MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Famous songs with reference to pets or animals

  • Bill Isenberg

    21/08/2020 at 01:01


    Just to add? We were blessed to have a Yorkie for 17 years, wonderful years and part of the family, but he passed a couple of years ago, and missed dearly and thinking of getting a new Dog soon. But thru all of this? I keep thinking the Animals group…..LOL….SORRY….lol…

  • Jung Roe

    22/08/2020 at 08:52

    Hi Bill.  Sorry to hear about your dog.   Yorkie’s are so cute!  They enrich our lives so much don’t they, but unfortunately they always leave us too soon.  Any thoughts on what breed of dog you are thinking of getting?

    I like this by the Animals (nice name for a band too).


  • Bill Isenberg

    22/08/2020 at 13:32


    Thanks, we want to get another Yorkie, I just love how I can hold them and put them on my lap, Cosmo weighed in at 10 pounds and we miss him dearly but know he is in heaven looking down on us and keeping us safe.

  • Jacki Hopper

    23/08/2020 at 04:48

    ” Eye of the Tiger”  from Rocky movies and  a horse song  by Alannah Myles ( the title escapes me now)

  • Jung Roe

    23/08/2020 at 08:11

    Bill, that sounds great getting another Yorkie.  We will probably get another dog or cat, haven’t decided which yet, at some point.  The house felt so empty for so long when my dog Max died.

    Jacki, good one, I haven’t heard an Alanna Myles song in a long time.  Some nice guitar sounds in this one.


  • Bill Isenberg

    25/08/2020 at 00:58

    Jung and Club Members,

    Sorry if this was already posted? But how about Seagull from Bad Company 1974. Man what a great song and Paul Rodgers does it well. So hope this was not posted but threw it out there anyway. And again can you imagine the Mona Lisa Twins doing this cover? Sorry here I Go again Mona and Lisa….LOL….

  • Howard

    25/08/2020 at 01:30

    Bad Company – Seagull

  • Howard

    25/08/2020 at 02:21

    Has anybody mentioned Jonathan Livingston Seagull?

    The book tells the story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a seagull who is bored with daily squabbles over food. Seized by a passion for flight, he pushes himself and learns everything he can about flying.

    Jonathan Livingston Seagull, written by Richard Bach and illustrated by Russell Munson, is a fable in novella form about a seagull who is trying to learn about life and flight, and a homily about self-perfection. Bach wrote it as a series of short stories that were published in Flying magazine in the late 1960s.

    1973 Jonathan Livingston Seagull is the Grammy Award winning soundtrack album to the 1973 American film Jonathan Livingston Seagull, recorded by singer-songwriter Neil Diamond and produced by Tom Catalano. The album was released on Columbia Records.

    Jonathan Livingston Seagull is no ordinary bird. He believes it is every gull’s right to fly, to reach the ultimate freedom of challenge and discovery, finding his greatest reward in teaching younger gulls the joy of flight and the power of dreams.

  • David Herrick

    25/08/2020 at 02:50

    I read that book in my ninth grade English class, Howard.  I had no idea that there was a film and music.


  • John Behle

    25/08/2020 at 02:50

    Good one Howard.  I just was thinking about that book today since there was a comment about a “Seagull” song.  I’d forgotten there was music to it.  It was one of the first books I can remember that I picked up one day and didn’t even move from my chair until I was done.

    I think Jonathan Livingston Seagull would be among my top ten of books I would recommend to someone.

    Another came to mind.  That would be “Journey to The Center of The Earth” by Rick Wakeman.  The original version I first heard  has no words but I could visually imagine the dinosaurs fighting, etc.

  • Howard

    25/08/2020 at 03:12

    Though not on Topic, but another Science Fiction  contribution would be Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of HG Wells’ “The War of the Worlds”.

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/08/2020 at 04:27

    Bad Company, ” Seagull”, not ringing any familiarity  bells with me at all, sorry to say unless I heard of song just never knew who sang it  nor am I familiar  with this book you’re  referring to as well… I was never an avid reader when younger, still not although I’m  a bit better, I enjoy Outlander book series by Diana Gabaldon , Ottawa Local author Mary Cook and her stories, etc… as for school  , books read in English that I can  recall  though not all, ” Lord of the Flies”, “MacBeth”, ” Who Has Seen The Wind”…

  • Jung Roe

    25/08/2020 at 05:34

    Bad Company – Seagull is a nice song Bill!

    Howard, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull sounds like a great story.  I’ve heard of it since high school but never read it.  Your brief synopsis of it has piqued my curiosity.  I started in on reading a new book during these days at home called “Great American Short Stories – from Hawthorne to Hemingway” that I got a while ago.  Read one short story so far, but Johnathan Livingstone Seagull sounds like one to look for next time I get to a bookstore.  I have seen HG Wells War of the Worlds, both the old black and white film and the more recent one with Tom Cruise.

  • Jung Roe

    26/08/2020 at 11:16

    I think this was mentioned earlier, but the song deserves justice with an Elvis performance.

  • Jung Roe

    29/08/2020 at 08:26

    As this post is getting long, it is continued on new post Famous songs with ref to pets or animals 2

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