• Favorite food

    Posted by Jung Roe on 23/11/2018 at 07:04

    Hi Mona and Lisa

    I have an easy question this time, 🙂 unrelated to music, but at this time of season for giving thanks and having a lot to eat, this question came to mind.  Is there any special food or type of cuisine you especially like?  What kind of foods do you often both go for when you decide it’s time to dine out?

    It’s not Thanksgiving in Canada, but my older brother who lives in the US of A, often comes up to visit during the US Thanksgiving break, so we go out to eat a lot while he is up here.   Always Greek (we both love that), and often Thai or Chinese food.  On my own, I often frequent Taco places, especially when I go cross border down to the US.  Tacos just aren’t very popular in Canada, but down in the US, oh so many nice places.

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    26/11/2018 at 14:34

    I remember us being quite picky eaters growing up. Not sure what happened though because these days I don’t think there is much we wouldn’t eat ;-D

    I cook a lot and always try to cook really healthy but when we dine out and I want to treat myself I’d probably order ribs and sticky toffee pudding for dessert! Gosh, I love sticky toffee pudding! As far as cuisines go I love Asian food, and Mexican, and Turkish, and Greek, … actually I could just keep going because there are yummy dishes from everywhere.

    So I guess I make up for my quite specific taste in music by loving ALL the food 😛

    • Jung Roe

      01/01/2019 at 07:31

      Hi Lisa
      For New Years Eve I went out for dinner with the family and when the dessert menu came around after the big meal, guess what was on it?
      Yup, Sticky Toffee Pudding, I finally found it!!!  🙂 Everyone else was stuffed, but not me, I had to have it. I see why you like it, that sticky toffee just melts in your mouth. It was so good!!!
      I’ll never pass up Sticky Toffee Pudding if I see it in a dessert menu from now on.

      Sticky Toffee Pudding I found

  • Howard

    26/11/2018 at 16:10

    I’m with Lisa in the food department. I like all cuisines, but some more than others. I love food a little too much actually and have to work hard to keep my weight down. My favourites are probably Asian, Indian, Mediterranean, French, Italian and Spanish but I also like Mexican and some South American cuisine. Not quite so keen on the heavily meat centred food of Brazil and Argentina though. Nearly forgot, I also like Japanese food too.

    I guess Lisa’s sticky toffee pudding is similar to the sticky date pudding which is quite popular where I come from and which I also quite like. My other favourite dessert is fried bananas with ice cream and caramel sauce!

  • Jung Roe

    27/11/2018 at 05:11

    Thanks Lisa!

    It’s always so great to get to know a little more about you.   Given all the other stuff outside of music you do so great, ie art, photography, Photoshop…., I have a hunch you are one heck of a cook too 🙂

    Ribs and Sticky Toffee pudding sounds pretty nice.  Sometimes you have to indulge a little too.  Had to see what Sticky Toffee Pudding is so I googled it 🙂

    Sticky Toffee Pudding

    It looks to be a British dessert?… and I have to say it looks quite mouth-watering!  Next time I’m at a restaurant with a selection of desserts, will have to check this out if they have it.

  • Howard

    01/01/2019 at 09:36

    Hi Jung. I’m allowed to butt in here as your question was prior to the new system. Glad you finally got to try sticky toffee pudding. What type of restaurant did you visit? I love dining out at restaurants where you can share the dishes.

    The pudding does seem very similar to our popular sticky date pudding, shown here with caramel sauce.


  • Jung Roe

    01/01/2019 at 10:12

    Hi Howard.  It was a family country restaurant called “Ricky’s” that is half way between my parents old place and the airport that our family have been going to for years.  Whenever my brother came up to visit my parents and was heading back home to either drive back to LA or fly back, the whole family would meet at the restaurant to say goodbye.  Great breakfasts, turkey dinners, or anything country.  Never would have guessed they had “Sticky Toffee Pudding” of all places.

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