• Extra WOTT Video

    Posted by Dale Harris on 12/07/2020 at 00:39

    I haven’t seen anyone post about this so I’m wondering if I missed something or if this is a random event.  At the end of the “Rubber Soul” WOTT, after the MLT Club logo the video runs directly into a French film, and lists other options to continue.  They seem to be segments European television shows.  Anyone else getting this, and is it supposed to be there?  Thanks…

    Dale Harris replied 4 years, 2 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    12/07/2020 at 01:14

    Dale, I see the same thing.  It seems to be part of a play list, as I get a kind of play list menu that pops up from the right of the screen that shows a list of other consecutive videos.

  • David Herrick

    12/07/2020 at 01:35

    Yeah, me too.


  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/07/2020 at 00:45

    Hi there,

    Maybe first an explanation why we had to use Dailymotion and not YouTube this time. YouTube seems to become more and more trigger-happy in censoring content these days. Funny enough they recognized John Lennon’s brrright in “It’s only Love” of the “Rubber Soul” WOTT as original that has to be censored and let us choose if we want to delete the whole video or just that part from YouTube.

    As we considered deleting John or the whole video a bad selection of choices we decided to find another video host. Vimeo did not work because of upload restrictions so we decided to use Dailymotion.

    There we have it. I don’t know why they present it that way and we can’t do much about it. Is there anything particularly annoying about it or did you just wonder why it’s different than usual?

  • Jung Roe

    13/07/2020 at 00:57

    Hi Rudolf.  No issue for me, just confirming what Dale noticed. ?

  • Darryl Boyd

    13/07/2020 at 04:06

    I was wondering too, thanks for the explanation Rudolf.

    There’s a bunch of YouTube videos from people complaining about YouTube’s over zealous copyright strike process. Gotta give YouTube credit for at least not blocking those!!!!

    There are a number of bands that are known blockers, the Beatles being one.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/07/2020 at 16:57

    I probably noticed it too,  just didn’t think anything more of  it…I was was so into into watching and focusing on WOTT episode, I didn’t  pay full attention, but looking back now, at it, after Dale pointed it out, yes, I can see same thing….Are you considering perhaps to use Dailymotion more often now…. Yes, YouTube is becoming  rather nitpicky with things, I’ve noticed that too….whenever I’ve been keen eyed to notice, not always I notice, but I do from time to time.. Thankyou  for your explanation Rudi, it all makes better sense now. We all appreciate dedication Team MLT puts forth in ensuring an MLTBuzzLuvWorthyGroivy MLT MLT Club experience ☮?

  • Dale Harris

    14/07/2020 at 01:58

    Thanks Rudi,

    Just wondering why it was different.

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