• First Big HELLO!

    Posted by Rudolf Wagner on 12/10/2018 at 02:58

    A collective welcome from Mona, Michaela, Rudi and me!

    We unlocked the MLT Club only a few hours ago and so many of you are already here – HELLO EVERYONE! You guys are good – we hadn’t even publicly announced anything anywhere yet and we were already far into the two digit numbers here at the Club. The communication network is a well oiled machine amongst the community, we love it! 😉

    So far we haven’t had any hiccups and the store, website and MLT Club seems to be running smoothly. If you come across any kinks please let us know but so far so good! 🙂
    We’ll get straight to replying to everyone for the next few hours, then it’s time for a practice session (got an interview with a little live performance coming up), then a swift run and finally a nap 🙂 Tomorrow we hope to welcome some more new members in the morning.
    Please create a topic in the Introduction forum and say hi and don’t forget to ask us questions!

    Hugs to you all and stay groovy!

    Martin Tibbetts replied 2 years, 9 months ago 21 Members · 39 Replies
  • 39 Replies
  • Tomás F. Calvo

    12/10/2018 at 03:37

    Lisa… isn’t like 3 am for you??? Musicians hours??

    • Paul Steinmayer

      04/10/2019 at 19:01

      Hi Lisa!

      Although I’m a little late to the game, I promise to participate often!  I love MLT, your music, your videos, and your amazing talent!!!  Above all… I’m so very happy to be here and be a part of this!  As always, I’m staying Groovy


  • Jacki Hopper

    12/10/2018 at 03:40

    Hiya Lisa & Gang….AM thoroughly LUVING???????? IT in here…Thankyou for CREATING the CONCEPT.. Much MLTBUZZED indeed????☮️????????????????✌️????❤️

  • Richard McGlenn

    12/10/2018 at 08:15

    I’m never sure how the clock runs at the Wagner house. I know you’re 5 hours ahead of me here in Sunny Florida but I think when the creative juices flow you folks hop to the studio and record when the idea is fresh. I was excited to see some of the Thalia capos that I’ve been sending you on the guitars used in the I’ll Follow the Sun video. When you zoomed in on the name I thought “Now that’s a good commercial plug for Thalia”. Bet they’d love to see it to use on their website since they love musician’s feedback.

    Well talk again soon and looking forward to seeing all the new features as the Club evolves.

    Virtual hugs to all the gang.

    Rich in Sunny Florida

  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/10/2018 at 00:20

    Our sleeping schedule is all over the place right now as it tends to be when we’re working on big releases like this. We’ll try to get it back under control in the upcoming weeks – it doesn’t feel quite right sleeping through the few hours of sunlight each day and being up all night 😉

    Rich, we’re making good and regular use of all the capos you have sent with the different engravings and colours, as they are excellent quality. We’ll put it on our to-do list to send Thalia a little message once the video is out – maybe they want to give it a little plug, that’s a great idea! 🙂
    Also a big, big, BIG thank you for continuing the recurring donations! Having so many things in the pipelines right now, this comes as a great support in seeing everything through and creating new content for the MLT Club and internet in general. Much love from all of us <3

    Today we celebrated the last months of work by going out for dinner. Now we’re a stuffed but happy little family. All of you have come along in our thoughts and chatter.

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    13/10/2018 at 16:19

    Hello, Lisa, Mona, Papa Rudi, Michaela and club members! It’s great to be here. This is exciting and definitely groovy! Love to everyone! I am looking forward to the fun and the music. There is a time lag for me because I am in the state of Georgia in the USA. It’s a little after 4pm in Liverpool, but only a little after 11am here.
    I am so excited about this Club! I love all of the features and especially the Lyrics and Chords books. I love the incredible songs these very talented and creative girls come up with!
    The forum is great, also. I hope to spend more time here and get to know more about you girls, your family and fans like me.
    Jerry Chamness

  • Jacki Hopper

    26/10/2018 at 03:06

    Hi Jerry????☮️

  • Hubert Daul

    01/12/2018 at 16:38

    Hello Mona & Lisa,

    Once upon a time far far away from today, I heard Beatles an since then they are in my head Day after day. Last week I found one of your videos and since, I saw them all. You work is so sixties and sounds so good.

    Thanks for bringing me memories and pleasures.

    Hubert from France

  • Doug Hall

    15/12/2018 at 06:45

    Doug from NY and it is really nice to be a MLT Club member.  Love all the videos and recordings.  But don’t want you guys to abandon live performances.  I know 2018 was a year of new music and recordings, but live performances expands the brand and creates an energy and spontaneity unmatched anywhere else.  Waiting to see you guys do a tour of the USA including the NY area soon!!

  • Bernd Fässlacher

    10/05/2020 at 13:34

    Hallo Mona, Lisa, Michaela und Rudi

    Habe Euch erst vor ein paar Wochen im YouTube entdeckt, und komme jetzt nicht mehr von Euch los.

    Es dauert noch, bis ich mich überall durchgearbeitet habe. Ihr habt schon so viel gemacht die letzten Jahre.

    Besonders gefällt mir Euer Video “Two Of Us” mit den Kindheits-Filmchen, oder “I’ll Follow The Sun” mit Mona “playing chair” …

    Bin ein großer Beatles Fan, genau wie Ihr. Nach John Lennons Tod kam viel von ihm und den Beatles im Radio. So wurde ich zum Beatles Fan Anfang 1981 im Alter von 13 Jahren.

    Mona und Lisa, Ihr ward 13 Jahre alt bei Eurem ersten Konzert mit Papa und Michaela. Wow! Mit 13 schon auf der Bühne.

    John Lennon war 16 Jahre alt bei seinem Konzert mit den Quarrymen, als er Paul kennenlernte.

    Ich freue mich schon auf das Paket mit viel Musik von Euch, das ich in Eurem Shop bestellt habe.

    Keep rockin’!

    Bernd aus Unterhaching

  • Bernd Fässlacher

    10/05/2020 at 13:44

    Hallo Mona & Lisa

    Habe Euch vor ein paar Minuten auf deutsch geschrieben. Jetzt sehe ich meinen Brief auf “deutsch übersetzt”. Das liest sich ja schrecklich.

    Ich habe vieles ganz anders formuliert.

    Soll ich in Zukunft auf Englisch schreiben?

    Liebe Grüße,  Bernd


  • Bernd Fässlacher

    10/05/2020 at 14:02

    Learning by doing …

    Hatte vorhin auf meinem mobile phone den Google Übersetzer auf deutsch geschaltet. Dann liest sich mein deutscher Text schrecklich auf “deutsch”.

    Jetzt ist der Google Übersetzer auf englisch gestellt. Und schon liest sich mein erster langer Brief ganz normal auf deutsch, wie ich ihn auch original geschrieben hatte.

    Und die Zeile ” John Lennon war …”  heißt nicht mehr “John Lennon Krieg …”

    Ja, die Technik …

    Stay groovy,  Bernd

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/05/2020 at 14:18

    Hi there Bernd,

    Nice to meet you, I’m sorry, I don’t understand hardly any German, nor speak it but I’m gathering you’re  enjoying MLT music and either been a fan awhile or just recently. Welcome to here..

    These  are the only words  in German I know but probably spelt  wrong but I tried… Wunderbar, Danken Shein….✌

  • Howard

    10/05/2020 at 14:56

    This is a google translation Jacki.

    “I just discovered you on YouTube a few weeks ago and I can’t get rid of you now.

    It still takes me to work through it all.  You have been doing so much in recent years.

    I particularly like your video “Two Of Us” with the childhood films, or “I’ll Follow The Sun” with Mona “playing chair”…

    I’m a big Beatles fan, just like you.  After John Lennon’s death, much of him and the Beatles came on the radio.  That’s how I became a Beatles fan in early 1981 at the age of 13.

    Mona and Lisa, you were 13 years old at your first concert with Papa and Michaela.  Wow!  Already on stage at 13.

    John Lennon was 16 when he met the Quarrymen when he met Paul.

    I am already looking forward to the package with lots of music from you that I have ordered in your shop.

    Keep rockin ‘!

    Bernd from Unterhaching” AND

    “I wrote you in German a few minutes ago.  Now I see my letter translated to “German”.  That reads terrible.

    I have formulated many things in a completely different way.

    Should I write in English in the future?

    Kind regards, Bernd” AND

    “Learning by doing …

    I previously switched the Google translator to German on my mobile phone.  Then my German text reads terribly in “German”.

    Now the Google translator is in English.  And already my first long letter reads normally in German, as I originally wrote it.

    And the line “John Lennon was …” no longer means “John Lennon War …”

    Yes, the technology …

    Stay groovy, Bernd“

    And “Wunderbar, Danke schoen” probably translates close to “Excellent, thank you very much”.


  • Bernd Fässlacher

    10/05/2020 at 15:18

    Hello Jacki

    Nice to meet you, too.

    “Wunderbar, danke schön.”


    Hello Howard

    Thank you for translating my words.

    Stay groovy and keep rockin’


  • Jacki Hopper

    10/05/2020 at 16:36

    Thankyou Howard for Google Translation, most appreciative,  now I know what was said by Bernd✌

    And to Bernd: You’re  welcome, likewise,  Thankyou for correcting my German attempts in their spellings, I was close, I tried?

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