• Family Pet Photos

    Posted by Daryl Jones on 14/12/2023 at 16:52

    Yesterday’s Livestream seeing the rescue pigeon Trudy and all the animal videos in the funnies posts made me think of posting pet pictures. Pets often become a very large part of the family, and many times they even get presents at Christmas time from friends.
    We have two cats in our house, and have had many feline residents in our 42 years together. We have had a couple dogs, but being studious workers and career types, dogs didn’t fit well with our absentee lifestyle. We did have two cockatiels for a few years which were lots of fun (but a huge amount of work), and even had a pet tarantula for about 15 years. Yes, 15 years! I called her Carla, and she was roughly the size of my hand, a dark brown (hairy of course) with red and white leg bands. So at one time in our marriage, we had 2 birds, a dog, two cats and a spider living under our roof, all in a 14’x66′ mobile home; the dog was a mongrel breed and did spend most of the time outdoors so seldom in the house. Good thing most likely.
    So the birds eventually went to an aunt that had 3 young children, the dog we gave away to someone that had children to occupy him with affection all day long, and the spider eventually died and we became cat only folk. Usually in pairs so they had company, total of 9 cats since we got married. We eventually built the house we are in now, and still have two cats. One fluffy adorable Ragdoll (Loki) and a somewhat precocious Maine Coon (Sumo), both neutered males and they are inseparable pals. Of course, there were some “growing pains when they were little, as siblings will often experience. But things are never totally serene and calm in the house, and the ensuing feline rodeos can be anywhere from hilariously entertaining to outright terrorizing. But we love them to bits even if they knock stuff over in their races, and leave tufts of fur all over the floor.
    So if you are a pet owner/lover, please share your fur souls photos.

    Tim Arnold replied 9 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    15/12/2023 at 00:38

    Hi Daryl

    What a great idea. Carla sounded fascinating, I bet had a personality too.

    Yeah our pets enrich our lives so much, don’t they.

    Here are our cats, Milo in the bottom was my cat, Cooper on top was my sisters cat. Cooper is young in this photo, but he became massive and nearly twice Milo’s size as an adult. They both left us a couple years ago, and we miss them a lot.

    Max was my best friend, so good, gentle, and protective. Miss him so much too.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    15/12/2023 at 02:25

    What’s that? Pictures of my cats? Right now, our male cat, Tex, is trying to get my attention and interfere with my typing. He ways twenty pounds, so he’s pretty good at holding my arm down. Purr, purr, plop.

    We also have a female tortoise cat. She is half as big, but can knock down Tex when she wants to. They are the same age, about nine or ten now. We rescued them about nine years ago. Our friends own some rental properties. Tenants of their’s abandoned their apartment one night and left the cats there. We had recently lost a pair of cats to FIP, so they thought we might be interested. It worked out great for everyone. They are very affectionate and well mannered. Tex’s favorite annoying habit is a game we call this doesn’t belong up here. He loves to knock things off any elevated surface. Sometimes after he knocks something off of my desk, he gives a look The tortie, Punky, can be stand-offish or she demands attention at crazy times. Pet me Meow!

    Tex is the grey tabbie, and Punky, or Pumkin has patches.

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/12/2023 at 04:57

    I grew up with mostly dogs, one demented,demonic cat from Hell, thus my dislike for cats and later on severe allergies to cats to the point, I can’t even be in same room, it’s that bad….a few dog breeds I’m allergic too with but the cats , sorry Cat Lovers, I’m Anti-Cat, don’t mind photos of cats, just not real deal of cats in person,

    But Luv dogs, Dogs Luv Me …= Jax is a Dog Person , most definitely

    Photos Left to Right : Taffy #1 ( She was around before I was born and apparently there was a cat # 1 but no photo that I’m aware of ) Black Dog is Duke, grew up with him, then we have Demonic/Demented Fluffy the Cat from Hell with Taffy # 2 whom I grew up with both and how this photo was taken of both of them so calmly tolerating one another, have no clue….just a miracle it was photographed for proof sake they could briefly co- exist …lol , then the last 2 dogs we had that I grew up with , Little Wee Corky ( he was my baby, I chose him from the litter where we got him from, while his side kick Buddy , we got Buddy a bit later from a newspaper ad, …. Sadly Taffy # 1 git hit by a snowplough, I think is what happened, it was before I was born, Duke died of old age one winter….he loved being outdoors, never liked being inside while Taffy # 2 enjoyed being bith inside/out, she died one summer during a Thunderstorm outside of old age , Buddy git hit by a car chasing stupid groundhog he saw , succumbed to his injuries at animal hospital and wee Corky was dying of old age, blind and deaf, so at 16 yrs, the traumatic decision but right one to do as heartbreaking as it was , to have him put to sleep at veterinarians , he was so frail, etc by this point, I miss my wee Corky dearly ….

  • Thomas Randall

    22/12/2023 at 00:33

    Here is my late baby, named “Baby”. She was a springer spaniel and such a sweet dog. She left us in 2005 at age 14. I really miss her.

  • Daryl Jones

    22/12/2023 at 00:59

    Awww.😢 What a sweetheart.

  • Tim Arnold

    22/12/2023 at 02:12

    This was our big yellow tom cat. My 3 year old grand niece Makaya named him Gravel because we found him on the gravel road near my house. Someone had dropped him off. I found him on a Friday night and my plan was to take him to the shelter on Monday so they could find him a home. We already had 2 cats and a dog and didn’t need another pet. Needless to say by Monday, thanks to Makaya, he had found a place in our hearts and stayed for 10 years.

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