Timothy Connelly

    22/10/2018 at 01:17

    Hey Richard,

    I respect what you’re saying and will gladly respect all decisions that are made by the MLT team. But I don’t want you thinking I am just selfishly asking them to break policy for me. Here’s an exact quote from the Early Access page: We aim to make new content available to the MLT Club 1-2 weeks prior to the official release. 

    In fairness, this never seemed to apply to the release date of the two new CDs which had the date of October 28 set beside them at every turn. My request was certainly a direct result of my impatience- you got me on that one!

    And while I’m happy the song you’re referring to was never heard by anyone until 10-28–and I’m pretty sure I know which one it was- MLT fans have done an excellent job of not putting up any songs from Orange.

    Sorry if my request offended you.


  • Richard McGlenn

    22/10/2018 at 01:46


    Not offended. I’m just looking out for the best interest of the MLTs. I don’t think many people realize how truely hard the gang has worked thus far and it’s been financed mainly by the Wagner family’s savings and donations from a few to keep the good times rolling. Merchandise sales help pay the bills and as fans we can’t lose sight of that fact. I will always remind fans that it first takes money to put these videos and songs out.

    Now as far as I can tell in one week Club members will be able to download the new CDs and enjoy the music as they wait for the physical CDs and other merchandise they order to arrive in the mail. If I’m wrong on that then someone can correct me.



  • Timothy Connelly

    22/10/2018 at 02:02

    I appreciate the support you’ve given MLT and am glad you’re looking out for them. You are exactly right on the downloads probably being available on 10-28 so wait I will. All the best until our next conversation!

  • Steve

    22/10/2018 at 02:09

    While I might be tempted to download the new CD’S I prefer to wait until I have them in my hot little hands, and play them in my car.  Sure we’ve heard some of them already on YouTube, but the new ones, I’ll wait til the CD’S arrive and will probably put number 3 on and skip right to Hey Bulldog because I am chomping at the bit to hear that one and I hope they had a much fun at the end of it as John and Paul did in the Hey Bulldog video on YouTube.  Besides they should be showing up in my mailbox right around my birthday and how groovy will that be.

  • Richard McGlenn

    22/10/2018 at 02:19

    I’m also anxious to hear how they tackled Hey Bulldog.


  • Jung Roe

    22/10/2018 at 05:59

    When it comes to release of a new album, there is that certain excitement and celebration to be able to collectively discover the new music at the same time on the release date.  It just makes the whole release more meaningful and celebratory.   It was like that with Orange at 19 minutes after the stroke of midnight in the UK on Sept 29 2017.   Social media was abuzz like Christmas as each one of us downloaded or unwrapped the CDs (plus or minus a day for the CDs given it was in the control of the postal services) in a frenzy to experience the wonderful new MLT music together.

  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 11:03

    Well Jung, I missed that pleasure for the ‘Orange’ release. Won’t be missing the party for the next major release though! It will be exciting to share our thoughts on hearing songs for the first time!

  • Timothy Connelly

    22/10/2018 at 18:24

    I had a listen to 12 of the 13 songs on Beatles and More 2 to get a feel for it. I think I’m going to like it slightly more than the first one. There are just so many great songs by so many wonderful artists. But the Twins are able to take great originals and somehow make them their own. At this point the only song that’s not around from Beatles and More 2 is Baby Mine, which is an old song from Dumbo in the 1940’s. I’m sure they’ve done a beautiful job with it!

    There are like 7 new songs on Beatles and More 3 so I didn’t bother to do the same thing. I really admire the patience of Steve to wait until he has the CD in his hand but I’ll be listening (at a much higher quality than the YouTube versions) as soon as I’m able.

    Steve, I will be sparing in my reviews until you tell me you’ve heard it- wouldn’t want to ruin your anticipation in any way.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/10/2018 at 18:52

    Whoops…?!…Heyya…did I miss something here…you can download FREE for now or not right now and where do you find this on here ?!…still trying to work my way around here and familiarize …

  • Richard McGlenn

    22/10/2018 at 19:38


    All of the songs on Beatles and More Vol 2 have already been released on You Tube now that I’ll Follow the Sun has been released, with the exception of Baby Mine which is why Tim said he had listened to nearly all of the song on BAM 2.


  • Jacki Hopper

    22/10/2018 at 20:11

    Thanks for clarification Rich…makes sense nown…The  way post was worded I thought I had oversighted and missed something… All good????☮️

  • Timothy Connelly

    22/10/2018 at 22:10

    Sorry to be confusing, Jacki. I actually meant to mention I had listened through the YouTube videos but I called away on another task and didn’t get that put in. Thanks Rich, you got it perfect!

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