• Finally we are here!

    Posted by Ivan Strelets on 11/12/2019 at 19:33

    Dear Mona and Lisa!

    My name is Ivan and together with my 6-years old daughter Aleksandra (Sasha), we are big fans of yours!

    I found your videos on YouTube about a couple of years ago. Honestly, I never liked any covers especially to The Beatles before I saw yours. I told myself: this is really something worthwhile. Moreover, I was impressed with the choices you’ve made, if I would play covers myself I would choose 90% the same songs list. And as soon as I asked myself if you have also any originals (and I supposed you do), the next couple of songs YouTube offered me to listen was “This Boy Is Mine” and “One More Time” (Lisa’s heroine in this video reminds me myself in my teenage years, ahaha), and so did I fell in love with your songs.

    My favourite songs of yours were “I Wanna Kiss You” and “That’s Life”.  It was a time I didn’t go to sleep before listen to them.  🙂 But since “Once Upon A Time” emerged, it is my #1. Sasha also likes “I Wanna Kiss You” and she can sing it sometimes all day long repeating your moves on the screen. She adores “Two Of Us” because she can see you when you were children in that video. And she likes to trace the adventures of your toy in the “Dreams”. You can’t imagine how happy was she to see this toy again in the advent calendar! These December days we start each morning by looking for the toy in the next picture. And we like to believe Lisa in the post office (Day 7 picture) was just sending the parcel to us, which we received several days ago. 🙂 Now we have all your disks and don’t need to start YouTube anymore to listen to your records a whole day long 🙂


    We are of Russian origin ourselves. Advent calendars are not in use there in Russia. But Sasha knows this tradition very well, as she grew up mainly in The Netherlands, where we lived for 3 years before moving to London this spring.

    I played in several bands yet in Russia, some of the songs I have written are of the same style as yours. I hope one day to create a band here in London. If you wouldn’t mind I’d be happy beside the rest to cover several of your songs.

    And as for Sasha, her dream is to see you one day. I’m telling her we have to wait until you make any live performance. It would now easier for us to attend your events as we now live in the same country. Do you plan any gigs in the nearest future?

    In the meanwhile, Sasha also had her first live performance debut just yesterday. She sang carols at the Christmas fair in the church nearby.  Many famous people started like that, isn’t?

    Thank you once again for the all things you do. Ans stay groovy! 🙂

    Ivan and Sasha.


    Howard replied 4 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    11/12/2019 at 20:54

    Hi and welcome Ivan and Sasha… Glad to meet you… Awesome you both love MLT music, the photos of Sasha are adoreable,!

  • Ivan Strelets

    11/12/2019 at 22:02

    Hi Jacki!

    Thank you for the warm welcome!


  • Jung Roe

    12/12/2019 at 01:38

    A big welcome to you Ivan and your daughter Sasha!  She is adorable.  Really enjoyed reading your post.

  • Howard

    12/12/2019 at 06:39

    Welcome to the club Ivan and Sasha and thank you for sharing your original MLT experience with us. I had a similar experience my first time and couldn’t go to bed until I had found out as much about them as possible. According to Mona and Lisa, children tend to like “I Wanna Kiss You”. Probably because of the cartoonish format and all the colour and movement.

    Sasha seems like a real fan and I can well imagine her enjoying the “Dreams” video with Lampibampi and “TheTwo Of Us” video showing the Twins as they grow up.

    You’ll enjoying being in the club. There is a lot happening, especially at this time of the year.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    16/12/2019 at 22:36

    Hi Ivan and Sasha, it great to have you here! What a sweet introduction, you two seem like a great team 🙂 And well done, Sasha, for having your first performance singing Christmas songs at the church last week! That is exactly how we started off, too: https://test2.monalisa-twins.com/christmas-performances-2001/

    We hope you’ll enjoy your time here and Mona and I send big hugs ♥

    Christmas Performances 2001

  • Ivan Strelets

    17/12/2019 at 21:49

    Hi, Lisa and Mona! Thank you for the warm welcome! Sasha has really enjoyed watching your video. That’s really cool to see you when you were at the same age as she is now.

    Here is Sasha’s performance, btw. She is staying right in the centre in her white dress “like a little angel” (as her vocals teacher said):


    Now, Sasha is typing herself:

    Mona and Lisa canyou mac a conserd sowe cood  com to  the  conserd  the  atyou   wewlmeyc. sowicood  siyou   inrillif. but  notin  the   compyou  tur

    iwonucisyou  nonu theur  misyou  stey groovi           mwa

    from miy and  midad

    Ivan is here again. If you don’t understand what Sasha just meant above:

    “Mona and Lisa, can you make a concert, so we could come to the concert that you will make. So we could see you in real life. But not in the computer. I wanna kiss you non-other miss you. Stay groovy. Mwa. From me and my dad.”  (Sasha misused a little bit words from the song of yours, sorry, and “mwa” is her attempt to represent the kissing sound).

  • Howard

    18/12/2019 at 04:27

    Wow Ivan. That was one really cute concert request from young Sasha, and a fine performance from the Xmas choir. Thank you for sharing.

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