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  • Every Popular Song Sounds The Same, and here is why

    Posted by Jung Roe on 03/01/2024 at 15:36

    I came across this interesting video done recently that echoes the fact, every popular song sounds the same today. The record labels are pushing generic popular music. Studies show the brain releases more dopamine when people listen to songs they’ve heard before, so the record industry perpetuates generic popular music, regurgitated music, that all sounds the same for their own benefit and greed.

    Independent artists are our only hope to restore creativity and originality back into music. It is critical we support artists like MLT who are creating innovative new music. The music industry is killing rock/pop.

    Bud Jackson replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • David Herrick

    03/01/2024 at 17:05

    I too am distressed at how homogenized music is nowadays. On long car trips my wife insists on listening to top 40 satellite stations (ugh!), and I’m always thinking how each song sounds just like the previous one.

    But I wonder if this phenomenon is really unique to our times. You can listen to virtually any pre-Beatles hit song going all the way back to the 1920’s and guess pretty accurately when it was recorded just from the sound of it, so I think homogenization may historically be the rule rather than the exception, although the extent of it and the reasons for it might be different now.

    Jung, the part of that video about the battle between the record labels and the on-line platforms reminds me of this Weird Al Yankovic song from 2006:

    • Jung Roe

      07/01/2024 at 07:30

      Hi Dave

      That was a great video by Al Yankovich, in his usual hilarious style. Love his satires.

      Yeah definitely there is that homogenization across the different periods in music that you can immediately identify. As artists of the day got inspired, the creativity progressed the music to the next plateau. Problem today, is that creativity and progression is missing for all of the reasons pointed out in the that video with the music industry forcing new artists to conform to the formula that will maximize profits. For me the music of Brittney Spears or Justin Bieber from the last couple decades sound pretty similar to what is still being played in the charts today, “Baby One More Time” and again and again……Popular music today is like a stagnant pond, and it’s getting more smelly every year.

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/01/2024 at 17:17

    Sadly, this is the truth, slowly becoming more and more mundane, as being in my mid 50s, I ‘m truly appreciative of the diversity in the music landscape of pre -2000 when music was diverse, things didn’t sound exactly/similar, focus wasn’t quite on the vanity of an artist outright but rather intertwined, you could recognize who was singing, and know their looks, lol…but it was their vocals, music genre that was the definitive…. also perhaps, it could also relate to the generations below us, with exception of MLT, some others who respect moreso the music aspect essence moreso than trying to vanities their looks in conjunction with music , etc as the record labels they’re with demands/expects from signed artists, etc. , as I was saying the generations below us, were born into tge time of thus music shift and perhaps their parent’s music taste influences at home, plays a role as to what music influences their children will be instilled with, etc…

    As I stated in/ on the other thread, ” Absolutely The Best of the Best ” is what I think, and thus why , I’m only liking a rare few in today’s music landscape, as unfortunately , the unique days of once was in music scene has become lost in greed , etc … am Thankful MLT, and others who are like – minded are making sincere efforts to resurrect and restore true musicship-once more….

    Again, this is my personal opinion on this, you may respectfully/diplomatically agree/disagree ….☮🤘

  • Daryl Jones

    03/01/2024 at 18:24

    Can’t help but agree on this. I know how hard it is to be successful in the music world from friends that have been there (some still are managing to eke out a living) and suffered the pressures of the big labels. Very disheartening and what you hear too often is so bland and lacking any real soul or feel. I will never discount anyone’s talent as such, but I don’t have to like the product that the commercial music world lays on us. I could list genres and names but I doubt it’s necessary.
    I love the artists that manage key changes in their songs even if it drives me crazy for a while to find it on the fretboard when I want to add it to my cover list. Changes are almost a lost art in itself anymore. I think the last “recent” song I really like with one in it is Elton John’s “New Fever Waltz” and it’s stunning. As most of his really great stuff is (but I’m a lifelong fan too so).
    But as long as there are up and coming acts (if you can still call them up and coming, they’re actually already there) like Mona and Lisa, there is hope.

  • Roger Penn

    03/01/2024 at 22:39

    You’re beating Beato’s drum, Jung. LOL. But it’s so sad and true. Other than MLT, you want to hear something fresh and inspiring, check out The Warning, my “other” favorite sister act. Three kids from Mexico brining back real music to a generation, and the world is loving it. Here’s a sample.

    • Daryl Jones

      04/01/2024 at 15:52

      How can I not just adore a gal that rocks out on a PRS guitar?! That’s a pretty hard driving trio, but they obviously have a really solid following. Totally new to me, but I will have to watch further.

    • Jung Roe

      07/01/2024 at 07:34

      Hi Roger

      Never heard of this band in Mexico. Great to see new talent doing well down there. They sound like good rockers. Will check out the video.

    • Bud Jackson

      08/01/2024 at 03:47


      That’s a high-powered group there! Very good! — Bud

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