
  • Saba Arif

    23/10/2018 at 07:25

    Hi Michael!

    So happy to see you here! Thank you for the incredibly warm welcome! For someone as decidedly old school as me, your message sure made me feel a lot cooler. I sure wish I was half as cool as you make me sound.

    I’m definitely working on recruiting more MLT fans over here. So far, a lot of people are really curious. I’ve successfully gotten about five of my friends and my entire family hooked on their music, so that’s a start! Only about a hundred million more to go 😛

    The MLT Club is AWESOME indeed! Absolutely loving it. It’s such a labour of love and we’ve really got to hand it to Michaela, Rudi, Mona and Lisa for the incredible amount of work they’ve put in to make it as awesome as it is.

    “The Princess Bride” is one of my all-time favorite movies! I’ve probably seen it at least 4-5 times. What a classic! Mona and Lisa DEFINITELY need to watch that, if they haven’t already. As for “A Beautiful Mind”, it’s such a heartbreaking, brilliant movie. It’s amazing that you watched it twice on the big screen!

  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 07:47

    You have no need to fear your street cred Saba! I’ve only known you (vicariously through the www) for a few days and already feel your coolness and positive, groovy vibes shining through. Have you had a chance to listen to ‘Hold Me Tight’ again?

    I introduced one of my brothers to MLT this morning, at a cafe and using my iPhone and have planned an MLT party at my place after the 28 October new release date to show him and his partner as many YouTube videos as possible, commencing with the 2007 concert. They are in for a real treat.

    Christmas will be the perfect time to introduce family and friends to MLT through all the beautiful, groovy stuff in their store!


  • Saba Arif

    23/10/2018 at 08:25

    Haha! Thank you so much, Howard! Right back at ya 🙂

    I did have a listen to ‘Hold Me Tight’ and I *think* I know where he sings flat, but I’ll let your trained ears answer that 😛 Your brother and his partner are in for a real treat! I bet they’ll be in the MLT Club soon too. My 4-year old nephew already loves Mona and Lisa and every single time he sees anything Orange, he starts talking about them! It’s hilarious.

  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 08:44

    That is just fabulous Saba. And at four years old they can be so cute and adorable. We need to recruit them young. Enjoy him while you have the chance. They grow up very quickly, as we can see from all those Mona and Lisa videos of them growing up before our very eyes.

    Fortunately they have managed to remain cute and adorable in the process, and very funny indeed. It’s not fair is it, so many talents all wrapped up in one pair of twins. I notice their acting skills have been continually improving too. They just need to brush up on their dancing skills a little and they’ll be the complete, perfect package! Not that Lisa didn’t do a fantastic job in ‘One More Time’, with a little help from her friends!

    I’ll check out ‘Hold Me Tight’ when I’m not so busy and get back to you.


  • Howard

    23/10/2018 at 14:37

    Hi Saba

    The following are links to a version of ‘Hold Me Tight’ with the lyrics. Paul is a little off key, particularly about 1:39 in where he goes a bit flat on one of his low you, oh, oh, ohs. The other link is to a copy of the ‘Beatle Bible’ with an explanation of the recording. It was initially recorded with 13 takes during the ‘Please, Please, Me’ sessions earlier in the year with the intentions of it being released as a single, but neither Paul or John liked it so it was re-recorded for their second album, ‘With The Beatles’ released in November 1963.





  • Saba Arif

    24/10/2018 at 11:04

    Wow! Thanks, Howard! I had no idea that they had initially recorded it for ‘Please Please Me’. Considering they completed the entire album in 13 hours, it’s a wonder that they managed to squeeze in so many takes for a song that didn’t even end up on it.

  • Tom Holmes

    26/10/2018 at 11:36

    Hi Saba, just wanted say I still love to watch that video you made with MLT original ” It’s Alright” that you sent to me in Messenger on FB, anyhow nice to see you here.

  • Rick Ross

    07/11/2018 at 12:24

    Hello SABA!

    Its so nice to see you in the Club. I was hoping you could join everyone here. What a great way for you to introduce yourself to all. Very interesting topics you posed.

    As for me, American Graffiti, the Music, era of setting, cars, all of it. Grapes of Wrath. Henry Fonda. Set in depression era. Very poignant.

    Books, JD Salinger Catcher In The Rye, Lee Child Jack Reacher series.Patricia Cornwall Forensic Pathologist series. Based on actual cases.Facial reconstruction.

    Different types of music, Benny Goodman, Luciano Pavarotti, Louis Armstrong, Chicago, Elton John, Zombies, MLT.


  • Rick Ross

    07/11/2018 at 12:26
    1. Hello SABA!

    Its so nice to see you in the Club. I was hoping you could join everyone here. What a great way for you to introduce yourself to all. Very interesting topics you posed.

    As for me, American Graffiti, the Music, era of setting, cars, all of it. Grapes of Wrath. Henry Fonda. Set in depression era. Very poignant.

    Books, JD Salinger Catcher In The Rye, Lee Child Jack Reacher series.Patricia Cornwall Forensic Pathologist series. Based on actual cases.Facial reconstruction.

    Different types of music, Benny Goodman, Luciano Pavarotti, Louis Armstrong, Chicago, Elton John, Zombies, MLT.


  • Christomir Rackov

    16/11/2018 at 23:51

    Saba!!! Welcome to the club! ^_^ (And yes, I know I am almost 1 month late with this…LOL But I actually don’t have time to hang out here in this groovy community every day, and the several times I did come, I somehow missed your thread in this particular section of the forum.)

    My recommendations for movies and books would be the same ones that I always tell people about, and which I sent as gifts to Mona and Lisa too (LOL)

    – the 1996 Tom Hanks movie “That Thing You Do!” (because it did something similar to what MLT were going to 20 years later – revived the epic music of the ’60s with great *new* original music in the style of that era; and also – it never fails to put a big smile on your face, while you watch it, just like MLT do 20 years later with their music);

    – and the high fantasy book series “Riyria Revelations” by my favorite fantasy author Michael J. Sullivan (because it has great characters, great story-lines, and it’s not too dark, cynical and depressing like it has become so trendy in bestselling fantasy fiction in recent decades, unfortunately; but it’s not too naive either – it actually has great balance between darkness and *light*, and even between flaws and virtues within the characters); Michael also has a new on-going fantasy series (though all 6 books of it have already been written – they just haven’t all been released yet) – “The Legends of the First Empire”, which is set in the same world 3000 years before Riyria, and judging by the first 3 books, is shaping up to be brilliant too.


    Obviously, you and I probably already discussed “That Thing You Do!”, when we chatted before, and you probably told me you had seen it…LOL Can’t remember, sorry 😛 Oh, and when it comes to books, I also need to mention that my absolute favorite books of 2017 and 2018 are respectively “The Martian” and “Artemis” – both by Andy Weir (and yes, that is despite the fact that Michael J. Sullivan has released books in each of these 2 years too – his were close, but not quite my favorites of each year); those 2 are both in the so called Hard Sci-Fi genre, so if you don’t like science much, they might not be your kind of thing… But you’ve probably seen the movie “The Martian” and know what a great character Mark Watney (its protagonist) is; well, the protagonist of “Artemis”, Jasmine Bashara is exactly as great as him – she is around your age, Saba, and she’s an adorable rascal LOL

    As for my favorite MLT songs – I have posted my full Top 23 ranking many times before (and asked the other fans to post theirs) in the MLT IFC, and I’ll probably post it here in the MLT club too, in a separate thread, at some point… Or does a thread like that already exist? :O Seriously, I need to explore this club and it’s forums more, at some point…LOL

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