MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Eurovision songs 2022

  • Tom Fones

    06/03/2022 at 15:31

    Very different Leif,

    Sort of like the Go-Gos for the 21st century.

    • Nicholas Fox

      06/03/2022 at 17:12

      Thanks for this.

      Spirit of Dave Hill (Slade) lives on with the girl in the hat.

    • Leif Mortensen

      07/03/2022 at 18:54

      Yeah she’s a pretty good drummer 😉

    • Leif Mortensen

      07/03/2022 at 18:53

      I just think it’s nice to see and hear girls performing rock – and they are nice to look at – like our Twins 😉

  • Jürgen

    06/03/2022 at 18:30

    Thanks for the video link Leif. A very nice topic idea and a beautiful song. I like the change from the quiet and slow beginning to the groovy part. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for Denmark then.

    It’s been ages since I’ve followed the European Song Contest. Germany sent so many embarrassments into the race many years ago. I just googled who will represent Germany this year. Well my dear. Also a rather shallow breeze. 🙂

    I like the song from the Netherlands quite well.

    (The winner with the most witty title name is already decided for me: Norway with “Give That Wolf A Banana”).

    • Leif Mortensen

      07/03/2022 at 18:56

      Nice you’re taking up the topic – could be fun to se all contestants before the big day.

  • Tom Fones

    06/03/2022 at 19:05

    Nice one Juergen,

    i wish i could follow the story line.

    Long winters must be good for creativity.

    I don’t think we know much about Norwegian music over here except A-ha.

    Does anyone remember Golden Earring? They were Dutch i think.

    I’ll be off-line for a few days.


    • Jürgen

      06/03/2022 at 19:16

      Thanks for the hint Tom. I still remember Golden Earing and their hit Radar Love. Yes it’s a Dutch band, I just checked. I did not know that. I hope you’re doing fine.

      The storyline, as requested:

  • David Herrick

    07/03/2022 at 02:55

    The only Norwegian song I know is from the Eurovision 1983 audio cassette that my high school pen pal from France sent me. It seems almost like a children’s song. The first line of the lyrics sets up the premise: “The scale is a song in its own right.” But frankly I think that notion was better supported in The Sound of Music.

    • Jürgen

      07/03/2022 at 07:37

      David, when I think of Norwegian music, Rebekka Bakken or Simen Mitled spontaneously comes to mind. I like this kind of music.

      Oh and then there was the Norwegian singer Wencke Myhre in the 60s and 70s. She sang German „Schlager“ songs (You can’t translate the term „Schlager“. The term originated in 1870 in Austria, more precisely in the operetta scene in Vienna. It is a synonym for the English word „hit“). Wencke Myhre sang such highlights like “Er hat ein knallrotes Gummiboot” („He has a bright red rubber boat“) or “Er steht im Tor“ („He is standing in the soccer goal“). If you are interested, just watch the videos on youtube, then you will understand why I have a disturbed relationship to „Deutsche Schlagermusik“. 🙂

      This German “Schlager” can also be found again and again in songs for the European Song Contest, which brings me back to the topic again.

      Sorry a lot Leif. My little musical journey to Norway leaves your topic a bit.

    • Jürgen

      07/03/2022 at 07:38
    • Leif Mortensen

      07/03/2022 at 18:57

      Hope you’ll follow up with the Norvegian song when you know.

    • Jürgen

      07/03/2022 at 19:10

      I hope I got that right now. This is the song Norway will enter the competition with:

  • Jung Roe

    07/03/2022 at 10:00

    Eurovision has been foreign to me, and really learned of it’s existence in discussions in this forum over the years. Excuse my ignorance, perhaps my being in Western Canada is the reason, and only the music savvy have heard of it here. Curious who are some of the big names from Eurovision? I know of ABBA mentioned here. Any of the 60s British invasion bands?

  • David Herrick

    07/03/2022 at 14:35

    Juergen, I think we had a discussion about Schlager music before. I actually kind of like it; it appeals to the kid in me, and it would have been fun to have sung some of these songs in my high school German class.

    The term also reminds me of how the German word for drum, “Schlagzeug”, literally translates “hit thing”. It always amuses me that so many German words have such pragmatic constructions.

    Jung, I don’t think Eurovision was much of a launching pad for the careers of any artists other than ABBA. Nowadays, of course, we expect the winners of TV talent show contests to become major players on the music scene. Can anyone here explain why Eurovision is (or at least was) such a big deal, and yet not much of a star-making machine? Is it just more about the competition among nations rather than the artists themselves?

    After I discovered the Norwegian video I posted (about ten years ago), I searched YouTube to see what else that group had done. Most of their songs didn’t impress me much, but I did find this ballad (in English) that reminds me of something that could have worked for Donny and Marie:

    • Leif Mortensen

      09/03/2022 at 19:47

      To me the reason for the great interest is that it’s an evening where families and even towns are joining together to watch and celebrate a positive show. Lot of families in Denmark and also Germany is having a party. Of course it’s nice if you country is doing well but the “hygge” situation is the most important. Anybody else who know traditions about this event in your country?

    • Jürgen

      12/03/2022 at 07:57

      A nice idea, Leif: Get together with friends, your family, cheer on your own star and be happy afterwards when you’ve achieved a good placing. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you exactly how important the Song Contest is for us at the moment. It doesn’t matter. Here is the band that sends Austria into the race. Groovy.

  • Jürgen

    07/03/2022 at 18:53

    Hi David, I remember the discussion. We stopped at the topic “Krautrock”. 🙂

    I’m glad you like this kind of music and I’m serious now. You associate a lot of good memories with it. I don’t want to badmouth these beautiful memories. For me it’s the other way around. And actually you are one step ahead of me and I understand what you want to say: listening to music without having intellectual scissors in your head. And it is much better to remember beautiful things and focus on positive aspects in life than to tell each other what you don’t like. Yes David, “Schlagzeug” literally means you beat (or knock) the drum. The term „Schlager“ roughly means: You can beat or defeat another opponent in competition. If you succeed, then you are the „Schlagerkönig“ (beat king).

    Hi Jung, when i think of a prominent british performer who participated in the european song contest, Cliff Richard spontaneously comes to mind. He took part in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1968 and came second. One reason why music professionals kept more and more distance from that event: no famous musician wanted to be rated badly there. And the unknown musicians were usually not successful after the competition.

  • Leif Mortensen

    07/03/2022 at 18:59

    Fine to see a former song from earlier years but please follow up with your countrys tune when it’s chosen,

  • Jürgen

    07/03/2022 at 19:18

    And this is the German artist:

  • Fred van der Wees

    07/03/2022 at 19:53

    Jung Roe: beside ABBA I think their is only one real international star who won the Eurovision Song festival and that is Celine Dion for France in 1988.

    Other winners are often well known in their own country, specially at the start of the song festival when it was mandatory to sing in your own language; in that time it was really about the music and the singing. E.g. in 1969 the Netherlands won with Lenny Kuhr and as far as I know she is still performing in the Netherlands and a part of Belgium (the part they also speak Dutch).

    Golden Earring is indeed Dutch, created great songs not only Rader Love. They never participated the European Song festival. They stopped last year because the guitarist is ill.

    For the Germans: Rudi Carrell participated for the Netherlands in 1960.

  • Jung Roe

    09/03/2022 at 05:24

    David, Jurgen, Fred

    Thanks for the insight guys. I didn’t know Celine Dion participated for France. Must have been before she came to Canada.

    • Jacki Hopper

      16/05/2023 at 03:16

      Celine was born in Quebec …she is the youngest out of 14-16 ….

      I’m not a fan much if gers…only like a few songs…not keen on her personality/stuck up attitude in my opinion, sorry to say but that’s what I think of her…why I’m not a fan.. Yes, she has a singing voice…just not keen on her …. This is only my opinion, you may respectively agree/disagree ….

    • Jung Roe

      16/05/2023 at 06:01

      I’m not a big fan of Celine either. She goes into the same bucket as Whitney Houston and Barbra Streisand and the like for me. Great vocals, but very limited to their genre. Now take Mona and Lisa who can span many genre’s and do whatever they do incredible justice. The diversity and depth of their vocals is incomparable, and their harmonies sublime. I see a lot of other acts on Youtube and they sound great playing their guitars and drums until they start singing.

    • Jacki Hopper

      16/05/2023 at 23:05

      I did like Whitney Houston over Celine ….Whitney ‘s Mom had sung backup on a few of Dusty Springfield ‘s earlier recordings …. did you also know Dionne Warrick is related to Whitney …

      I agree with the things you said here in the reply to me …🤘🏻

  • Leif Mortensen

    09/03/2022 at 20:04

    A womens day special drum cover by Eddis drummer – fasten seatbelts

    • Jürgen

      10/03/2022 at 18:56

      Cool mix Leif. Thanks for that. Female musicians like Dua Lipa, Avril Lavigne are definitely underrepresented here on the forum. I really like the music of both of them. It has something fresh and unconsumed. And the drum covers are great. For support, I found even more female power. So stay strapped in.

    • Leif Mortensen

      11/03/2022 at 11:59

      Sina is a very good drummer coming from a Beatles area too like our twins. Was her daddy not in a Beatles tribute band – think so?

  • Tom Fones

    10/03/2022 at 03:24
    I learned about Schlager from the Youtube thumbnails accompanying Juergen’s

    post of “Gib mir deine hand” – the Beatles song in German.

    Now i regularly get suggestions for Vanessa Mai, Melissa Naschenweig, Beitrice Egli and Helene Fischer

    This one especially warms me up because i am old enough to remember Joe Dassin.

    Is Pascal noticing this?

    But mein herz nein schlact schlager – mein herz schlact rock-n-roll … Ja Juergen ?

    • Jürgen

      10/03/2022 at 17:02

      Perfect Tom: “Aber mein Herz schlägt nicht für Schlager, mein Herz schlägt für Rock’n Roll” (you understand me) 🙂

      Vanessa Mai, Melissa Naschenweig, Beatrice Egli and Helene Fischer? I think you’re turning into a real Schlager music expert, Tom. We’ve talked about it before: the boundaries between Schlager and pop music are sometimes fluid and the interpreters you mentioned basically have a lot of potential.

    • Tom Fones

      10/03/2022 at 17:43

      Thanks for the grammar lesson Juergen.

  • Nicholas Fox

    12/03/2022 at 16:38

    Just picking up on some previous comments. Celine Dion was repesenting Switzerland when she won the Eurovision Song Contest with the song – Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi. She said in an interview that she did not know why she was chosen to represent Switzerland; but as a Canadian citizen where had released some records in French (one of the languages spoken in Switzerland).

    Sina’s father was in the Silver Beatles tribute band. Her website has a picture of her as a three(?) year old in front of their drum kit. She uses their playing as a baking track for her Beatle’s based drum videos.

    The 1980’s French children’s TV star Dorothee converted many nursery rhymes into pop songs as part of her successful Club Dorothee TV shows. She also did a number of songs clearly based on pop hits – just like the Muppets.

    How about MLT for next year’s UK entry in Eurovision!?

    • Nicholas Fox

      13/05/2023 at 21:00

      So why were the Mona Lisa Twins passed over for Austria’s entry into this years Eurovision Song Contest even though they originally came from Austria and are now living in Liverpool?

    • Jung Roe

      13/05/2023 at 21:57

      Hi Nicholas

      I don’t think it’s because MLT were passed over, they are not interested in contests like this for the same reasons the Beatles didn’t participate in competitions. I think art and inspiration are at odds with competitions. I couldn’t imagine Van Gogh submitting his work of art to a competition to have judges validate how good it is, or Jimi Hendrick participating in a guitar competition for judges to validate if his guitar work is any good.

    • Nicholas Fox

      14/05/2023 at 21:12

      Fully agree with you, especially now Eurovision is more like a circus than a serious showcase of music from across Europe. We know Mona Lisa Twins are incomparable with their talent. Only pity is all those people who have yet to discover them.

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/05/2023 at 00:23

    In/From /My 2 cents worth /view/perspective/opinion ….

    If One is Truly Gifted, There’s no need to go into competitions, the likes… They truly Embrace and have utmost confidence and know their worth, etc… and it’s up to folks(fans-music listeners ) to genuinely want to Embrace the Real Deals and not get caught-up in the manufacture/controlling, etc circus of the mudic industry in today’s music landscape and what these music companies, TV shows entail of …. lacking thereof unlike how it was back in old school ways of things…. 🤘🏻☮️

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