• Paul Steinmayer

    10/05/2020 at 17:10

    Hi Bernd,

    Although I’m mostly German (with a splash of Polish and a dash of English), I only speak about five words in German, and can count to about 12, LOL.  (Thank you Howard for translating).  Anyway, I wanted to say Herzlich willkommen!!!

    Mona and Lisa have created something sorely missing from most of the music coming out lately… namely music that actually matters, and has real heart and soul!!!  This community is a great way to share our love of Mona, Lisa, Rudi and Michaela, and they music that they’ve created.  It’s also a way for us to make amazing friends… friends that hopefully will last a lifetime!!!


  • Bernd Fässlacher

    10/05/2020 at 18:37

    Yeah Paul,

    here in the MLT Club we all like the same great music. That connects us with Mona, Lisa, Michaela and Rudi.


    Dear Jacki,

    of course from now on I will try to write in english. It’s easier to read for you.

    English is the MLT language.


    Have a nice evening.


  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    17/09/2020 at 03:17

    Although I found this thread shortly after I joined the club a few weeks ago, I totally missed it’s significance.  This is the only Forum thread started by the one of the Twins (Lisa, in this case).  Of course, every time they  post a new video in “Club Music” that’s like starting a thread, so I guess there’s no need for their presence here except to respond to questions and welcome new members who introduce themselves.  Still, anyone else want to see Mona start a forum thread?

  • Michael Ian Walmsley

    19/07/2021 at 17:13

    Hi and a Big Hello from me. Love the MLT Music. I am a Drummer myself despite having Cerebral Palsy which has it’s problems. I am based in the UK and look forward to participating in the Club. Best Regards.

    Ian Walmsley ????????

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/07/2021 at 17:30

    Hi Ian……nice to meet you… Enjoy being #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified to the fullest in this fab MLT Club, much to see/do, great members/friends to meet, etc… jyst out of curiosity, you wouldn’t happen to be related to a Jon Walmsley ” Jason” from the TV show Waltons as he is a musician himself ?) Look forward to your postings,

    Cheers ☮

    • Michael Ian Walmsley

      21/07/2021 at 00:04

      Hi Jacki, Thanks so much for the warm welcome and the information. I look forward to contributing to the forum. No relation to Jon Walmsley. Take Care, Stay Safe. Ian.

  • Jung Roe

    20/07/2021 at 00:59

    Hi Ian, a big warm welcome here, so glad you joined and introduced yourself. A drummer eh, awesome! We have a lot of musicians here too. I am a musician wannabe but I am working on my piano still, and one day hope to be able to play something worth listening to! LOL. 🙂 Hope you enjoy all the top notch MLT content here, and look forward to your posts. All the best.


    • Michael Ian Walmsley

      21/07/2021 at 00:13

      Hi Jung Hope your well. Thanks so much for replying to me. My Dad was a Semi-Pro Drummer for 25 years so I guess I got it from him. I have never learnt to read music just learnt my ear and do my best. I love Piano. Keep playing my friend and enjoying it. Thanks for the information and the warm welcome. I look forward to contributing to the forum. I like Jazz also, If you have time check out the piano player – Teddy Wilson you might like his playing.

      Keep in touch, Kind Regards. Stay Safe. Ian.

  • Jung Roe

    21/07/2021 at 16:36

    Hi Ian.

    Thanks, I will keep at it on the piano and also thanks for mentioning Teddy Wilson. It looks like he was quite the master of improvisation on the piano. Years ago a friend of mine who really liked jazz got me into a little Santana that I enjoyed. Did you know many credit Beethoven for laying the musical elements that would become the cornerstones of jazz in his very last piano sonata #32 that he wrote when he was virtually completely deaf in his more abstract period. I will check out more of Teddy Wilson’s stuff. Stay groovy!


  • Johnnypee Parker

    22/07/2021 at 03:16

    Hi Ian,

    Great to have you on board. Are you familiar with the story of Rip Van Winkle? The story is set in the Catskill Mountains, which is where I am. We are about two hours north of New York City. Rip is the adopted mascot of this area. We have a mile long bridge that leads out of the Village of Catskill and across the Hudson River called the Rip Van Winkle bridge.

    Have you checked out the Out and About section? Lisa and Mona went skydiving for their eighteenth birthday and made this really kool video of it. There is a lot to see and hear here. Enjoy the ride.


  • Mike Cross

    28/07/2021 at 23:29

    Thanks Lisa, I discovered you guys on youtube. I love old school rock music, especially your music. I’ve been a band manager for a local band and a karaoke host, so I really appreciate your talent. I’m exposed to rock music since my wife’s cousin, Bryan Hitt, is the drummer for REO Speedwagon. Keep Rock’n and we hope to see you in the U.S. in the future. Ya’ll are awesome.

    • Jacki Hopper

      20/08/2021 at 22:21

      Hi there Mike Cross, Welcome, nice to meet you, The Club is aqesome, enjoy the offerings here, Look forward to seeing more of your postings ☮

  • Bill Brunt

    20/08/2021 at 21:51

    I am saying hello from Liverpool …I am happy to be here…lots of love everybody …Bill xxx

    • Jacki Hopper

      20/08/2021 at 22:24

      Hiya Bill from Liverpool, I’m in Canada, nice to meet you. I’ve been an MLT fan going on near 14-15yrs now. You’re going to enjoy the Club’s goodies here, look forward to seeing your postings. Cheerio ☮

    • Bill Brunt

      20/08/2021 at 22:36

      Thank you Jacki great to hear from you..it’s kind of you to say hi…I love the Mona Lisa twins ,and look forward to following the music here …love to Canada!…Keep on Rockin xxx

    • Jacki Hopper

      23/08/2021 at 01:11

      You’re Welcome Bill ☮????

  • Michael Wright

    29/11/2021 at 19:43

    Hey everyone, hope you are all groovy?! Saying a BIG hello from the ???????? ????

    So glad to be a fully paid up member of the MLT Club ❤️ Been a fan since early this year when I saw the girls cover of “Wish you were here” and fell in love with the amazing harmonies. Can’t wait to deep dive into all their wonderful music on here. Feel free to say hi ????

    • Jacki Hopper

      29/11/2021 at 21:41

      Hi Michael Wright …nice to meet you and I’m from Canada …been #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified going on 14-15 yrs now…do enjoy the MLT Club Offerings and Welcome ????

  • Michael Wright

    29/11/2021 at 22:10

    Nice to meet you Jacki!! Wow 14/15 years, that’s amazing, wish I had found the girls music sooner. Where abouts in Canada are you as my brother lives in Vermont, not too far from the border. ???? ????????

    • Jacki Hopper

      30/11/2021 at 01:58

      Hi again Michael Wright ….in reply to your question of whereabouts in Canada I live at…..I live in Ottawa… and Cornwall is the nearest border town that has a bridge crossing into the USA….it’s about an hour and a little bit away from me ….????????????????

  • Jack Houlihan

    01/12/2021 at 23:02

    Hello everyone. I’m a grandfather of six, including 5 granddaughters, and the oldest four love the Mona Lisa Twins. I stumbled upon the girls when one of my 5 siblings turned me onto the girls and my 3 daughters restrict their time on devices but my wife and I spoil them as much as possible. We’re in our late sixties and have seen pretty much everyone in concert except the Beatles who stopped touring when we entered High School. Love the original songs as much as the covers and our grandkids favorite song is June, which they sing constantly. We’re in the New York metro area and have seen John Sebastian from 1969 through 2019 and love your work together. Hope to see you in concert in the USA @ some point or in Ireland while visiting family and friends. Slainte.

  • Roy Bennett

    09/12/2021 at 20:22

    Hi, Roly from Chester.

    Just a quick hello and introduce myself. Love your music, discovered you kn the first lockdown while looking for Beatles songs on Facebook. Found you singing ’till there was you’ and have been a big fan ever since.

    Your own music is fantastic and is a joy to listen to. Let ne know when you’re in Chester next and I’ll buy you both a coffee. Think I saw you both there earlier in the year.

    Love you both and a great xmas and new year to you and yours. X

  • Martin Tibbetts

    22/12/2021 at 22:17

    Well I’m really pleased to have discovered the MTL club and hey, a signed up member now . I found the MLT’s on line with a google word search for ‘Best up and Coming Female Artists’ . And the MLT’s turned up. I’ve spent hours on various weblinks. And seen everything you’ve done. On line. From the Cavern (which I know well) and California . I’m a singer songwriter myself ( real job a teacher in Birmingham) . I think the new track released on the net ‘Wide. Wide Land’ is truly beautiful and a real social statement . Write more of that and move away from the Beatles . I notice you have covered other artists. . But I think the MLT writing new things with a new perspective are going to offer a lot more to both the MTL enthusiasts and appealing to the wider caring world . Martin in Birmingham

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