• Favorite Toy

    Posted by Rick Ross on 03/02/2020 at 20:21

    Hello Ladies!

    Much has been mentioned of Lampi Bampi as being Lisa’s oldest Toy. I was so glad to see Lampibampi in the Advent Calendar. Loved all his adventures.

    Mona, do you have a Favorite or oldest Toy that you would care to share information about?

    Ladies, my oldest toy (that I still have) is a Charlie Horse (Shari Lewis and friends Original Show) hand puppet that has a date on it from 1962.

    Thanks Ladies and have an Amazing Week.


    David Herrick replied 4 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    03/02/2020 at 20:23

    Hi Rick,

    Yes, I do! It’s a stuffed baby tiger toy. And it’s creatively called “Tigerbaby” (= German for baby tiger) and similar to Lisa’s lamb I’ve had it since I was a baby.

    It can’t do anything special nor is it particularly cute or anything but I love it to death 🙂


    I just googled that hand puppet … holy moly, that looks terrifying, haha! It’s amazing that it has lasted so long.

    Thanks and have a great week too,

  • Rick Ross

    03/02/2020 at 20:33
    1. Hi Mona,

    What a Cute Tigerbaby! I’m sure you do love it so. It’s one of your favorite memories from childhood.

    My daughter has a doll Biddle Bee that goes everywhere with her. Even went to Paris. So I know what you mean.

    Charlie usually stays in a Drawer now, but at one time was the main stay of my room.

    Charlie sends his best to Lampi Bampi and Tigerbaby. As I send my best to both of you


  • Jacki Hopper

    03/02/2020 at 21:51

    I have in my possession still… 51 yrs later, though I’m assuming the one childhood toy is far older than 51 yrs as it was a hand me down from my 2 older brothers while the other childhood toy was mine, since I was a baby… I have other childhood toys I’ve kept too but these 2 I’m mentioning in particular stand out….and a 3rd keeper that I cherish and still own of mine…

    Yurtle The Turtle(Dr. Seuss) with drawstring that says about 6 different sayings, one saying per drawstring pull… I notoriously one day in a temper rage for whatever reason, lol… Tore off one arm of it… Lol… One Hand Yurtle Turtle….

    The second is a wee pink plush stuffed toy kitten whose one eye/ear worn off… I carried around that as much as Yurtle and the Fisher Price Telephone….

    Third up is my prized round shaped music box thing which you wound up from bottom of it, plays a a carousel type song you ‘d hear on a merry-go-round /carousel, with that Twinkle sound lullaby effect…. I have other assortments of childhood keepsakes I kept that were mine only and hand me downs from my 2 older bros. ?

  • Jung Roe

    04/02/2020 at 07:16

    Tigerbaby is so cute Mona!  Looks like Tigerbaby is ready to pounce and play.  You will have to feature Tigerbaby and Lamp Bampi together in one of the upcoming videos!

  • Howard

    05/02/2020 at 11:22

    I love your favourite toy Mona. Not as cute as mine though.

    My footy team (rugby league), that I’ve been following for well over fifty years, the Wests Tigers (previously Balmain Tigers), have a tiger as their mascot. This is my tiger!


  • David Herrick

    05/02/2020 at 18:35

    One of my favorite toys as a toddler was a rolling wooden chicken with a pull string.  Not very cuddly, but a lot of fun.  The feet were attached to the wheels like pedals, so that the chicken appeared to walk as you pulled it along.  The rotation of the wheels also somehow powered a realistic clucking sound.

    Unfortunately it was very top-heavy, and it tipped over whenever I went around a corner too fast.  According to my mom, when that happened I didn’t look back and just continued to drag what appeared to be a dead chicken around the house, bumping and tumbling across the floor.

    By the way, Jacki, I had that Fisher Price telephone too.  As I recall, the eyes rocked up and down as it rolled along.


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