MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Famous songs with reference to pets or animals

  • Howard

    14/08/2020 at 18:39

    Yes, but it’s believed the marriage was never consumated and was to help him avoid the draft.

  • Joseph Manzi

    14/08/2020 at 18:53

    Just read up on the Mugwumps. I never heard of them. I listen to their music. A lot of history came from that group. Mama and Spoonful. Interesting.  First I thought you were referring to

    Petty and Mudcrutch.  Learned something today. Thanks

    Howard I know you live in the land down under. But you live in the states? Correct.

  • Howard

    14/08/2020 at 19:09

    I’ve never been to the states Joe. Australian born and bred!

  • Joseph Manzi

    14/08/2020 at 19:16

    So Howard,

    How are the temps down there now. Is  Australia a humid heat or dry. What the highest it’s ever been,

    So I saw that you like Be Bop Deluxe. I thought they were a interesting band. Like I said I really enjoyed Bill Nelson guitar playing.

    • Howard

      15/08/2020 at 10:01

      Joe, Australia is the worlds largest Island and the worlds smallest continent. Consequently it has a wide range of climates. Most of the population lives on a thin coastal strip, as the  inland is mostly desert.

      I live in Queensland, the northern state on the highly populated east coast. I live in Queensland’s capital, Brisbane, in the coastal south east.

      There are five predominant climatic zones in Queensland, based on temperature and humidity:
      hot humid summer (far north and coastal)
      warm humid summer (coastal elevated hinterlands and coastal south-east)
      hot dry summer, mild winter (central west)
      hot dry summer, cold winter (southern west)
      temperate – warm summer, cold winter (inland south-east, e.g. Granite Belt).

      Mona and Lisa spent around five months in Adelaide, South Australia, the driest state in the driest country in the world. They also visited the Great Barrier Reef in Northern Queensland and Uluru in Central Australia. Perhaps this is a question you could put to them in ”Ask The MonaLisa Twins”, in the Forum.

  • David Herrick

    14/08/2020 at 19:40

    Joe, are you familiar with the Mamas & Papas song “Creeque Alley”?  It paints sort of a family tree of the folk groups that intersected with them.


  • Joseph Manzi

    14/08/2020 at 20:03

    Looking at the words I see it all.  Always took this  song that they hung out and had no other reference. Thanks I always like this song. I haven’t listen to Mama Papa can’t remember when. Time to pull the cd out.  Thanks David. Learned two things from you today. Rolling Stones acid trip on like a Rolling Stone and Mama and Papa. Just being funny about the acid trip…

    Acrually Howard too. Thanks


    I guess this sums it up.

    Mugwumps, high jumps, low slumps, big bumps
    Don’t you work as hard as you play
    Make up, break up, everything is shake up
    Guess it had to be that way
    Sebastian and Zal formed the Spoonful
    Michelle, John, and Denny gettin’ very tuneful
    McGuinn and McGuire just a catchin’ fire
    In L.A., you know where that’s at
    And everybody’s gettin’ fat except Mama Cass
    Di di di dit dit dit di di di dit, whoa

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/08/2020 at 00:29

    As a huge Cass Elliot fan that I am, I love her collaboration  with Dave Mason, she did sing a song on CSN album,  love all her solo stuff, she and Michelle also sang backup on Denny ‘s 2nd solo album, which sadly was Cass’ final recording efforts before her passing, and she also wrote the liner  notes  on that album…btw, Denny Doherty was a Canadian…. ?????

  • Joseph Manzi

    15/08/2020 at 04:14
  • Joseph Manzi

    15/08/2020 at 04:21

    Bungle in the Jungle video


  • Joseph Manzi

    15/08/2020 at 04:25
  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 05:45

    Joe, on that Lorne Greene’s Ringo song, the lyrics at the end “…tarnished star above the name Ringo on his grave…”, and the picture of the gun holster and marshalÈs star badge, I couldn’t help but think of Ringo Star.  Could it be, this song had anything to do with Richard Starky choosing Ringo StarrÉ.  Ringo also reminds me of the songs OK Corral and Rawhide!

  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 06:14

    [postquote quote=100462][/postquote]

    Lorne Greene, and Paul Anka too?  Lot’s of great Canadians Jacki I keep learning about from you!  Awesome.  🙂

  • David Herrick

    15/08/2020 at 06:25

    I really like that Apeman song, Joe!  I wasn’t familiar with it.


  • John Behle

    15/08/2020 at 06:33

    Lucy was a rescue from the pound.  This dog just looked up at me with a look that said “I Love You – Take me Home!”.  I’ve never had or seen a dog with a sweeter disposition.  She came with the name Lucille and I was a little hesitant on that name.  We had a cat named Lucy at the time, but his name had been changed recently to Lucky.

    Someone had given him to us a couple years earlier and said he was a female and his name was Lucy.  I never thought to verify that.  Animals deserve a little modesty too.  He got clobbered badly by a Bobcat in our area and while the vet was sewing him back together he corrected us on the gender.  Considering he was lucky to be alive – Lucy was changed to Lucky.

    We’re looking for another cat and “Yoko” is what I was thinking for a name, but now I’m leaning towards “Lorraine” – sweet Lorraine.  But,  “Lola” is coming up as a close second.  My first cat as a kid was “Percy” and looked really close to “Garfield” so we loved that comic.   One of my most vivid childhood memories was Percy sitting on my dad’s chest as he read a book with my dad whistling the song “Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte” while the cat purred loudly.  My dad was reading the book – not Percy.

  • Jung Roe

    15/08/2020 at 06:35

    [postquote quote=100477][/postquote]
    David, you’ve never seen Bonanza?  I’m surprised, don’t deny yourself, it’s good!  I looked for a muppets Bonanza episode but none exists.  You will just have to overcome your trauma and watch Bonanza one day 🙂  The Ringo video with Cass and Battle of New Orleans with those alligators were awfully fun.  Alpo dog food, now I haven’t heard that one in a long time.  My big brother’s name is AL and me and my friend when we were very little use to make fun of him calling him Alpo, until he got really mad once and almost beat us up.  🙂  Fond memories.

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