MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Eurovision songs 2022

  • Steve Kirk

    15/05/2023 at 16:57

    The Eurovision Song Contest isn’t really a competition. It’s become more about politics than the quality of the music. As previously mentioned Cliff Richard took part twice 1n 1968/1973 and did quite well. That wouldn’t happen now. No serious artists in their right mind would put themselves forward and risk irreparable damage to their reputations by taking part. As I said earlier politics play a massive part now which is a shame because it was worthwhile years ago

  • Len Upton

    16/05/2023 at 04:53

    One only has to go back in time, to 1974, and watch ABBA do Waterloo, to see how Eurovision has become a mega example of style over substance. Isn’t Eurovision exactly what MLT’s Make Show all about? No wonder they took off to Scotland for a few days while the puppet masters took over Liverpool for one their big money hullabaloos.

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