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  • Excellent planning launching this clubhouse !

    Posted by John Cass on 15/10/2018 at 07:39

    Everyone involved in the setting up of this website has done a tremendous job. I have been involved with a patron support site in the states but it is not anywhere near as personal nor does it offer as much to do to be involved.

    I pre-ordered a new CD but did not know how to notify you that i’d like it autographed.

    So much of learning this site though–is to spend time with it. This going to be fun. I finally have a forum of people who actually wants to talk about Beatle related topics. I think you folks have just saved my marriage before it totally crumbled–ha!

    Rudolf Wagner replied 5 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Howard

    15/10/2018 at 08:35

    I did the same thing John without requesting signed copies. However, you can find the following information near the bottom of th Info page:

    “So as a member of the MLT Club all pre-ordered albums (if stated so on the pre-order pages) will get signed for you automatically. If you want to have any other albums or merchandise signed, please leave a message in the “Order Notes” field on the Checkout page and we will take care to put our signature on the item you ordered. Please always use the “Order Notes” field – otherwise we can’t guarantee your message to be seen – and allow for a bit more leeway before shipping.”

    Not sure if this helps, but admin may have better info fo you.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    18/10/2018 at 20:38

    Yes, that’s correct, all MLT Club members will get their pre-ordered albums signed 🙂

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