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  • Fave Go To Clothing You Luv In Your closet?!

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 07/01/2020 at 10:37

    I know you both share /clothes swap wear often, but for each of you, is there that one/more fave clothing ensembles that you consider your Go To time and again?!…. Just wondering as you have the funkiest Groovy Fab Fashion Senses Going…. Thankyou ?

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    07/01/2020 at 10:39

    Ohh, thanks Jacki. Ever since we discovered Charity shops here in the UK, our wardrobe has been changing pretty frequently. We love hunting for little treasures and vintage clothes and often give away stuff we’ve been holding on for a while or already wore in some videos and pictures. Just to keep it interesting and fun 🙂 So there aren’t many go-to items I’d wear time and time again, except my favourite slouchy clothes I always wear around the home.

    I have a Beatles Jumper for example that I bought back in 2009 when we visited Liverpool for the first time that I can’t get myself to throw away, despite the many holes and tears it’s collected over the last 11 years.
    2009 …


  • Howard

    07/01/2020 at 12:15

    Definitely don’t throw away your favourite slouch clothes if you feel comfortable in them Lisa. I made that mistake a few years ago when I replaced my favourite tracksuit, just because it was getting old. I have never felt as comfortable in anything I have bought since!

    Is it already eleven years ago since you first visited Liverpool? Wow! That’s nearly half your time on this planet! You know it won’t be too long before you and Mona have lived in Liverpool longer than Austria.

  • Jung Roe

    07/01/2020 at 14:59

    Love your styles.  Whatever you choose to wear you both always look so awesome in.  You have great innate fashion sense, or you do your own thing and it looks great anyway.

    You can find some nice gems in those charity shops indeed.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/01/2020 at 18:40

    Thankyou Lisa for your reply and accompanying photo fashion flashback?… And… I’m also a Thrift/Charity Store Clothing shopper… It’s “wear” I can lultimately come across vintage stuff, Purple stuff,  Quirky Funky Groovy and stuff that I can find that can actually fit and/or fit to my idea of fashion sense and comfort… I don’t necessarily follow trends, it’s Jax Mix n Match…

    Quick story… In High school I wore my Mom’s Honeymoon Outfit (Jackie O pencil skirt with 3/4 sleeve jacket that went with it, it was dark baby blue and she also owned the same style but in a bright vivid Fuschia pink, we’re talking the real 60s deal here…. I didn’t care how/what others said about me wearing them… I hung onto those outfits for years after until we had sold the house, I had to sadly part with them, but…. Fear not, for I took photos of them?…

    Then there was time my Grandma entrusted me with her beloved somewhat discolored but still in tact vintage real deal early 1920s wedding dress to take to school in Grade 7/8for an oral History class presentation to which I chose the 1920s Era, one of my fave eras.

    I’m also the keeper of my Mom’s vintage wedding dress/veil from 1962….so yes, I love my vintage wears too??

    PS… If ever you want to rid of any of your Purple Wears, I’d be happy to adopt them and give them a loving home and be the proud “Mom Wears” to them ??

  • Howard

    08/01/2020 at 02:59

    I remember the story about your grandmother’s 1920s wedding dress Jacki. I’m glad you have some photos of the clothes you had to part with. I’d love to see some. Perhaps this is the appropriate place to post them.

    I too hung on to some real deal sixties and seventies fashions until the last decade when I was drowning in so much clutter that I actually had to hire a professional declutterer (yes, they exist), to help me do what I couldn’t do alone. I recommend them to any other hoarders like me out there, they take no prisoners, but get the job done. Fortunately I had already given away some of my favourites, like my hand made, beautiful, wide leather belts with large brass buckles. Can you believe, in the late sixties, early seventies, we wore hand made sandals with soles made from used tyre tread. Those were the days, my friend …….. I can see a MLT cover song coming on here!

    Anyway Jacki, please share some of your favourite retro clothes photos with us. I’m sure Mona and Lisa would also get pleasure from seeing them.

    I’m not promoting any particular service or suggesting anyone is suffering from any of these conditions, but just as an example of the services that are available, I have chosen the following from the web, by way of explanation.

    “Dr DeClutter is a unique Professional Organising service. We are highly trained in the specialised areas of working with people who identify with anxiety, depression, ADHD and/or have hoarding tendencies and want help decluttering and getting organised. Clients choose Dr DeClutter for the features that set us apart from more generalised services: we partner with you to provide education and strategies on sustaining decluttering and organising results long term. You LEARN the tools you need to make it stick.”

    Mona and Lisa obviously don’t need this service as they have a wonderful way of recycling clothing. There should be more of it in this world of high fashion which is expensive, wasteful of resources and often very exploitative of labour.

    Thanks again Jacki for asking the question and thank you Lisa for your insightful answer and photo.

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/01/2020 at 03:24

    Well Howard, I too am a Hoarder of sorts, more of sentimental hoarder ing…. I have still stuff from when I was a child, some of my late parent’s stuff, housewares, etc from childhood home, my own stuff I accumulated since living on my own since 2003ish. I can relate to what you’re saying, and it’s not easy as some would think to just be able to get rid of stuff…

    Yes, if I can come across the pix of Grandma’s wedding dress on her wedding day, my Mom’s Jackie O looking dresses, etc, I’ll post here but they are not to be shared beyond here ?

  • Howard

    08/01/2020 at 04:06

    Rules of MLT Club

    1st RULE: You do not talk about MLT CLUB to non believers.

    2nd RULE: You do not share photos or videos outside MLT CLUB.

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/01/2020 at 05:11

    Lol.. Oh Howard… You crack me up… I’m fully aware of those rules, no need for refreshing the ol noggan…. I was just winding ya up… Gnite?

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