• Jürgen

    10/11/2021 at 21:32

    Hi Roger, thanks for the two interesting and very nice newspaper articles. I love the song, but have always wondered who Eleanor Rigby actually was or is supposed to be. Now I know. I always imagined Eleanor Rigby in the song as a young girl. I do not even know why. Maybe because she picked up the rice after a wedding. But I don’t think her age is important at all, but the stories she tells or has experienced. Eleanor Rigby also sounds more beautiful and mysterious than Daisy Hawkins.

    • Roger Penn

      10/11/2021 at 22:17

      I always figured she was just a fictional instance of one of the lonely people, not an actual person. I definitely agree that the name is better but it makes me wonder…if the song had actually been called Daisy Hawkins and the real person named Eleanor Rigby, would we think that Eleanor Rigby sounded funny?

  • Jung Roe

    11/11/2021 at 04:50

    Hi Roger, great and interesting articles, thanks for sharing them. I especially enjoyed the first one about Paul’s time as a Boy Scout and how he befriended and helped the old lady and how it was his code of honor to help as a Scout, and this experience ultimately becomes the inspiration behind Eleanor Rigby.

    I never knew both Paul and John were avid Scouts as kids and have that love for the outdoors! Nice reading about how John and Paul met and became friends . I loved the little talk about Paul and his series of piano lessons and his disdain for being subjected to learning scales. I can relate.

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