• Rudolf Wagner

    30/04/2019 at 14:11

    Hi Daniel, In general we don’t use a lot of pedals as there aren’t many that suit the style we’re normally going for . We love our guitars (like the Gretsch or Ricky) for their own pretty distinctive voices and for most of the songs we play, we like to plug them straight into the amp (Vox AC30). On gigs I’ll put a little Vox “ToneLab” Pedal in between and use it for Volume Control, some compression, maybe a bit of chorus but that’s normally it. In the studio I might use a Wah pedal occasionally (like for the White Room cover).
    But yeah, in general we like to keep the effects and pedals to a minimum.

  • Jung Roe

    03/05/2019 at 08:05

    I don’t know a lot about making music or what those effects and pedals are for, but your guitar playing sounds just awesome as it is.  ?

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