• Howard

    30/03/2020 at 14:35

    I think you’ve misread Jung’s post Jim. He stated:

    ”I also like Cinnamon Girl which was a Neil Young song that the Gentrys covered”.

    That’s unless Jung has edited his post since your reply!

  • Jim Yahr

    30/03/2020 at 16:17

    [postquote quote=89433][/postquote]
    He edited, the original email notice that I popped the reply button on said “Neil Diamond”, then I edited because I couldn’t find a way to delete the reply.

  • Jung Roe

    30/03/2020 at 19:10

    Sorry Jim.  I had mistyped Neil Diamond on my original post, and then I went back a few minutes late and changed it to Neil Young.  Listening to “Everybody Knows This is Nowhere” right now and it is a catchy tune, I like it!  🙂

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