• flip side

    Posted by Will Beard on 08/12/2021 at 04:32

    In January my band heads to the studio to record “I Don’t Know Birds That Well” – the Twins asked to hear how we sound. Because of their affinity for vinyl, we will be doing a 45 which means there will be a B side. As band leader of course I get to guide things but always open to input. I am thinking of #1) an up tempo song #2) one the band is fairly competent on, and #3) one the Twins haven’t put on cd or You Tube. Heres what I have come up with – “Kicks”, “ListenTo The Music”, “I Can’t Help Myself”, “Oh, Pretty Woman”. A newer addition to our sets, still getting up to speed on is “Shama Lama Ding Dong”. Maybe whatever we do out of this list will inspire the Twins to do it. Hows that for dreaming big. What the heck, I am months away from 75, gotta go for it.

    Johnnypee Parker replied 2 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    08/12/2021 at 07:59

    That sounds awesome Will. What a great way to start the year and honour MLT. For B side, Listen To The Music feels like a good accompaniment to I Dont Know Birds That Well, but all the ones you mentioned are great too.

  • Walter Music

    09/12/2021 at 13:09

    Hi Will and Jung, Will I have to say keep going. That is so great! Age has nothing to do with playing Music. I will be 68 next month so a few guys and I get together a few times a week and we play 3 or 4 sessions. Congrats on the new 45. I can’t wait to hear it. If you need a session player on guitar, give me a shout out. Jung you just won a Hoodie in the Advent, congrats!!!!

    • Jung Roe

      10/12/2021 at 00:33

      Thanks Walter, and thanks for the encouragement with the piano. I will keep learning and playing! Yes, never too old indeed.

  • Jürgen

    09/12/2021 at 13:47

    Hi Will,

    since I don’t know you or your band very well, I don’t know what your preferences are or what songs you can play or would like to produce. If I follow your ideas, the following two titles come to mind:

    • Manfred Mann – “Do Wah Diddy Diddy”
    • The Beatles – “Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da”

    PS: Otherwise I think “Shama Lama Ding Dong” and “Oh, pretty woman” would be a good choice. It’s great that you are still swinging the guitar at almost 75. Keep it up.

  • Will Beard

    09/12/2021 at 18:16

    Thank you everyone for your comments and support. Here is a little back ground on my band. The bands name is The Inclusion Jam Project, I formed it to provide a way for underage to legally jam with adults. We perform for free in public venues, bring extra instruments, song books and mics so anyone can walk up and join in. We play mostly 60’s ansd 70’s rock, some country, even Gershwin. 1 singer is 30, the rest of use all over 60 and long term military vets. I play keyboard (mostly organ). Because of covid we had only 1 public performance last year but got together weekly to practice and keep in touch. The recording we are going to do is very limited production – for the Twins and for oiur personal collection.

    So, there is the background

    • Jürgen

      09/12/2021 at 18:42

      A very nice idea to bring the generations together like this, Will.

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/12/2021 at 05:10

    Groovy Stuff going on there Will ….????????

  • Walter Music

    10/12/2021 at 11:56

    Thanks to you and your band mates for their Service!! I was in the 82nd from 72-76. What a way to give back. We play just for the pure joy of playing. My voice has become a little rattled but when it comes to Rock N Roll, it hangs in there. We also play 60′ and 70’s Rock. I can remember when I was a Private, I sat there in the barracks playing my guitar every night because, I believe I made about $300.00 a month so I couldn’t do anything else but when I when I found a few other musician’s it was great!!!! Rock N Roll will never die!!!! Whatever songs you decide on I am sure you will be great!!! Are you living in the states? When I get down or just a little Blue, I pick up the guitar and it changes my mood!! Way to go Will!!!!!!!!!!

  • Walter Music

    10/12/2021 at 12:03

    I forgot the Doobie Brothers were always a go to Band with great songs, so Listen to the Music would be a song to play. Sorry for rambling!! I really admire what you’re doing!!!!!

  • Johnnypee Parker

    11/12/2021 at 02:21

    The Inclusion Jam Project sounds very kool. IHave you considered doing something obscure or unexpected for the B side? Do you have any songs that the band likes to jam on for their own joy?

    I love that you’re bringing music to the kids. You are definitely an asset to your community.

    Thank you all for your service. My son is a Tech Sergeant in the USAF. We are thrilled that he is home for a short visit. Between Covid and his deployments, we hadn’t seen him for two years. We have all been testing the “hugged to death” theory. I think he’ll survive.


    Anyways, I got a little off topic. If age is just a number, I am gonna be nineteen forever


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